I am so confused

So I eat about 1470kcals a day. Sometimes I eat about half my exercise calories back (because I'm not overly confident in mfp burn totals) but most of the time I don't bother as I'm not always hungry. I weigh and measure my food and create my own recipes. I count sauces, butters, oils, drinks, everything that goes in. I have the odd day where I go over (and log that too) I work out 3-5 times in the gym and I walk almost every day.

So I'm almost always in a deficit, but I don't always lose weight, I can't possible be gaining muscle because I'm in a deficit. I'm probably not eating enough as I don't eat back my calories burnt yet even though I'm still in a deficit surely I should still lose weight.

It's frying my brain a little as I don't really understand what's right and wrong anymore. Can someone simplify this for me so I can better understand :frown:


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    weight loss is not linear.

    I can go 2 weeks and not lose a lb then wham..2lbs in one week.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well the very first thing that comes to mind (because it's happening to me right now) is that you're a woman and a LOT, probably a very large majority, of women retain water revolving around their cycles - therefore deficit or not you may show a stall or even a gain on the scale (which is not fat but still can make you bloat) around your "time of the month." That could account for "I lost this week but didn't lose/didn't lose as much the following week." Me personally I gain generally around a pound in the 3-4 days around when I normally ovulate (sorry if TMI) and again 1-1.5 pounds the day before my period is to start - this all always drops off within a day or two though. I've learned now to expect it and it doesn't bother me (as much :laugh:) anymore.
  • katz6910
    katz6910 Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I find myself doubting what I'm doing every single day lately. Everything I eat, every form of exercise I do I question if it's right or wrong. I always believed that if I ate better and exercised more I'd lose weight and become healthier. I figured it was THAT simple. But there is soooo much conflicting advice sometimes that it's all thrown me for a loop. Maybe I need a holiday haha