Losing weight to ENLIST in your 30s!

Hi everyone!
Hoping to find some others in the same boat....needing to lose a lot of weight to join the military! Obviously at my age
im trying to enlist in the Air National Guard, i have 60 pounds to lose to start the enlistment process and a total of 80 pounds'to
ship out! Any advice or info you can give me would be great! I lost 36 pounds before last summer, then sat around the pool drinking beer and SODA :drinker: and yep...gained it back! *Smacks self in head* :grumble: Now im getting back on track, i really want to be able to enlist in the next 6 months.....possible? :smile: Thanks for any help!!


  • Run, run, run!!! I used to be in the army and I BARELY shipped out of meps. The one thing I should have done different was run! I think you just need to find out what works for you dietwise. For me, low carb is the way to go. Every person is different though! Good luck!
  • Thanks! I definatly need to get in better shape to start running, right now i run OUT of breath before i get very far! LOL I can speed walk 5 miles....hopefully i can work up to being able to run longer than a minute lol
  • fitrep
    fitrep Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you and definitely need to lose some weight to get back in. Yes, I said back in. I used to be Active Duty and National Guard, but got completely out in 2001. I miss it. I was Army Infantry for 6 years and am now training to go into the Air National Guard as a Tactical Air Controller - TACP. So, now at the age of 37 I am trying to do what is needed to get back in. I need to lose 50lbs or 10% body fat to meet the standards. I have tried (and failed) before at this, but am determined to do it this time. I can't explain why. I just decided enough is enough! Because of my age, my window is closing. It's now or never! I'll send you a friend request and maybe we can support each other along this journey together. Maybe we'll find a few more MFPs, too! Best of luck. Military service is the highest calling. I salute anyone who has served or is about to begin - especially someone who has been through life experiences that is ready for the challenge.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You'll get plenty of advice on how to lose, but as a currently-serving Air Force guy, I'll tell you that it ain't gonna get easier once you're in. Develop your good habits now, and don't say "eff it" once you're serving and do this "beer and soda" nonsense. You need to consistently maintain yourself and ready to pass a fitness test/weigh in at all times. I've seen lots of people treat the military like marriage - lose enough weight to squeeze into a dress/tux and once you're "safe" it's back to the cookies and loafing around.*

    *You can lose weight eating cookies and loafing around, but you get my point.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You'll get plenty of advice on how to lose, but as a currently-serving Air Force guy, I'll tell you that it ain't gonna get easier once you're in. Develop your good habits now, and don't say "eff it" once you're serving and do this "beer and soda" nonsense. You need to consistently maintain yourself and ready to pass a fitness test/weigh in at all times. I've seen lots of people treat the military like marriage - lose enough weight to squeeze into a dress/tux and once you're "safe" it's back to the cookies and loafing around.*

    *You can lose weight eating cookies and loafing around, but you get my point.

    Amen to this. I was in for 4 years, and the AF got tougher with physical fitness each year I was in. In basic, all you need to know are bodyweight exercises. Run, pushups, pullups, situps, mountain climbers, burpees, and flutter kicks will be mainstays.
  • fitrep
    fitrep Posts: 3 Member
    You'll get plenty of advice on how to lose, but as a currently-serving Air Force guy, I'll tell you that it ain't gonna get easier once you're in. Develop your good habits now, and don't say "eff it" once you're serving and do this "beer and soda" nonsense. You need to consistently maintain yourself and ready to pass a fitness test/weigh in at all times. I've seen lots of people treat the military like marriage - lose enough weight to squeeze into a dress/tux and once you're "safe" it's back to the cookies and loafing around.*

    *You can lose weight eating cookies and loafing around, but you get my point.

    This is dead on! As is the post that said, "Run, run, run!". Once you're in you must maintain your fitness level. This means health has to be a priority. The military is not hurting for people now and all branches of service are downsizing. Not meeting the weight/fitness standards is now a quick way to find yourself out of the career you are striving for.

    I'm not preaching - I've got to do the same once I meet standards.