Goal weight?

Ok, I had to create a new account because the MFP app didn't want to work for me under my other username.

Anyway! As I was signing up, I realised something. I have NO IDEA what I want my goal weight to be.

I am (ugh) 364lbs right now, down 27lbs since January 1st when I started at (bigger ugh) 391lbs. I want to get down to a normal weight, but I'm not sure if I'm setting myself up for failure by aiming too low?

I'm about 5'5 and I would love to weigh around 125-130lbs, but that means I need to lose almost 250lbs and that's incredibly intimidating! I have toyed with the idea of setting my goal weight anywhere between 150lbs which would give me a BMI of 25 which is just on the overweight side, up to 180lbs because I suspect I may have a lot of loose skin which will account for some extra weight.

Oddly enough, deciding on a goal weight is more stressful to me than sticking to a calorie deficit. So, does anyone have any ideas? I know it's a personal decision, but maybe someone has some insight they could share.


  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I thought back to when I think I looked the best ( not what I thought of myself at the time). And set that as my goal, which is 130. I have weighed less in highschool, but I didn't reach that healthfully, so I dodn't wan't to set that as my goal.

    And I am giving myself a long time to reach that goal, I'll be 29 in 2 months, so I decided what better goal than to reach 130 pounds by the time I'm 30?
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I think you're on the right track by aiming for a goal weight that is in the healthy/slightly above range listed for your height on the BMI charts. As you get closer to your goal, you can always re-evaluate and decide if you want to go higher or lower. Don't stress out about it though. :)

    There are so many people here who have had amazing results with MFP and have been able to lose a lot of weight. It takes time and dedication, but you can do it. Read through the Success stories pages for some motivation and inspiration!

    Congrats on your success to date!
  • Laura87_
    Laura87_ Posts: 12
    Thank you!

    I've set my goal weight at 165 for now. I think that's a reasonable weight, while still giving me room to either lose some more weight or tone up. Plus, considering my current weight, having less than 200lbs to lose to reach that goal is a motivation in itself. Having over 200lbs to lose is depressing. Ah, the power in just a couple of lbs, lol.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    You can do it. :) Just take it slow and steady and one day at a time. If you haven't seen it already, check out CyberEd312's story. He's lost over 300 pounds on MFP and looks amazing. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1103164-3-yrs-312lbs-lost-1yr-from-bodylift-and-maintenance
  • ef21178
    ef21178 Posts: 25 Member
    If thinking of a specific number gives you anxiety, it might help to not necessarily have a specific end number. Instead, maybe take smaller steps. Give yourself an attainable goal such as "I'm going to lose 5 lbs this month". I know it helps me not to get overwhelmed with big goals when I break them down into small achievable ones. Good luck!
  • tenathequeena
    I think it's a good idea to choose a goal weight that's on the higher side for your frame. Once you reach your goal, you can always adjust.
  • nataliebrooke89
    nataliebrooke89 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't have a goal weight either! All I know is I need to lose weight! I am 5'11 and weigh in the low 200s. I've put on at lease 50 pounds over the last two years due to high stress in my life. I have completely lost motivation to work out or to even try. My BMI tells me that I'm over weight, which makes me feel fantastic.....NOT. I have used this APP off and on for the past year. Any suggestions on how to make this apart of my daily routine? I'm ready to feel happy and attractive again.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Thank you!

    I've set my goal weight at 165 for now. I think that's a reasonable weight, while still giving me room to either lose some more weight or tone up. Plus, considering my current weight, having less than 200lbs to lose to reach that goal is a motivation in itself. Having over 200lbs to lose is depressing. Ah, the power in just a couple of lbs, lol.
    Only you know yourself.

    With a really large number, you'll probably want to set many "mini-goals" to keep it from being overwhelming. I am currently just under 90 pounds away from goal...still a LOOOOONG way off. So I've joined a couple groups focused on "getting out of the 200+ range" and another one that had us setting a goal to lose within 90 days. That gives me smaller things to focus on so I can "win" at those rather than "losing" compared to the end goal.

