Why I want to change my life.

Ever since I was 6 I was a little "Heavier" Then the other kids in my school. They would pick on me and tease me and I would always go home crying because of it. I never really understood it until now. Everyone always called me names like "Piggy"..."Whale" and the one that annoyed me the most is when they just called me "Fat" Instead of playing games with it. And I want to make them regret calling me those names so I plan on changing my life. I currently weigh 214 pounds I'm 5'1 and my goal weight is 122. I know it may be a little difficult but I think with the right diet and good habits its possible. I was hoping I could get some tips because I'm a "Newbie" here and I wanted to know what some of you guys are doing to achieve your goals whatever they may be.


  • jenlindsaymorgan
    Let me start by saying I am sorry for the things you have went through! Kids can be horribly mean at times. I am glad that you have decided to use it as the fuel you need to get healthy! I am pretty new here but I have tried every diet under the sun at some point. I have finally decided that cutting out an entire food group to lose weight was not only extremely unhealthy but unreasonable for me. I have started eating 6 times a day and eating the foods I love in moderation. I wish you the best of luck! I suggest you check out a few friends food diaries and see what they have been doing then figuring out what is right for you.
  • jhigaki
    jhigaki Posts: 7 Member
    People/kids can be so cruel... You didn't deserve any of their hurtful words and ugly names. I'm sorry you had to endure this. I too was teased growing for a variety of things... apparently my ankle socks showed off my fat, ugly legs... My only consolation at this point, is knowing that *bully* is now doing time in a nearby jail... (sorry, my anger still shows).

    Welcome to this new adventure and journey! Let's get refreshed and start all over again: By being kind to ourselves and others; By giving ourselves permission to make mistakes but know we won't get punished for them. Let's enjoy and venture into something new!!

    Welcome aboard!
  • xoxolindseym
    I can relate. I was ALWAYS heavier and though I didn't get teased very much, (to my face at least), my whole school career was difficult. Humans can be extremely rude.

    Tips: Don't do now what you can't do for the rest of your life, unless of course, you wanna come back here and do this all over again. Eat in moderation. Drink loooots of water. Try making healthier versions of your favorite food. Don't overwhelm yourself. Do take it easy at first and figure out what you do/don't like. Find fun ways to exercise. Don't think all the weight will drop over night. Do take it day by day or even hour by hour. Don't freak out if you gain weight one week.. weight fluctuates, water retains, etc. Do research and prepare yourself on what to expect.

    There are a lot of helpful, positive, kind people on this site and try to surround yourself with them.
    I'm friendly and try my best to be a good motivator. Feel free to add me if you want. :)
  • SunsetSafari
    My advice: try to put those people behind you for good. Sometimes I've used negative thoughts, emotions as motivation: "remember when such and such said this or that", but in the end, those negative thoughts would always drag me back down. Instead, simply focus on the future; you're gonna make it. Make sure that you eat right and move as much as possible.