Do you plan it out??



  • MrsMetzler2013
    MrsMetzler2013 Posts: 22 Member
    I find that planning out meals and snacks helps me very much! Every morning I pack a snack bag for myself and my husband. We have protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, then throughout the day we have carrots, a banana, an orange and a fat free greek yogurt and sometimes a Clif Bar. It keeps us going through the day until dinner. For dinners I usually plan what meals we will eat prior to my grocery trip, then it takes the guesswork out of what to have for dinner since we've already planned what we will eat.

    The more prepared I am the more I plan, the easier it is. Now if only I could stop being hungry.....!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I tend to eat very similarly for breakfast and lunch most days, so I don't log until the morning of unless I know something will be out of the ordinary. But generally I'll log breakfast and lunch, and then leave a decent amount of calories for dinner and after dinner snacks since that will always fluctuate.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I plan and log the night before. I work long days with no lunch break so I pack breakfast, lunch, and snacks to get me through the day. Since I can't randomly go out for lunch or grab a snack from someplace else, I am forced to plan out a day. I always leave a little wiggle room in case I don't get to exercise as much as usual or I get home so late that I don't have time or energy to prepare what I had planned for dinner. I also do bulk cooking on the weekends and freeze in individual portions. Good luck on your journey!
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    On Sunday we make up batches of food for the week. I'll make a big vegetarian chili or a big thing of tofu/onions/spinch, hubby will make a big batch of brown rice. I'll make a big batch of the slow cooking oatmeal. That stuff lasts us until thursday usually so we have some go too food. Too tired and pressed for time to cook during the week for the most part so that's what we do.

    Also I'll log my day's food until I get out of work and kind of stick to it every day. Oatmeal for breakfast, chili for lunch, protein shake for afternoon. Less thinking that way too. And that way I behave at least 2/3 of the day without effort.

    Not much variety but works for me.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Good for you for considering it!! I personally believe this is a big key to success, not just for losing the weight but maintaining once you get to goal. I try to plan out meals for the whole week - and for the same reason (to avoid temptations, last minute quick grabs which are usually high cal/not as healthy).

    Saturday morning, I pull out my recipe folder and go thorugh to figure out what I'd like to make that week and create my grocery list based on that as well as whatever I feel like getting for breakfast, snack and lunch. Ingredients sometime also depend on sale flyers - for instance pork tenderloin was on sale last week so I made that part of the plan. It's a bit more work in the beginning but I think most of us tend to make the same general things week after week so you can get a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't with time and practice.

    I also do some prep work, usually on Sunday. Cook a big batch of oatmeal in the crockpot, boil eggs or make a breakfast casserole, portion out my yogurt into individual containers, etc. That way when I go to pack my lunch bag in the morning it's just a matter of grabbing a few containers, a couple pieces of fruit and maybe throwing together a sandwich and I'm done.

    Back to the avoiding temptation thing - for dinner, if I've got chicken thawed in the fridge and Hubs wants to order a pizza, I can put him off for a day or two saying I don't want to waste perfectly good food and that way I can plan for the pizza night I know is coming (get in a good workout &/or eat lighter that day).

    Good luck!
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I have been able to stick with logging my foods everyday for 450+ days. I've never had such discipline until I joined MFP.. I was very strict with my calories in the beginning , but slacked off last summer due to family issues in California that I had to attend to. When I came home I just couldn't get back to that level of discipline. I went back to California for two months this winter and did really well til I got home and lost sight of why I was doing this. Something changed this week and I have started pre- logging my days. I eat and log breakfast( whatever I want ) then I log my pre planned dinner and then the rest of the day. That way I know how many calories I have left to eat and don't go over. I haven't yet been able to do more than one day at a time, but dinners for the week I do pre-plan since this is the only real meal I cook for my husband and I. Yesterday I bought pistachios and Beanitos and bagged them into snack size ziploc baggies. Each serving was weighed before bagging. I did this because if I didn't my husband would eat straight out of the bags and they'd be gone. I weigh an measure my foods diligently so that I am aware of portion sizes.
    Good luck on your journey. And remember it is your journey and it won't be perfect always. If you screw up... dust yourself off and start again. You'll get there and we will all be here for you.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I plan my meals out the night before and sometimes even (when I'm in my "organized cycle, that is :happy: ) prepare my snacks and lunch. When I get up, I know what I'm going to eat for breakfast, have for snacks, lunch, etc. For me, doing it any other way is a sure-fire road to failure. If I don't prepare ahead of time I tend to obsess about what I'm going to eat next. If it's already planned, I don't.

