Too weird for words.....

Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
If this hadn't happened to me I'd think it was a joke. My nearly 18 year old daughter and I live in an apartment. It's a good apartment, very secure building, and the management is awesome. Yesterday my daughter got home from school at 2:15. She was tired so went to have a nap at 3. She woke up just after 6. She texted me (I was on my way home from work) that when she had gotten up she went to the bathroom and there was urine in the toilet. No toilet paper. To me this means man pee. She said she had gone to the bathroom and flushed before having her nap. Did I know if anyone had been there? My bf lives with us, and he leaves at 12:30 pm to leave for his shift. I called to ask if he'd come home for some reason and left again. No he hadn't. When I got home, we discussed it and she said that a month ago she had found urine in the toilet when coming home from school, and also last week. She just assumed he forgot to flush (he never forgets). I called management to ask if someone had needed to get in for any reason, that I didn't care about the law or anything, just needed to know if I was justified in being worried that a stranger had come in. They had not been in. They also said they change the locks whenever a new tenant moves in. We've been there since last June. I have filled out a work order to have the lock changed. This means someone with a key came in between 3 and 6 while my daughter was sleeping. And peed in our toilet. Sooooo....what the hell? Never mind someone having a key somehow...why go in and pee???? Any thoughts??? The more I think about it, the more angry I get. She was vulnerable those 3 hours while sleeping. Anything could have happened.


  • JnK619
    JnK619 Posts: 320
    Thats very odd, and creepy. U gotta let us know if u ever figure this out.

    Also, put in a camera
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    The lock will be changed tomorrow, and I'm also getting a chain lock so my daughter feels safe. Right now she's home alone until I get there, but I showed her how to stack empty cans so that if that door moves even a smidge the cans will topple and make a hell of a noise. The peeing in the toilet part totally befuddles me. We have not given out a key to anyone. Nothing has been taken. I think management think I'm off my rocker, because it's just too bizarre.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Yep - I'd get one of those "Nanny Cams" (camera hidden in a teddy bear or something). That would very much freak me out.

    I hope you get to the bottom of it.
    DJMIKEY1 Posts: 523 Member
    Do they have maintenance people with master keys?
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    OMG creepy! I'd be putting in a camera or some kind of trap like a piece of tape over the door or something! Keep us posted!
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Do they have maintenance people with master keys?

    yes, that's why I called last night when I got home. There are three people that manage the building, one of them does the maintenance. They have never come in without notice, and frankly I wouldn't care if they needed to come in, I just needed to know for sure that nobody had and I wasn't freaking for no reason lol. And as Ray (mgr I was speaking to) said, they all live in the building and have their own toilets lol. I made up a letter that I put with the work order for the new lock so that it would be on record what happened. There are cameras everywhere except in the hallways from the 2nd floor up. I'm on the 7th floor.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Could it be your daughter peed and forgot, because she was groggy? And didnt flush because she was half asleep? Or even sleepwalking?
  • Oldtimer_65
    I lived in an apartment complex once and kept seeing evidence that someone was coming into my apartment, pretty regularly when I was not home. I paid a locksmith to come change the locks on my door, so only I had one. Then when I moved out, I gave my key to the management and told them what I had done. They had to know because they could no longer get in, but they never said anything.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Could it be your daughter peed and forgot, because she was groggy? And didnt flush because she was half asleep? Or even sleepwalking?
    I was thinking this, but didn't want to say it, in case there's something worse going on...
    I've gotten up, let my ex inside.. Then gone back to sleep and forgotten I let his butt in.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Could it be your daughter peed and forgot, because she was groggy? And didnt flush because she was half asleep? Or even sleepwalking?
    I was thinking this, but didn't want to say it, in case there's something worse going on...
    I've gotten up, let my ex inside.. Then gone back to sleep and forgotten I let his butt in.

    We thought of that too. women will know, you NEVER forget to wipe. And not to be gross, it's that time of the month for her, and she really would not have been able to pee and not wipe and leave evidence in the toilet.
    Funny thing is she mentioned that whoever it is must be very dehydrated because the pee was very yellow lol.
  • brandiegirl16
    brandiegirl16 Posts: 372 Member
    do you have any pets... i know this sounds strange.. but my friends cat used to use the toilet if the seat was left up
  • golfmanwl
    golfmanwl Posts: 69
    Set up a cam, and find out what's what. Too important not to.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    We have 3 cats, but they only play in the bathtub. If it happens again after the lock is changed I'll see about getting a nanny cam. They're afraid of the toilet lol. The noise of the flush I think makes them wary of it.