Need 100 pound loss friends, please

daria225 Posts: 15 Member

I am looking for friends on MFP who have lost, need to lose, or are in the process of losing 80-100+ pounds. I am motivation driven and am sick and tired of being....well, sick and tired. I have started losing weight so many times over but then I lose motivation. I am determined to make this my last time starting.

I really like to read food diaries to get meal ideas or to get back on track and I find it extremely inspirational when I see people who are/were my size to be losing. Although I have been on MFP for a very long time, I haven't added people I don't really know, perhaps it's shame, perhaps it's shyness, perhaps I have gotten too used to living behind the shell of a confident, intelligent business woman...I haven't wanted to appear weak before but I have reached rock bottom and am scaling my way out. For me, it's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy and, right now, I'm not.

Please add me if you would like :smile: Thank you


  • holleysgirl
    holleysgirl Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there!

    I could have written this myself *sigh*

    My big goal is to get under 200 lbs. I have been waffling around off and on the weight loss wagon for a long time. I decided it was time to stop when I saw the scale tip over that 300 lb mark. Not sure how I thought just under that was ok, but somehow that 300 number alarmed me somewhat.

    I too have been using the application for a while, even before I really started trying to lose weight because I was curious about how it all worked. I have now decided that perhaps having that contact with others in the same boat may make my experience more full and help me to be motivated by other people going through the same struggles as I have been having.

    So, lets be friends! :)
  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    I accepted your friend request. I used this app a long time ago and never tried to get friends or participate in the forums. That was a mistake. This time around I have a lot of MFP friends and everyone has been really great and supportive. It has helped so much. I hope you find that to be true for you too!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    I got on the scale at the Dr's January 2nd and just about fainted when it read 270 lbs... made a decision right then and there to get this under control and get my weight back down to a reasonable value (somewhere south of 200 lbs) .

    I am highly motivated and consistent in my eating and workouts - I log in every day and do some sort of exercise every day!

    Feel free to add me to your friend list!
  • karenrtt
    karenrtt Posts: 1
    Hi, I feel like I have been losing weight forever. I lost and gained 100 pounds and now have to do it all over again. People in your life get so fed up talking about weight and weight loss. I am happy for the community. I have lost so far 35 lbs. I had plateaud but then found this app and I have started losing weight again. 100 lbs is such a big goal. I couldn't believe I was up over 250 again. We're here to help each other right?
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I accepted your friend request and I'm excited to join you on your journey. I think we have pretty close to the same stats so this will be something we can do together and celebrate each others milestones and be there for those bad days.

    SW- 250.8
    CW- 250.8
    GW- 170
  • nokitchen
    nokitchen Posts: 18 Member
    I I just joined this site. I haven't even decided how much weight I want to lose. The charts say I should lose around 90 to 100 from my current 255 but frankly I felt my best back when I weighed about 180, a loss of "only" 75 pounds. :-) As you are, I'm a lot more focused on health than a weight number. Later I'll decide on the number, how much muscle I want, etc. For now I just want to simultaneously lose weight and gain energy. My motivation isn't even health, directly. Its the things I can't really do at my current health and weight that I want to do, like long-distance (multi-day) hikes, scuba diving, etc. Is it to risque for the forum that I'd like to improve my sexy time with my loved one too?

    You definitely don't want to look at my food diary, at least not yet. I'm not really on a specific diet yet; I'm just tracking what I'm eating to see where I have to improve. Later today I'll have a post somewhere wondering about the veracity of the tracking tool; it seems to be underestimating calories to some extent.

    At any rate, I've sent you a friend request. I hope we can lose some weight together.
  • daria225
    daria225 Posts: 15 Member
    I agree, it's been years since I've started and have never participated. Today's a good day to start :) Thank you for accepting, I know that everything is easier in numbers and, sometimes, it's highly motivational just to see someone else have a small success. This needs to work or I don't know what else will.
  • DoctorMcCoy10
    DoctorMcCoy10 Posts: 101 Member
    I would love to have some friends with the same amount to lose also : ) I need to lose 90 - 100 in the long run. Just got re-started and like you I never really added anyone either. Maybe this will help. Good Luck and anyone feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I am looking to lose 100 pounds too. I was doing so good a week ago, but as soon as I get tired or have a hard day I reward myself with food and relaxing on the couch watching tv. I haven't worked out in a week and I think I'm eating more junk food than before!

    I'm looking for a support system of people who I can hold myself accountable too. Please friend me and I'll be glad to help you in any way I can :smile:

    Also to the people who are powering through the I want junk food and don't want to work out: how do you overcome the temptation?