    Try it both ways, logging ahead of time and logging as you eat. You'll find what works best for you and fits into your schedule.

    Good luck!:drinker:
  • huneydrop
    huneydrop Posts: 84
    I make big batches of frozen meals and portion them into individual zip locks, basically I just need to take a baggie out of the freezer and dinner/lunch is served! It's real food and I know exactly what is in it and the portioning is already done. You can freeze sooooo many meals and makes life soooo much easier.

    I also have a meal plan written up on an excel spreadsheet including a list of all the food I typically eat and what the carbs, fat, protein and calories of each are and then I copy and paste into each day to create my meal plan, it totals itself at the bottom so I know if it will work or I need to readjust. Took some time to get my own database set up but I really wanted to use the nutrition info on the foods I was actually using and not a generic database. Nutrition info can vary by country so this was the only way to make sure it was 100% correct. Now that it is all set up though meal planning is super easy.

    Planning ahead will be a huge factor in your success so don't scrimp on this stage. It will be one less roadblock on your journey.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I also plan in advance. I wasn't plugging in dinner in advance, but now I am as well because I generally know what I'm going to have. For me, planning is the backbone of accountability.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Yes I plan them out, I go by the sale flyer for the two grocery stores I use. When my children were small (they are grown up and off now) I did the same thing and it worked well. That doesn't mean if you plan on having chicken on Tues and Fish on Sat that you can't switch them just means you plan out the foods you will need to make those healthy meals.

    I often buy extra meat, if I need two chicken breast, I will buy 3 and use that extra one for a stir fry later in the week. (I actually buy more family size packs to save but you get the idea) For lunches you can have leftovers or I plan on using a pre-made frozen meal (from the market, under $2 ones) have that with a salad and you are good to go for little calories.

    You can do this... and no matter which way you decide to plan you will be just fine!
  • AntnNicsMom
    AntnNicsMom Posts: 29 Member
    I actually do my meal planning on Sunday's. I will usually make a bunch of Chicken breasts, and steam some vegetables and actually portion them out for my lunches- I don't really min eating the same thing everyday so it works for me :)

    This! I have 2 boys, work full time and have a hubby who works full time and goes to school part time. Our schedule is nuts. Sunday is still about family but now we work out and cook together most of the day. I usually have two crockpots and the oven going. The only downfall is all of the dishes!
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    I plan out my stuff as best I can and this actually saves me a ton of time. The thing I do to keep things interesting is have 200 or so calories that are "whatever calories" each day. Unplanned snack stuff. This allows for some variety in my day. For instance, one day I'll have strawberries and another day an apple. At the end of the day, any left over calories means I get desert :D
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    hit your macros
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    You've gotten a lot of good advice here that I will definitely agree with as far as trying to be organized and making meal plans/grocery lists ahead of time.

    The other thing that I wanted to mention that was a big learning for me when I first started was to also plan ahead for when you know you will be going out to eat. Take some time, if you know what restaurant you are going to, to look at their menu online and then even if they don't have calorie counts available on their website (and many chain restaurants do), you can look up a few things on MFP to see if the actual restaurant entry is in the database, or try to find something that sounds similar so you can get an idea of what you think you might order. By doing a little research ahead of time, it can help you make better decisions at the restaurant - if one of the appetizers sounds really good to you, maybe just get the appetizer and a salad and forego the entree. Or if you are celebrating a birthday and you know dessert will be involved, look through the entrees to pick something a little more calorie friendly so you can save room for a whole dessert or part of a dessert if someone wants to share!

