Strength Training....w t f?



  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    Cardio is basically a waste of time, since our bodies are designed to sprint and not jog (if you had to escape a burning building, sprinting is the way to go, not jogging).

    You've got that backward. Humans are endurance machines. If you compare our strengths against the animal kingdom, we are not particularly strong or fast. But we can outlast any other animal. In our hunter/gatherer days, we stalked animals that were faster, eventually wearing them down until they could run no more, then closed in for the kill.

    We might sprint from a burning building or a charging lion because we have no other choice, but as a species we excel at endurance running.
  • DJManos
    DJManos Posts: 220
    You just got to take on an "I don't care what anyone thinks" attitude and do it.
    This more than anything else....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Cardio is basically a waste of time, since our bodies are designed to sprint and not jog (if you had to escape a burning building, sprinting is the way to go, not jogging).

    You've got that backward. Humans are endurance machines. If you compare our strengths against the animal kingdom, we are not particularly strong or fast. But we can outlast any other animal. In our hunter/gatherer days, we stalked animals that were faster, eventually wearing them down until they could run no more, then closed in for the kill.

    We might sprint from a burning building or a charging lion because we have no other choice, but as a species we excel at endurance running.

    someone told me we weren't designed to run from an evolutionary stand point (I mean generic running- not sprinting or jogging- just the gate faster than a walk)

    I totally LOLed- thank god we can do both.
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Like everyone says-- Just ask an employee to show and demonstrate the machines. I don't know about Planet Fitness, but at most places that's their JOB. So make them do their job. Tell them you want to learn a series of 8 or 10 machines that will work all the major muscle groups. (Most places have a "line" of machines for this purpose.) Ask them to show you the right seat settings for you, and to help you pick the right weights. Bring pencil and paper and take notes.

    I always do cardio after weights. I've tried the other way, but the cardio always tires me out enough so I'm not very motivated with the weights.

    I've done regular gym time for the past 30 (yikes) years and no matter what new things I try, I always go back to the same routine. This routine consists of approx. 10 machines- starting with the leg machines, then the upper body, then abs and lower back. Then 20 to 30 minutes on the bike or treadmill or stair-stepper. I do one set of 8 to 12 reps on each machine. If I can manage more than 12 reps, I increase the weight. I carry a little chart with me to keep track of the weights and reps, so I always know what I did the last time.
    This routine has always given me good results and it is simple and short enough that I actually will do it.

    If you're just getting started, I think the machines are a good way to go because they are systematic. Most important, just get in there and DO SOMETHING-- whatever works for you. And don't worry about what other people think -- it's not your problem, and anyhow generally they are too focused on their workout to care.
  • chichi2130
    chichi2130 Posts: 65 Member
    If you aren't comfortable asking for help, I'd just recommend heading towards the machines rather than the free weight area. I've been to 2 PF locations and they both have the machines sort of grouped together - a section each for legs, arms, and abs/back. If you go over and look at the machines, there are pictures of which muscle groups are worked and there are even instructions right on the machine.

    I personally prefer to do weights when the gym is a little emptier so there aren't people walking around me and/or waiting for me to finish.

    You can do it!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    my answer would be to ask someone who works at the gym to give you a walk around of all the machines! once you do it a few times you'll get over the awkwardness!!!

    not to take over your post but i have a question too related to this!!


    Weights before cardio.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,302 Member
    before this thread reaches page 3....cardio then weights and some days the opposite, depends on what body parts I'll lift and what type of cardio I'm doing.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    There are no buff dudes at planet fitness, that gym discriminates against them.

    This is not true. Also, you can set up an appointment to meet with the trainer for free. I was doing All Pro when I started going to Planet Fitness, but since I needed fractionals, the trainer wrote up a 3 day split for me, and believe it or not, he didn't tell me I couldn't do deadlifts! *gasp* You can do pretty much any program there, it's just a matter of the limited weights on the free weights. Barbells only go up to 60, and I think it's the same for dumbbells, which get harder to hold the heavier you go. I'm usually the only girl in the weight room, but I got over it.