    It might also be helpful occasionally to look at your reports. Some people are "visual"...seeing those gradually dropping lines on the graph helps keep 'em motivated. You can also focus on "non-scale" victories: Taking your measurements regularly (once a week) so you can see the trend in smaller neck, hips, waist even if the scale occasionally holds steady.

    Another helpful thing is taking pictures....you can see the progress over time.

    Good luck.
  • chemteacher1987
    chemteacher1987 Posts: 68 Member
    I set goals in 10 pound increments, that way I don't feel intimidated. I only need to lose about 30 pounds or so, and I figured breaking it up into 10 pound increments would be easier for myself. Maybe you could do something like that? I have my end goal to be around 175 and I am currently at 203.
  • freckledjezebel
    freckledjezebel Posts: 65 Member
    I thought back to when I think I looked the best ( not what I thought of myself at the time). And set that as my goal, which is 130. I have weighed less in highschool, but I didn't reach that healthfully, so I dodn't wan't to set that as my goal.

    And I am giving myself a long time to reach that goal, I'll be 29 in 2 months, so I decided what better goal than to reach 130 pounds by the time I'm 30?

    This. I think about where I was when I got out of bootcamp, and I was 125-130. Best shape of my life. So I made that my goal.
  • Laura87_
    Laura87_ Posts: 12
    I like the 10lbs increment idea! I might do that instead, except set it to 20lbs instead. Awesome idea, thank you!
  • Gwennie9476
    Gwennie9476 Posts: 45 Member
    I agree with all of the above. Small goals are the way to go. When I was at my heaviest, I weighed 365 and I started out thinking...it would be really nice to be 350, then 325 and so on and so forth which took me all the way down to 245. At 245, I could wear a size 18 and believe it or not, I was ecstatic...over the moon with that. The lowest I have ever been was 165 which I could wear a size 12-14. (I have a large frame, 5'3 1/2" inches tall).

    Now, I am back up again...at 315 ( sad face!!!!). With PCOS as my opponent, it is really hard to stay even close to normal, but not impossible. I just have to fight and I will continue to. I will be cheering you on because I know you can do it! Never give up..even a pound less...is a pound less!
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    I started out setting a small goal of 15 lb. for myself mostly because I was ashamed of how much I weighed and didn't want to share it with the "world". I then forgot to reset it until I'd lost 29 lb. so that, for me, wasn't such a realistic way to set my goals.
    Since I've been trolling the message boards I decided that I was going to set myself a goal that would leave me at a weight I could be happier with and would be a heck of a lot more realistic. Oh, and I also realized that it's not the end number that counts as much as how you feel about where you are! So, I say don't let that final number stress you out at this point. It's a long way off and I have a funny idea that it will change as you lose and feel better and better!

    Good Luck!
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    I am 5' 6 1/2" and set my goal weight at 175. I started out quite heavy and know that I will be having skin surgery when I am at goal. I expect that will take off at least 10 pounds and honestly probably a bit more. I took that in to account as to where I am hoping to wind up when all is said and done.

    You can do this. Take it one day at a time. All you have to do well is today. You do enough of those and the next thing you know....BAM! I am down 77 pounds since July 5th of last year.
  • Maryelca_2013
    I think setting goals is great, but in the process try not to stress about them too much. I have found myself doing that, wanting a certain amount of pounds in a a certain time. My first encounter with my trainer is he wanted me to lose 10 pounds in one month, seems easy right? NOT!! Two weeks into the new month I stepped on that evil device we call a scale and I had lost nothing. I was so frustrated. Told my trainer to measure me to make sure I'm on the right track. Needless to say he called me crazy cause I had lost inches, in which I replied "never give a girl a number to lose, she will focus on just that" Never happened again.

    I have my hiccups and I go up and down on weight and seriously need to just get on track and stay on track. MFP is great. I recreated my account a while ago as well and started using the community more than anything. I have logged in for 120 straight so I'm trying to hold myself accountable as well.

