Is a 5x5 considered heavy lifting?

are 5x5 workouts heavy lifting? Im still trying to figure out the lifting idea, so any input is appreciated. Someone suggested doing a 5x5 yesterday to me.


  • Junctionbox
    Junctionbox Posts: 47 Member
    I have enjoyed doing Stronglifts 5x5 and would consider it heavy lifting. It is designed to be slow progress, so it will take a few weeks to get to the stage where you might consider it a struggle for some of the the lifts. But once you get there it is quite hard work. I am barely at 150lbs on deadlifts and squats and already having a hard time. But I can feel the progress in strength already.

    There is a great summary topic of the programme somewhere on here.
    AFWXDUDE Posts: 53 Member
    Im fairly weak in most the exercises. My deadlift is the only thing thats solid(max is 385 1 rep). Everything else is fairly weak... Bench is probably the worst at a 1 rep max of 145... even though a pushup is 155 lbs at my weight(I do 50 or so for a PT test), it doesnt make sense to me. So I think im gonna be all over the place. But it is a learning curve.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    are 5x5 workouts heavy lifting? Im still trying to figure out the lifting idea, so any input is appreciated. Someone suggested doing a 5x5 yesterday to me.

    Heavy is relative, its about pushing your thresholds and improving over time.

    Strong lifts is a solid, if simple, programme.
  • Felipe20
    Felipe20 Posts: 5 Member
    What is your objective young lad? To answer your question, yes 5x5 is ideal for building muscle if you are lifting at 70 or 80% of your one rep max. I personally like to do 4x7 .... anything over 40 reps is overkill if your goal is to lose fat while maintaining muscle.
    AFWXDUDE Posts: 53 Member
    Goal is definitely to maintain muscle and burn fat. I still need to lose another 30 or so lbs to drop the gut. After that Ill get into bulking, but for now im going to use this for good weight loss while keeping in shape for PT test.