Want to eat & Not even hungry

I don't know if this is a matter of depriving myself for a while or just feeling of giving up since I haven't seen improvements in two months.. but I need some motivation to not lose sight of why I'm doing this.


  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    Don't deprive yourself of the foods you love, just eat reasonable amounts, weigh your food, and keep track of it in your diary. Have a reasonable deficit, you only have a goal of 8 lb's to lose so try a deficit of -1/2 pound a week.

    Try some strength training as well, I've seen so many post on the results people get :)

    edit: if you do strength training ( or switch any exercise routine really, there will be some water retention for awhile, it will go away though)
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Don't you dare give up!

    Tell me... what made you start this in the first place? Can you describe it? Was it something that set you off? A way you felt? Tell me about it in as much detail as you can... try to remember the feeling you had when you decided to begin.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Yes I've been doing strength training since beginning of January and I know I've gotten stronger but results are not visible. I've just been thinking lately.. screw it! If Its been two months with stalled results its getting hard to say no to what I actually want to eat more... I mean I haven't been depriving myself but I feel a binge coming on and I really don't want to do that
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Don't you dare give up!

    Tell me... what made you start this in the first place? Can you describe it? Was it something that set you off? A way you felt? Tell me about it in as much detail as you can... try to remember the feeling you had when you decided to begin.

    I remember always wishing to have an amazing body... even though I was always pretty pleased with mine... pleased enough to still be confident at least. Until I went to the doctor last May and I weighed in at 139.... and I had never been that heavy! I started to notice I looked thick and my self esteem took a hit. I wanted to just look hot and amazing for my boyfriend (now fiancé) and just really love being a woman and being able to be really sexy...so I started working at it. Joined a gym... when I wasn't seeing results with the gym I knew I had to change my diet (especially cus of my desk job) and I worked hard and lost 15 lbs! SO proud of myself.... so very very proud :) But that has come to a halt and I know everyone goes through this but I just feel like maybe I'm not capable of losing anymore.. I just don't know. sigh.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Your been depriving yourself of good health by bad eating habits that have caused you to gain weight so why do you think you are depriving yourself by doing what is necessary to be healthy? Weight loss is all about choices...we either choose to do what is necessary to loose weight or we choose not to and suffer the consequences. Cravings last about 20 minutes and they never have to be given into.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Don't you dare give up!

    I remember always wishing to have an amazing body... even though I was always pretty pleased with mine... pleased enough to still be confident at least. Until I went to the doctor last May and I weighed in at 139.... and I had never been that heavy! I started to notice I looked thick and my self esteem took a hit.
    I know everyone goes through this but I just feel like maybe I'm not capable of losing anymore.. I just don't know. sigh.

    You appear pretty young in your photos so you might need to be told that most young people have a pretty amazing body (ask anyone who's over 40 lol) and as you go through adulthood there are going to be inevitable changes. Sounds like you were still pretty confident & happy with yourself and your strength gains from weight training UNTIL you heard that # from the doc - THEN you started to 'notice' you were looking thick. Ask yourself why you didn't feel that way before May?
    You do realize that you will likely weigh more when you lift weights but you will get an amazing body composition compared to someone who is just inherently skinny. You will stay firm and energized and healthy in & out. Why worry about a number. Are you still in your healthy doctor supervised guidelines? Do you have other non-weight number positives like your measurements, energy levels, mental health, body composition. You need to look at these other things too.
    Think about it, because I'll tell you now, it only gets harder to be happy if you can't come to terms with changes in your body through your adult life journey. I'm not talking about trying to be the best you can be, I'm talking about comparing yourself with 5 years ago (or 10 or 20 or 30 years ago for some of us.)

    Don't give up or give in to emotional eating, it hits all of us once in a while and it will pass. Do something you really enjoy that's not food related when you get those feelings, put on loud music and dance, take the dog out for a run, read a good book, rent a funny movie and watch with friends, phone someone who can empathize, paint your nails, try a new hairstyle (not necessarily a cut or colour). Lot's of ideas - think outside the box.

    Best wishes to you & hang in there.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Your been depriving yourself of good health by bad eating habits that have caused you to gain weight so why do you think you are depriving yourself by doing what is necessary to be healthy? Weight loss is all about choices...we either choose to do what is necessary to loose weight or we choose not to and suffer the consequences. Cravings last about 20 minutes and they never have to be given into.

    Very true
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Don't you dare give up!