    Love the positive people on here. Have a great day everyone!
  • adrake611
    adrake611 Posts: 18 Member
    I have about 100 lbs to lose. I lost 40 lbs once and then gained it all back from stress in my crazy life. I set my diary to public to help hold me accountable. I also find that the more friends I have, the more I stay on track. This time I want to take the weight off and keep it off!
  • onleethestrong
    onleethestrong Posts: 44 Member
    Hey! I've lost about 45 lbs so far, 35 of those since I came back to MFP, with a total goal of about 170....I log daily, have an open diary, and believe that I WILL be successful this time! I'm happy to have more active friends! Feel free to send me a friend request (Just put something in the message, as I don't accept blank requests, have run into a few "interesting" characters that way!)
  • I need to lose 50lbs. Feel free to add me if you like:)
  • jennwild
    jennwild Posts: 6 Member
    I also have about 100 pounds to lose. I am 5'1" and am currently at 226 lbs. I have been following a 1200 calorie diet and tracking my calories on MFP for a little more than a month now. I have lost about 13 pounds so far, but have a long way to go. I have some great friends now but could always use more to provide me with motivation and support. I will do the same for you. I have found it helpful to look at other diaries to find meal ideas to help me stay within my 1200 calories. Anyone can feel free to add me if you would like.
  • dempseymom4
    dempseymom4 Posts: 35 Member
    I need to lose 123 lbs to get to my goal weight of 120 lbs and have lost 29lbs since the 1st of January. Myfitnesspal has been my greatest motivator with the friends I have found on here that have already completed the journey or are in the midst of it like myself. Feel free to add me.
  • Kaibrosky
    Kaibrosky Posts: 24
    If any of you would like to friend me I am always looking for some new ones for support motivation and ideas as to what to do. I too have tried many times to lose weight and just give up because I was doing it alone. I have found MFP sensational for finding supportive people going through this journey. My ultimate goal is to get to 140 which I can honestly say I have not seen since my high school years, but 4 children, and 25 years later sitting at 260lbs I knew now was the time to start. I have been at this for a little over two weeks but more consistently this last week and have lost 2lbs so far. Hope to hear from some of you soon.
  • send2thea
    send2thea Posts: 34 Member
    I hear my own story in all of your words. Let's support each other! I have failed too many times before because I was doing it alone with no support at home or otherwise and it's just too easy to give in and give up that way. Only we ourselves can make it happen but I think we also need our own little cheering section to keep us motivated. So please add me if you're just reading this and I'm going to send a friend request out to all those that have replied so far. :-) Thanks & have a great day! Thea
  • Lately I've noticed all of my friends who HAVE done it being a lot of inspiration for me. All the times I gave up...becuse of stress, time, emotional eating, or whatever led me to just give in, someone stuck it out and made it that much closer to their goal. I also now have 3 friends who have had a bypass surgery and I'm terrified to go that route. I need to loose 120 more; I've lost 20. I believe the "friend" element is really the ticket. Another poster mentioned how our friends and family get tired of talking about weight. Ah! But we NEED to talk about it to stay on track. Introduce: New weight loss buddies. Woot. :)
  • mythopoeic
    mythopoeic Posts: 24 Member
    I sent you a friend request. This past year I lost 80 pounds. I want to lose 10 more and will help with encouragement.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I'm still losing - halfway to my goal (although I seem to have been maintaining forever and really need to find the motivation to carry on).
    You'll get there. Small baby steps that get bigger as you get smaller. x
  • tasha_rena
    tasha_rena Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there. I started at 279 - my highest was 289 and, honestly, I'm sure I got higher than that but was never brave enough to get on a scale - but, through Weight Watchers (60lbs) and then MFP (50lbs) I am now 170. I was morbidly obese my whole memory, from puberty on, and never thought it was possible for me to lose any weight at all. I eat whatever I want - I just work in into my calories (I had Taco Bell for dinner yesterday, and oreos today) but I also keep myself away from anything that's a trigger food (for instance, I only have pizza when I go out, or when my portions are otherwise limited so I don't eat the whole thing!)
  • Hello,

    I have 100+ pounds to lose and I just started back over. I was doing great for about 40 days and then went back into my old ways for a week. I want to be more consistent and stay on track, anyone that would like to be friends could add me. I need some accountability buddies besides my husband lol.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Feel free to add me--I've lost quite a bit, but still have 40-50 lbs to go. I log in everyday and am committed to being here for the long haul. I'm only losing 1-2 pounds a month lately, but just plugging along. :happy:
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    Initially I was going for 227--> 125 as that's healthy BMI range for me. But after reading posts and seeing before/after pics I'm probably looking at 130-140 tops (although may be higher as just started weights & resistance training). So mine would have been 100lb but now 80-90 (and lost 11 already so on my way!). Feel free to add me I log in every day & diary is open.
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    Would love to be friends with anyone here - I have similar weight-loss goals and do my best to log in every day and support my friends here. :smile:

    Edit to add: My diary is open to my friends - it's a new step for me, but I like the accountability, plus I know how much I like perusing my friends' diaries for good food/meal ideas!
  • fam04
    fam04 Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me....I started my weight lost regime in February 2014 with a total of 86 pounds to lose. I have lost six pounds since my first weigh in March 2014. I would love to give and receive ideas on how to lose weight and motivate. I log into MFP everyday and have a couple of friends getting on for the extra motivation. The more the merry. :smile:
  • iamuniqueiam
    iamuniqueiam Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm initially trying to lose 90 pounds to get under that 200 mark but losing 130-140 would be even better. It seems like such a long road but I'm trying to take it day by day. I keep my diary open and log every day.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Still have 89 to go...on here pretty consistently...sent you an FR, add me if you'd like

    You might also check the groups for the "100+ pounds to lose" group.
  • eawog
    eawog Posts: 4 Member
    About 3 years ago I hot my all time low and weighed around 265. I have slowly losing it and even joined a gym recently and so far i'm down about 50lbs but still need to lose another 60lbs or so...I love how supportive everyone is on here.
  • debbiedoeshealth
    debbiedoeshealth Posts: 97 Member
    i'm here. Need to lose around 130 - 150 pounds. I have just let so much pass me by. I have had so many false starts. I need to do this now. For myself, my health, for my kids and for my marriage. I have a long road ahead of me but as the quote goes "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone. Always in need of new friends. :smile: