Vegetarian having hard time getting to calorie goal



  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Brown rice and oatmeal (the real stuff not the diet ones) both have a fair amount of calories (I have to limit them or I go over my calorie quota). And like others said, unsalted nuts.

    I will try that for my breakfast and see how it goes. I really don't like eating eggs everyday. I am going to add more nuts in, just have to make my brain accept that they are ok and not fatty! :wink: Thanks.

    Do you like sweets?

    A scoop of icecream is another easy option. Coconut-based, if you go Vegan (So Delicious is the best brand, chocolate.)
  • doxielover2013
    doxielover2013 Posts: 25 Member

    Do you like sweets?

    A scoop of icecream is another easy option. Coconut-based, if you go Vegan (So Delicious is the best brand, chocolate.)

    I like sweets too much so I don't keep any in the house so I am not tempted. During TOM I allow myself to buy 1 bar of 75% cocoa dark chocolate and have 1 square each day to help with cravings. Other than that I don't keep any sweets in the house. I use fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth. But thanks for the suggestion.
  • MollyWilbers
    MollyWilbers Posts: 1 Member
    I would try adding more high protein, high fiber foods. Frozen food is what is killing your sodium intake. High sodium makes you retain water, also. Instead of a bagel thin in the morning try a slice of whole wheat toast with almond butter on it. Almond butter has just over 100 calories per Tbsp, and it's delicious and filling.. That with some yogurt and a piece of fruit will fill you up, plus be more nutritious than your current regimen. I wouldn't worry about fat content as much as you are. Some fats are good for you and your body processes easily, i.e. nuts, dairy.
    I've stopped buying most processed foods, and I overall feel way better.
    Good luck!
  • acarmelo1
    acarmelo1 Posts: 76 Member
    Eat some Chicken!!!, Your body will thank you.

    You don't have to eat meat to be healthy >>

    Eat Grilled Chicken, with vegetables?