Ladies - Let's do this!



  • LCsmom12
    LCsmom12 Posts: 7 Member
    I like your attitude!! I'm going to add you :)
  • I would like to join as well! Feel free to add me, need positivism and motivation!
  • you can totally have a bad weekend! might as well if you're out lol but that's just me! I'm just the type that if I deprive myself of bad food... I will fall off the wagon and binge eat like a weirdo. so......anything is ok in moderation and if portioned well!
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    I've been weighing in on Thursdays too!!! (Although I cheat and weigh myself a lot more, but only count my Thursday weigh-ins as the real deal!) I started out end of January/beginning of February... Its difficult living in chicago and having a social life to keep at the strict 1200 calorie diet... But I am doing my best. I have 38 calories I want to lose and currently lost about 3 since starting... I have a wedding I'll be in the bridal party in May and summer is not too far and I live in walking distance of the beach to not take advantage of!
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    you can totally have a bad weekend! might as well if you're out lol but that's just me! I'm just the type that if I deprive myself of bad food... I will fall off the wagon and binge eat like a weirdo. so......anything is ok in moderation and if portioned well!

    I'm one of those people that can eat one bad meal and be up 6-8 pounds the next day and I KNOW it's water weight but it just gets me down. So if I don't weigh until April first then I'll have a little time to recover :)
    I should be ok with the low cal snacks I have. I'm just exited to get out of town and to get to buy some smaller pants!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    you can totally have a bad weekend! might as well if you're out lol but that's just me! I'm just the type that if I deprive myself of bad food... I will fall off the wagon and binge eat like a weirdo. so......anything is ok in moderation and if portioned well!

    I'm one of those people that can eat one bad meal and be up 6-8 pounds the next day and I KNOW it's water weight but it just gets me down. So if I don't weigh until April first then I'll have a little time to recover :)
    I should be ok with the low cal snacks I have. I'm just exited to get out of town and to get to buy some smaller pants!

    I think weighing in every day can turn the scale into your own worst enemy...especially for reasons like that. I know that it's easier said than done but the number on the scale shouldn't negate whether we feel good about ourselves. We should feel good because we feel comfortable in our own skin and because we fit into our jeans better and because we made it a cheat meal rather than a cheat day. I think that's it's important to recognize and celebrate each and every victory :drinker: matter how big or small. But also be aware of your downfalls :noway: because we are always going to have them but learning from them and having the ability to move forward is key. We'll absolutely get this down but we are bound to have ups and downs on this journey.
  • Would love to join - feel free to add me :)
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I'm in I weigh in on Mondays for a challenge at work but I would love the support and accountability everyday.

    SW- 250.8
    CW- 250.8
    GW- 170
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm in! My trainer said that 5 lb. increments are how she recommends people set their short term goals, so I am all for supporting one another while we work towards it! Feel free to add me! I am a Thursday weigh-in as well!
  • xfrlss22
    xfrlss22 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in too! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • ealibrando
    ealibrando Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for motivating friends too, please add me! :-)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    What are you going to do to stay on track through the weekend?
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Down a couple more pounds!!

    SW- 250.8
    CW- 244.4
    GW- 170
  • I'm in need all the support I can get, my husband cheated on me my self esteem is at AN all time low so I want to lose weight and feel good about myself good luck everyone xx
  • ziakins
    ziakins Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in too. I'm down 13kg since september. Weight loss is really slow now. Ideally I want to be at my goal weight within 6 - 8 weeks (lose a further 8-10 kg).

    Feel free to add me, havent been logging my food recently but I am starting again to make sure I know where I am going wrong.

    Good luck :)
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    YES YES YES add me too!!

    My weigh in days are Mondays. I do log even my cheat or bad days. Overall I feel better than I ever have , more confident in how i look and able to tie my shoe without passing out so I consider that a win!!

    January had lots of binge eating on weekends but since February I have lost 6 lbs by addign spinning and rowing to my workouts.

    We are doing this for real this time ladies !!!!

  • Dassante711
    Dassante711 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love some motivation!! I've always had issues with my weight. Now after 2 kids, I'm finding it harder and harder to stay motivated. I'm home all day with the kids and I pick and pick and pick..
    I know I can do this, it's just easier when someone's doing it with you!
  • tgonz99
    tgonz99 Posts: 1
    I'm husband started training me a few weeks ago, although I only need to loose 10 pounds it feels like a lot. My main concern is getting into shape and feeling good about myself. Need all the support I can get.
  • asiantaye
    asiantaye Posts: 26
    Looking forward to the support!! I have 28 pounds to go to reach my goal! Thanks so much for your post. We can do this, :-)
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm in! These last pounds are going to be difficult... But I'm sooo done with them, just like I am with winter!