    I remember always wishing to have an amazing body... even though I was always pretty pleased with mine... pleased enough to still be confident at least. Until I went to the doctor last May and I weighed in at 139.... and I had never been that heavy! I started to notice I looked thick and my self esteem took a hit.
    I know everyone goes through this but I just feel like maybe I'm not capable of losing anymore.. I just don't know. sigh.

    You appear pretty young in your photos so you might need to be told that most young people have a pretty amazing body (ask anyone who's over 40 lol) and as you go through adulthood there are going to be inevitable changes. Sounds like you were still pretty confident & happy with yourself and your strength gains from weight training UNTIL you heard that # from the doc - THEN you started to 'notice' you were looking thick. Ask yourself why you didn't feel that way before May?
    You do realize that you will likely weigh more when you lift weights but you will get an amazing body composition compared to someone who is just inherently skinny. You will stay firm and energized and healthy in & out. Why worry about a number. Are you still in your healthy doctor supervised guidelines? Do you have other non-weight number positives like your measurements, energy levels, mental health, body composition. You need to look at these other things too.
    Think about it, because I'll tell you now, it only gets harder to be happy if you can't come to terms with changes in your body through your adult life journey. I'm not talking about trying to be the best you can be, I'm talking about comparing yourself with 5 years ago (or 10 or 20 or 30 years ago for some of us.)

    Don't give up or give in to emotional eating, it hits all of us once in a while and it will pass. Do something you really enjoy that's not food related when you get those feelings, put on loud music and dance, take the dog out for a run, read a good book, rent a funny movie and watch with friends, phone someone who can empathize, paint your nails, try a new hairstyle (not necessarily a cut or colour). Lot's of ideas - think outside the box.

    Best wishes to you & hang in there.

    thank yoU! I do feel a lot better... but no I wasn't exercising or eating right before May.. the weight I had gained was not from strength training. I just started strength training a couple months ago. But thanks for the rest of the encouragement and support..... you're right I suppose if I read a book or play with my puppy it'll zap the ice cream cake cravings....
  • cd0326
    cd0326 Posts: 5
    Sometimes if I want to eat when I"m not really hungry, I'll do something like go for a walk, make a list of things I like about my body or myself, or do some yoga and it refocuses me. The endorphins from those positive activities counteract whatever feelings I was having, and I realize I wasn't even really hungry. Maybe that could help :)
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Everything said here is true. You can't deprive yourself of the things you like, you just have to find a way to incorporate them into your overall healthy eating plan. For example, I have date night on Friday night with my husband so I always plan accordingly on Friday's to allow for higher calories that night e.g., eating out and dessert :) I look at daily calories but I look more at weekly calories which helps and make sure that 90% of your food choices are healthy ones. That way an occassional snack or indulgence won't derail you. Just don't give up... you're heading in the right direction and it's the times we feel like giving up and giving in when you see progress.

    Yes, avoid the cravings and/or emotional eating by doing something active... working out always helps me. Even if I don't feel like working out, I put on my gym clothes and that motivates me. I mean I am already changed so... All good suggestions there. Read a book, get into a good movie, go for a walk, dance (I like to crank the tunes and dance around my house like a fool haha), take a drive or even just start writing about how you feel until the feeling passes.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Everything said here is true. You can't deprive yourself of the things you like, you just have to find a way to incorporate them into your overall healthy eating plan. For example, I have date night on Friday night with my husband so I always plan accordingly on Friday's to allow for higher calories that night e.g., eating out and dessert :) I look at daily calories but I look more at weekly calories which helps and make sure that 90% of your food choices are healthy ones. That way an occassional snack or indulgence won't derail you. Just don't give up... you're heading in the right direction and it's the times we feel like giving up and giving in when you see progress.

    Yes, avoid the cravings and/or emotional eating by doing something active... working out always helps me. Even if I don't feel like working out, I put on my gym clothes and that motivates me. I mean I am already changed so... All good suggestions there. Read a book, get into a good movie, go for a walk, dance (I like to crank the tunes and dance around my house like a fool haha), take a drive or even just start writing about how you feel until the feeling passes.

    these are all great suggestions :) ok ok I can do this! (but it is really hard when my future mother in law is constantly making unhealthy dinners and I don't wanna be rude and not eat...but I try to have mostly veggies. I live with her so it makes it hard)
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Sometimes if I want to eat when I"m not really hungry, I'll do something like go for a walk, make a list of things I like about my body or myself, or do some yoga and it refocuses me. The endorphins from those positive activities counteract whatever feelings I was having, and I realize I wasn't even really hungry. Maybe that could help :)

    that sounds like something I could try :)