    Knowing that Red Lobster Cheddar Bay biscuits are ~150 cal apiece was very helpful because before, I would have consumed 4 or more in one meal! Now knowing that, I try to plan 300 calorie wiggle room in my meal choices ahead of time so that I can still have a couple, because seriously, who can just eat one of those...

    Also by looking at the restaurant calorie counts ahead of time (and I've been known to look it up on my phone in the restaurant - maybe rude but everyone else is on their phones!) - you can avoid the "OMG what did I just do to my calorie total" factor at the end of the day when you go back and log it later.

    Good luck!
  • roozielynne
    roozielynne Posts: 52 Member
    I am on a strict financial budget so I have planned out my meals at least two weeks in advance using grocery sales flyers as a guide to get the best bang for my dollar.

    I always have a couple of ideas for easy meals for those nights that get busy.

    I also ask my teenage children what they would like to have so I don't have to hear they never get to have what they like. (They also cook once a week taking turns on whose week it is.)

    I am more casual about my lunches, usually whatever I am in the mood for that fits my caloric goal for the day.

    (For example tonight I am making a low calorie weight watcher recipe for dinner so I had more wiggle room with my lunch. Tomorrow I might have a higher caloric dinner so will go lighter on the lunch. Hope this makes sense?)

    The important thing to remember is that it can be done easily with a little determination!

    Good luck!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I plan for the week as part of my grocery shopping. I get that done Sunday mornings and then take time in the afternoon to prep some of the food for the week. I have been enjoying soups for lunches so I will make a big pot of what ever variety I feel like for the week. I also eat the same breakfast for breakfast and cook a full package of bacon up for my sandwiches. I will also prep things like a meat loaf or trim the fat off of any meat that I'll be cooking in the next few days for dinner. I keep dinners simple and will sometimes use the crock pot slow cooker to get dinner going while I'm at work. Dinners usually consist of a veggie, starch, and meat for us.

    I will usually log ahead in the morning to see what amounts of the planned menu work best. Sometimes I will need to replace one item for another (like sweet potato for quinoa) to support my macro nutrient balance.

    I also have a few go to snacks that I fit in where needed. I can't say that there is too much variety in my day to day meals, but I know what fits where after working with similar foods for so long.
  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    When I make my grocery list I usually do it according to the meals I will be eating. I know I need ground turkey and chicken, tilapia, tukey chops, chicken breast, eggs, and shrimp. I am very picky when it comes to veggies so I stick with fresh string beans, greans, cabbage, asparagus and romaine lettuce for my salads. I also love fresh fruit. When I am strapped for time I do keep fruit cups, almonds, cream of wheat, and granola bars on hand for snacking. When I am preparing for my week I select about three main dish recipes so that I will have a variety for lunch and dinner, but there are times that I find a new recipe that I want to try immediately so if need be I go purchase those items. I do plan my meals a day or two ahead of time and even fill it in to make sure I stick to it. My advice is to have a variety so you won't get bored.
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I plan and pre cook, ironically I use all the little plastic takeout containers I have saved over the years to keep my healthy choices/ freezer meals in!
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    I more or less eat the same thing every day for a few days in a row - I cook 4 or 5 of everything in one go and microwave as required !

    my general diet

    breakfast - yougurt / granola / berries
    snack - fruit and some baked crunchy salty 100 cal snack
    lunch - chicken / turkey / or beef low fat mince burger and veggies or salad
    snack - toast / smart bagel and low fat cream cheese
    dinner - lean meat, ( I make 4 servings of stew or chili or something or just cook 4 serving of chicken or turkey in advance ) veg and a carb - I have found if I just leave rice in water for a few hours it rehydrates and just needs to be zapped in a microwave to eat - I usually soak 2 servings and throw one in the fridge for the next day )
    protien shake before bed
  • Iamreadynow82
    Thank you all! All of you have great plans and like one poster mentioned, that this is MY journey so I have to make it fit to ME. As I look at some of those progress bars in your posts I want to applaud your success and hopefully in a year I'll be a huge inspiration to someone else as you all are for me right now.