Going off sugar



  • Keto Diet. Although you will want to make sure youure taking the proper vitamins.
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    It's not sustainable. Like, at all.

    Good news - it's sustainable. Like, forever.

    Really? You don't eat fruit at all? Or anything at all with sugar in it?

    If you've read the op's thread she is allow herself some fruit and 85% dark chocolate - which by the way I am eating as I'm typing this.

    Which is still sugar...

    So it's not sustainable at all.

    All sugar is processed the same whether is natural or processed.
  • kjwillie
    kjwillie Posts: 106 Member
    It's not sustainable. Like, at all.

    Good news - it's sustainable. Like, forever.

    Really? You don't eat fruit at all? Or anything at all with sugar in it?

    If you've read the op's thread she is allow herself some fruit and 85% dark chocolate - which by the way I am eating as I'm typing this.

    Which is still sugar...

    So it's not sustainable at all.

    All sugar is processed the same whether is natural or processed.

    Yeah, ok, I get what you're saying. But what if you're trying to get off a sugar addiction? Isn't sometimes best to go off cold turkey?
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I guess if you want to spend endless hours trying to dissect what you've determined as good and bad, go ahead. I just prefer to focus on nutrient density and not worry about trivial things. Sugar is sugar and in the context of a balanced diet is fine, no matter the source. Medical conditions aside, of course.
  • huneydrop
    huneydrop Posts: 84
    It's not sustainable. Like, at all.

    Good news - it's sustainable. Like, forever.

    Really? You don't eat fruit at all? Or anything at all with sugar in it?

    I don't.......haven't missed it. The only sugar I get is in the tiny amounts naturally occuring in vegetables and other random foods here and there (eg: a salad dressing may have 1 gram or something) and I don't eat the vegetables with higher sugar like carrots or corn. I'll have the odd tomato slice here and there.

    And just to clairify, I'm not suggesting anyone eat like me or trying to sell you on the idea, just stating what I'm doing to answer the question that yes it is sustainable and I have experienced no negative health issues since doing so. Energy levels up, haven't been sick, blood tests a-ok as per Dr., weight down. Been over a year now.

    Again, not trying to convert anyone so don't get your panties in a bunch over my personal life choices.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    It's not sustainable. Like, at all.

    Good news - it's sustainable. Like, forever.

    Really? You don't eat fruit at all? Or anything at all with sugar in it?

    If you've read the op's thread she is allow herself some fruit and 85% dark chocolate - which by the way I am eating as I'm typing this.

    Which is still sugar...

    So it's not sustainable at all.

    All sugar is processed the same whether is natural or processed.

    Yes but the op has stated that she wants to keep certain sugars and as I stated before

    Good new that's sustainable.

    Hope that's clear????
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I've gone to my doctor over my skin, joint and weight issues. I've had acne for over ten years. I've worked out consistently almost all of those ten years and didn't eat junk or fast food. I was a kid during some of that time, so I wasn't tracking calories, fat or anything like that but I was eating pretty balanced for someone my age. Still, my skin has always been much worse than my peers.
    I've been on antibiotics for approximately the last two months for my acne and it doesn't seem to be making much difference. I know that antibiotics are not sustainable and I know that topicals will do nothing to solve skin issues. I'm also a bit worried about any possible side effects antibiotics might have. It has to be internal.
    I've had basic blood tests which ruled out thyroid imbalances and gluten allergies. I've also had some xrays on my knees and hips and will maybe be going for an MRI to rule out any ligament/tendon issues.
    I would say one of the number one mistakes I make is not drinking enough water and not getting enough sleep. I know they contribute to skin and overall health. I know that it may be a bit extreme, but I feel like my body is pretty sensitive and reacts strongly to certain foods. Added sugars seem to be in a lot of these trigger foods.
    So, yeah, it's a risk on my part, but I'm not focusing on a particular diet per say. I'm not going gluten free or dairy free or vegan. I'm hoping I can feel better and perform better if I eat clean. Anyway, that's my two cents! We'll see what happens!

    Have you ever seen Cassandra Bankson's Youtube? She is the queen of dealing of skin issues I think. She's had cyctic acne and other problems and talks about so many things and is a really wonderful person in general. You should check her out.

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Okay, so after reading all the replies, the OP is misleading. She says she's going of sugar, but she's not really going off sugar.

    I said it's not sustainable because sugar is in virtually everything. Besides all the usual things you think of like cookies and candies, there's milk, honey, cream, fruit, and practically everything that comes in a jar, can, or box. If you really tried to cut out all sugar, I say good luck.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Unless you are dead set on creamer, switch to milk...
    You can find sugar-free bread
    Make your own homemade protein bars with protein powder and no sugar added
    Make your own granola bars
    Check out the specialty departments in your grocery store or health food store for sugar free products but look for products sweetened with natural sweeteners.

    I don't buy pre-packaged foods. If you want, check out my diary. My staples are plain greek yogurt, eggs, chicken, lean ground turkey, vegetables, fruit, squashes, long grained rice, couscous, coconut oil, balsamic vinegar, salsa and stevia. Sugar free for over a month, besides a "cheat day" for a work event.

    My snacks involve fruit, plain yogurt with fruit & stevia, hard boiled eggs, veggies.

    You're not really sugar free then, are you.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Okay, so after reading all the replies, the OP is misleading. She says she's going of sugar, but she's not really going off sugar.

