How to stop binge eating at night time?



  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    I've been having the same problem. Now I eat carrots. 100 g of one carrot (mine are big, so I cut them up) is only 41 calories, and will seriously stuff you. I don't know what it is, but carrots make me feel very full. A tbsp or 2 of whole psyllium husk is also great for feeling full longer as it expands (a lot) within 10 seconds contact to moisture.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Get in the car and go somewhere.

    Brush your teeth.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Your food diary is woefully incomplete.* It's hard to really say, with all the quick-adds and things apparently not logged.

    *Yes, so is mine. That's because I purposefully haven't been tracking during this last bulk. I will get back to it in a couple of weeks, when I move to a cutting phase.
  • almx00
    almx00 Posts: 16 Member
    it happens.. stay AWAY from the kitchen as much as you can after dinner. Also,brush your teeth :) that helps me not eat after 6-7 pm because food will taste gross and I don't want to brush my teeth again
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    When I'm done eating dinner and cleaning up every night, I turn the light in the kitchen off. I have a little nightlight near my dog's bowls so he can go in and see his food/water, but to me it's like a subconscious reminder that the kitchen is closed!
  • popshoveit
    I am a nighttime eater. I feel your pain. What works for me is banking a decent portion of your day's calorie intake for after dinner. We have dinner really early in our house because we have two small children, so by the time they're in bed I am usually hungry again! I usually have about 300 calories to play around with at the end of the day and use them for something yummy.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I've started heading downstairs for my usual snack regiment... and instead of grabbing snacks I pour a large glass of Perrier and Squeeze limes into it. It's refreshing, and fills me up, but still adds a little flavour and I don't want a snack anymore.
  • Karolina864
    I usually drink a big mug of green tea with a bit of lemon or even just water makes me feel fuller! If i'm still craving later I have a tiny bit of what I want but log it straight away.
    What also keeps me distracted are these forums, they keep me focused and every time I go on here I learn something new :)
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    Don't bake cookies after dinner. Ever. That's something I learned the hard way :P

    Also, have a late, big dinner. You might go hungry before, but I am better at being hungry for an hour or two than I am at not binging after dinner.
  • heatherk0908
    heatherk0908 Posts: 50 Member
    I haven't read the other responses but I recently started the "8 hour diet" for this very reason. I kept snacking and eating at night when I wasn't even hungry. So now I eat between the hours of 11:30-7:30. You wouldn't have to only eat in an 8 hour period but I have to give myself a set time that I can no longer eat after. I watch the time and will allow myself a snack right before my cut off time and then nothing else. Now I don't really do this as well on the weekends but I just need to start on the weekends as well.
  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    I have the same issue of eating ridiculously at night and it's definitely linked to the days that I don't drink a lot of water. Make sure you're drinking lots and lots of water - it helps a lot!!!!
  • Kimmerz020202
    Kimmerz020202 Posts: 18 Member
    I love sweets too so I don't buy them if possible. I read on one of the message boards to log in your indulgence before you eat it to help you see what damage it will do to your eating plan. I did that this week when craving Reese's peanut butter cups and it helped me stay away from them. Also I found ThinAddictives cranberry-almond biscotti which are only 100 calories for 3 of them. Really help when I'm craving sweets. Good luck!
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    This is my #1 problem! I am a night person and that is when I start looking for snacks. I can identify with many here who search for the ice cream or the chips and that this is the only time I really feel relaxed. I wish I could just go to bed instead, but this is what I consider "my time". So I either need to find other things to keep me busy or give up that time for sleep, which I could use more of.
  • annemcharles
    annemcharles Posts: 194 Member
    You are not alone! If I know that I am not hungry and just snacking because I feel like it, I make a cup of tea. It makes me slow down and enjoy the tea. My personal favorite tea is Aveda Reconfortant tea. It has a licorice flavor and gives me that feeling of having something sweet for no calories! This brand is a little pricey - but still cheaper than a candy bar (which I wouldn't hesitate to spend $$$ on).
  • lunapetu0311
    I am right there with you!!! I eat perfect all day but it's those few hours after dinner and before bed that kill me. I don't know why this happens - I too just want to eat, eat, eat during these hours -- and I too want the sweets. What I've been doing is eater lighter during the day and saving about 200-300 calories for these night time cravings. It makes it easier to have extra calories left over on the days that I exercise. So last night I ate 4 Starburst and 1/2 cup of ice cream....then pretzels. Ugh! But thankfully I did have the calories left to eat them.

    Anyways, I don't know how to control these cravings either but all I can say is 1) don't have trigger foods around (cookies) and 2) try to save some calories for these evening cravings so you aren't going well over your calorie goals.

    Good luck! It could also have to do with "that time of month"?
  • MickeyCastello
    Don't fight it, accommodate it. Have you considered saving some of your calories for late night snacking? I save 200 - 300 calories and have an apple and maybe an orange or a banana.
  • lunapetu0311

    Also, have a late, big dinner. You might go hungry before, but I am better at being hungry for an hour or two than I am at not binging after dinner.

    That is a really good point! I do find that I don't have the night time cravings as much when I eat a big dinner later in the evening.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    What time do you eat your evening meal? And perhaps its an idea to eat smaller meals (e.g have soup with some bread for lunch, filling and tasty) or only one in the day so you can have more in the evening.

    I generally eat breakfast around midday as I'm rarely up early, then not until 6pm at least and that usually stops me from being hungry at night.
  • Cobb_66
    Cobb_66 Posts: 65 Member
    I drink tea!! This sounds silly but it actually works wonders for me. I feel like after I hit 8 o'clock something inside me just switches on an intense sweet tooth. I started drinking loose leaf tea that has naturally sweet flavours to it. It isn't a replacement for the real thing, but I find the mix of having something subtly sweet as well as something to do with my hands / something to drink (instead of eat) works for me. I prefer loose leaf because they tend to have more fun flavours and you can resteep when you're done so you can keep drinking it over a long period of time.
    After a while, it's become a habit and I prefer my nightime cup to my binging on cookies.
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    I drink tea!!

    Me too!