  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I don't have a goal weight as of yet. The brains say that I should weigh about 125lbs, I haven't been that weight since grade 9!!! So I remember back in my early 20' s when I was 170 and looked slim (size 12 I think), and will shoot for that. When I reach that, I will see if I need to lose more or not. I'm not obsessed with a number because I know I have l larger bone/muscle frame and I won't be skinny. Until then, I'm losing in smaller increments. My first goal is following the rule of "lose 10% of your weight to reduce risk factors for diabetes and heart disease". At 227, I'm only 1lb from that goal (starting at 251). Then it will be another 25 and 30 lb goals until I reach 170.
  • paigebeverly
    paigebeverly Posts: 46 Member
    My starting weight as of Jan. 7th. was 250 pounds. I am 5 foot 7.5 I now weigh 228. My 1st goal is to get to 200, and I will see how I look from there. If I am not happy then maybe 175. I tend to hold my weight well. Maybe it helps I have big boobs.
  • hollywood1919
    Think of what size pants/dress you would like to be, and roughly what weight you would have to be to fit into it. Or just think of any thing you would like as a result of weight loss, and roughly how much you would have to weigh to get there.

    Or make your goals smaller... let's pretend you weigh 350 and you want to weigh 150. If losing 200 lbs is too intimidating, break it up into smaller goals: 1st goal is 300 lbs, 2nd goal is 250, and so on. When you reach a smaller goal, you'll feel so good you know you can reach the next goal. :)
  • jll1962
    jll1962 Posts: 3
    You sound a lot like me. I am new to MFP (just as of tonight), but since I decided to lose weight I have changed my goal weight several times. I was over 200 pounds and made my first goal 180, then 160 …in the end I wanted to weigh 135-140.I got so excited when I met my ‘short’ goal it inspired me to keep going.
    I feel defeated easily and I was afraid if I had that large goal out there looming over me I would not do as well. I made it to 158 then gained some back, now I need to get serious again and that is why I joined MFP tonight.
  • snudgie
    snudgie Posts: 34
    I am (ugh) 364lbs right now, down 27lbs since January 1st when I started at (bigger ugh) 391lbs. I want to get down to a normal weight, but I'm not sure if I'm setting myself up for failure by aiming too low?

    I'm about 5'5 and I would love to weigh around 125-130lbs, but that means I need to lose almost 250lbs and that's incredibly intimidating! I have toyed with the idea of setting my goal weight anywhere between 150lbs which would give me a BMI of 25 which is just on the overweight side, up to 180lbs because I suspect I may have a lot of loose skin which will account for some extra weight.

    Oddly enough, deciding on a goal weight is more stressful to me than sticking to a calorie deficit. So, does anyone have any ideas? I know it's a personal decision, but maybe someone has some insight they could share.

    There's an expression in my native language, that, loosely translated, means 'more time is wasted on measuring and fitting than on any other thing', which means that all the calculating, measuring, projecting, graphing and planning is going to absorb so much energy and effort, you won't have any left for your goals.

    And I am a complete hypocrite, I don't practice what I preach. I have, on my computer At least two dozen spreadsheets, all projecting my weight loss, all with different formulas based on calories burnt in different scenarios and based on different types of diet. I have line graphs, bar charts, pie charts even, and they date back to 2007 – the most recent one being from last week. Have I lost weight since 2007? Nope, all those plans for weight-loss were a big waste of time.

    I've asked a therapist what he thought, and he told me that long-term goals set you up for failure. He didn't tell me not to have goals, he just suggested that I set more realistic ones in the short term.

    So why not try this: and you don't have to it's just a suggestion and I am not a professional of course. But why not try just one goal for now, an easy one, let's say the next 5 pounds. Do that first, see if it's easy or difficult, then based on your victory set yourself the next goal, for instance 5 pounds lighter again. You could add up those little victories –promise yourself a small reward (preferably not food) after each victory, and perhaps a larger reward after, say 10 consecutive reached goals

    again I am a hypocrite, I try to practice what I preach, but the part of my brain that believes in instant gratification is telling me that I need to weigh under 200 pounds tomorrow, which is impossible.

    anyway, that's just my thoughts. Congratulations on your weight loss since the beginning of this year! That is not amount to be sneezed at. Just do what you have done so far three or four more times, and you won't even recognise yourself any more.

    best of luck,
