Always hungry since i do more weights….

Well I will say that since I changed to 4 days split routine upper/lower body weight training I can not stop eating! And i am trying to cut which has become impossible. Am I the only one?Any ideas?I am aiming for 1600 calls mon-fri bcoz i know on weekends i will eat at least one day 2000-2500. My TDEE is 2100 …. I am getting very frustrated to do not see any result, even worse my legs look less toned than on dec when i started this program, moving from SL.


  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    How tall are you and how long have you been cutting?

    I went though this recently myself. I was on 1700 calories at 5'9 with only about 15lbs to loose. I crashed about 7 weeks into my cut, my body felt wrecked, workouts were suffering and I was starving. Spent a week doing a deload and upped my calories to about 1900. Right now, I eat 1900 on rest days and about 2000-2100 on heavy days. Currently loosing on higher calories and getting leaner.

    Eat more might be the answer, you'll be less likely to binge on weekends.
  • CookieEmporium
    CookieEmporium Posts: 74 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this, because this is exactly what's been happening to me these last two weeks since I began lifting heavy weights and doing body weight exercises (on top of my normal Pilates, hiking/snowshoeing and running). So yesterday I did a few TDEE calculators and basically learned that I need to up my calories by about 300+ per day. I'm hoping this will help because being so hungry, tired and fog-brained and it's stressing me out. Time will tell...
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this, because this is exactly what's been happening to me these last two weeks since I began lifting heavy weights and doing body weight exercises (on top of my normal Pilates, hiking/snowshoeing and running). So yesterday I did a few TDEE calculators and basically learned that I need to up my calories by about 300+ per day. I'm hoping this will help because being so hungry, tired and fog-brained and it's stressing me out. Time will tell...

    More protein, too. If you haven't added extra protein to your diet, you will be ravenous.
  • antxoable
    antxoable Posts: 86 Member
    I am 5'9" and i have been lifting since septembre but did SL first then changed on january..still no change.