Eating the same meals every day w/ multivitamin?

After planning my meals for a few days, I've come up with a set of meals that works really well to keep me right at my daily caloric intake and macro needs, so I'm wondering if there's any reason I shouldn't eat these same meals every day while taking a multivitamin to make sure I get my micronutrients. Thoughts are appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Other than boredom?

    If you are meeting your nutritional requirements, that is all that matters ultimately...but damn that would be incredibly boring.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    It would be hard just with a multi vitamin to meet all your nutritional needs in the long run if you really were eating the identical thing each day. I would suggest having a few go to meals that you can sub out like a healthy stir fry that switches up what fresh veggies are used, even then subbing 2 cups of one mix of veggies for another would work out similarly in calories, if you are worried about having to figure that out daily. Also like previously stated the boredom would get to you and make it that much harder to resist temptations in other not so healthy foods.

    In my experience I am more likely to enjoy meals and stick with healthy eating if I mix it up. On top of that I definitely feel healthier when I get a variety of nutrients from my food not just a bottle of pills.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Other than boredom?

    If you are meeting your nutritional requirements, that is all that matters ultimately...but damn that would be incredibly boring.


    Personally I couldn't do it, I like food and I'd get bored eating the same thing over and over again. My cousin employed this strategy, and after about three months he fell off the wagon. He just hopped back on for his third attempt, but the wheels are already getting wobbly. Food should be enjoyed, otherwise you risk failure.

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    For how long? 2 months? 2 years?
  • shawnreisner
    shawnreisner Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I must be weird, because I honestly feel like I could eat the same things every day, although who knows if that will change in a week or two. I think what I'll do instead is, as suggested by maroonmango21, have a few go to meals that I know I can mix and match to meet my requirements every day. That will diversify my micronutrients as well as the flavor from the foods. On top of that I may still take a multivitamin to make sure I'm still getting all those micros.
  • shawnreisner
    shawnreisner Posts: 15 Member
    In terms of duration, probably for a few months at least. Not more than 4 - 6 months I suppose. I'm cutting weight and calorie counting gets tedious trying to come out even by the end of the day.
  • Laura87_
    Laura87_ Posts: 12
    I eat the same kind of stuff often, but I have a few different varieties so I don't get bored. I'm not focused on macros, though. I concentrate on calories for now.

    Maybe spend one evening looking for different foods to fit your macros, so you have a bit more variety? Maybe 3 breakfast options and the same for lunch, dinner and snacks.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I eat the same thing most weekdays and change it up on the weekends. I don't get bored, and it's fine nutritionally as long as the meals themselves are varied (like, not just chicken & broccoli 3 times per day).

    Here's mine:
    * Protein shake with milk & banana
    * chicken caesar salads
    * strawberries or pears
    * hard-boiled eggs
    * chili

    Sometimes I'll have fish or a chicken breast with asparagus or broccoli.

    I agree that eating the same things all the time makes it very easy to stay under calories. It also makes it easier to shop and cook in bulk.