Mid life crisis and weight loss


I turn 40 this year. I've got Sleep Apena, high cholesterol and I'm Obese. I was seriously considering Gastric Bypass (I had it scheduled for March 28th) but I've decided to postpone it. I'm not ready for that drastic of a measure yet. Especially since Jan 29th when I made a mental switch in thought process. I decided to start behaving as if I already had the surgery. After all once I have the surgery these lifestyle changes are forever. So I started behaving as if the surgery was done. I'm eating mostly lean protein and veggies. I do eat yogurt for beakfast after my workout. I'm hitting the gym 4 to 5 days a week and I'm only eating at meals. No snacking, no drinking with meals, nothing but water. Target of 1200 calories a day (I had 1320 calories yesterday, but i'm usually close to 1100 for the day.) For the past 14 days I've been strict on this. Since Jan 28th I'm down 13 pounds, lost an inch off my waist and my BMI is down from 41.8 to 39.3. My body fat is down to 33%.

Sure my numbers aren't as impressive as if I had gone the surgery route, but I'm happy with them. I figure my weight loss may slow a bit, but if I can keep 1 or 2 pounds a week for the next year I'll be happy.

Anyway, I'm on a journey folks and I'm ready to lose this excess weakness...er...weight.

Have a good one!


  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Good for you,keep at it. You sound like you don't need the surgery you got this!!:drinker:
  • bane0317
    bane0317 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey - you've done GREAT! You are almost a quarter of the way through your journey and you are doing it under your own steam! I don't have anything against gastric bypass. I have thought about it or the lapband on occasion myself, especially since my current insurance is willing to pay, but I have also seen people live through horror stories with it. The risk vs. reward just didn't add up if there is ANY way possible to do it without that permanent or drastic step.

    Keep up the good work! Most of this is all mind over matter anyway. I know that when I have my mindset right - I do better. That is how I had lost weight once before, but then when my mind got "not right" - it all came back and brought friends with it! :)

    Anyway - good luck and continued success!
  • MsFitzpatty
    MsFitzpatty Posts: 31 Member
    Wow, good job, not an easy task but it sounds like you're taking matters into your own hands. You can do it! I'm also working on changing my patterns, and slowly but surely some changes are becoming permanent. I'll slip up now and then but get right back on the horse. Ultimate goal is too important, health, confidence and happiness! I'm rooting for you - I think you got this!
  • RABlack921
    good luck! 40 really isn't so bad and isn't really mid life yet, believe it or not.
    I had a hard time losing weight at 40, but what finally worked was diet AND exercise. You really do have to do both. But make it fun. If you like to read, download audiobooks and listen to them on your MP3 or iPhone while you walk Get a workout buddy. You don't HAVE to go to a gym. I went for three years and didn't lose a pound on the elliptical. Just get out and walk.
    If you have to have a treat, don't deny yourself, but make yourself earn the calories first.
    And make sure you are eating enough fiber and protein. I really do believe that WHAT you eat matters as much as how many calories. A calorie is NOT just a calorie when you are a middle aged woman.
    You CAN do this.
    Don't forget to reward yourself when you lose weight - buy yourself a new workout shirt or shoes.
    Do a 5K walk.- you will be amazed at the world that opens up to you - of people who actually like to exercise! Maybe you will become one of them..:smile:
  • Llorraine11
    Llorraine11 Posts: 350 Member
    so proud of you... good job!!! one day at a time!!! add me for support if u like..lorraine
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Good choice!

    You are not the first person who canceled the surgery and went on to be very successful without it!

    You've got it!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    My ex father in law went through a midlife crisis, and while being a functioning alcoholic managed to lose 150lbs, get his ear pierced (just one), get a sports car, start listening to Linkin Park, and cheat on his wife with some lady at his gym.

    I'm just here to say that yes, you can drop the weight.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
  • dcmassena
    dcmassena Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone. I'm really excited and super motivated right now. I'm looking to stay that way!
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Way to go! Did you know that statistics say that only 13% of weight loss surgery patients get down to a normal weight and stay there? Most doctors who do the surgery now just talk about a "new normal," that is lower than your high weight. And many, many people have complications after the surgeries. Good for you for learning BEFORE the surgery, that you can do it on your own. Keep on keeping on! ;-)