Recovering anoretic & binge eater - looking for support!

I've had BED for as long as I could remember, and for a few short years I also found myself struggling with Anorexia. I found myself migrating towards MFP, merely because of the large emphasis the people here place on nutrition, and their never-failing sense of humor. People here have been very inspirational to me.

That being said, I'm looking for more positive, healthy and/or recovering individuals to be friends with on here. At first I accepted every friend request I got, and quickly the comments about my eating habits piled up, along with unwarranted nutritional advice. I appreciate the fact that people care about me enough to make such comments. At the same though - unless the advice is warranted - it was very triggering.

What many people don't understand is that eating disorders are not actually about the food, and that they're about emotional experiences. I don't binge because I'm hungry - I binge because I have an addiction (to food). When I was restricting it was not that I wanted to lose weight or disliked food - if anything it was quite the contrary. The amount of anxiety I experienced around food while restricting was so overwhelming that it was just easier for me to not eat.

Basically, I'm just looking for individuals who are willing to support me without lecturing me, and people who are positive/not pro-eating disorders. If you'd like to be my friend and support me along this journey, please send me a message. <3


  • ooohboyherewego
    ooohboyherewego Posts: 5 Member
    I've sent you a friend request, and also there's a BED group on here, just search for it. ;)
  • thesevolatiletimes
    thesevolatiletimes Posts: 59 Member
    I've sent you a friend request, and also there's a BED group on here, just search for it. ;)

    In all honesty, I've always avoided online groups: I've had nothing but negative experiences with them. I know i'm making an assumption in saying that, but I'd much rather get to know people one on one, and have them on my homepage here, you know? :c