    I said it's not sustainable because sugar is in virtually everything. Besides all the usual things you think of like cookies and candies, there's milk, honey, cream, fruit, and practically everything that comes in a jar, can, or box. If you really tried to cut out all sugar, I say good luck.

    Not misleading you just didn't read the whole op statement.

    Go on admit it - you're among friends ????
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've been trying to eliminate sugar from my diet almost completely. This is because of skin issues, sleep issues, joint and weight issues that I've developed over the years and I feel like my diet is mostly to blame. I've allowed exceptions for fruit, creamer and stevia in my coffee and 85% dark chocolate/unsweetened cocoa powder. But I'm finding sources of sugar in nearly everything!!! Bread, energy bars, yogurt, cereal- you name it!! Does anyone know how to make this kind of lifestyle sustainable over a long period of time?? I've been snacking on foods like almonds, nut butter, fruit, popcorn with olive oil, eggs, cheese melts on tortillas, etc. I'm on day 3. Day 1 and 2 were mostly learning experiences though because I realized the granola bars and yogurt I ate had high levels of sugar.

    On a side note, I just started training for a Tough Mudder and want to make sure my body is properly nourished for workouts. I'm very much out of shape right now, but I'm hoping that will change and plan on exercising approximately five days a week.

    I realize that others have made topics about this, so I apologize if it's repetitive. It's new for me! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

    Also, I'll make my diary public so people can give me more accurate information.

    Just a few questions.

    1. You said you feel like your diet is to blame for these skin, joint, weight, and sleep issues you have. As in you're not sure. Since what you listed can be considered medical issues, why haven't you gone to your doctor to see if your diet truly is to blame? This is an extreme diet change based on something you're not 100% sure about.

    2. Why have you focused on sugar as the culprit?

    I'm curious about this, too. What skin issues are you having?
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
    It's not sustainable. Like, at all.

    I think you're right.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Okay, so after reading all the replies, the OP is misleading. She says she's going of sugar, but she's not really going off sugar.

    I said it's not sustainable because sugar is in virtually everything. Besides all the usual things you think of like cookies and candies, there's milk, honey, cream, fruit, and practically everything that comes in a jar, can, or box. If you really tried to cut out all sugar, I say good luck.

    Not misleading you just didn't read the whole op statement.

    Go on admit it - you're among friends ????

    I read the whole thing. She said she was trying to eliminate sugar from her diet almost completely because of health issues. The subject of the thread is "Going off sugar." I interpreted her goal to mean that she has eliminated sugar almost completely, but plans on "going off sugar."
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Okay, so after reading all the replies, the OP is misleading. She says she's going of sugar, but she's not really going off sugar.

    I said it's not sustainable because sugar is in virtually everything. Besides all the usual things you think of like cookies and candies, there's milk, honey, cream, fruit, and practically everything that comes in a jar, can, or box. If you really tried to cut out all sugar, I say good luck.

    Not misleading you just didn't read the whole op statement.

    Go on admit it - you're among friends ????

    I read the whole thing. She said she was trying to eliminate sugar from her diet almost completely because of health issues. The subject of the thread is "Going off sugar." I interpreted her goal to mean that she has eliminated sugar almost completely, but plans on "going off sugar."

  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    OP: Check out low carb diets like keto, paleo/primal, Atkins, LCHF, etc. You can find good recipes and creative swap out foods for high carb/sugary foods on the wide variety of information websites about each of those things.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Okay, so after reading all the replies, the OP is misleading. She says she's going of sugar, but she's not really going off sugar.

    I said it's not sustainable because sugar is in virtually everything. Besides all the usual things you think of like cookies and candies, there's milk, honey, cream, fruit, and practically everything that comes in a jar, can, or box. If you really tried to cut out all sugar, I say good luck.

    Not misleading you just didn't read the whole op statement.

    Go on admit it - you're among friends ????

    I read the whole thing. She said she was trying to eliminate sugar from her diet almost completely because of health issues. The subject of the thread is "Going off sugar." I interpreted her goal to mean that she has eliminated sugar almost completely, but plans on "going off sugar."


    Not sure what you're saying here. All I see is a little square.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Okay, so after reading all the replies, the OP is misleading. She says she's going of sugar, but she's not really going off sugar.

    I said it's not sustainable because sugar is in virtually everything. Besides all the usual things you think of like cookies and candies, there's milk, honey, cream, fruit, and practically everything that comes in a jar, can, or box. If you really tried to cut out all sugar, I say good luck.

    Not misleading you just didn't read the whole op statement.

    Go on admit it - you're among friends ????

    I read the whole thing. She said she was trying to eliminate sugar from her diet almost completely because of health issues. The subject of the thread is "Going off sugar." I interpreted her goal to mean that she has eliminated sugar almost completely, but plans on "going off sugar."


    Not sure what you're saying here. All I see is a little square.

    It's a friendly smile.
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    Unless you are dead set on creamer, switch to milk...
    You can find sugar-free bread
    Make your own homemade protein bars with protein powder and no sugar added
    Make your own granola bars
    Check out the specialty departments in your grocery store or health food store for sugar free products but look for products sweetened with natural sweeteners.

    I don't buy pre-packaged foods. If you want, check out my diary. My staples are plain greek yogurt, eggs, chicken, lean ground turkey, vegetables, fruit, squashes, long grained rice, couscous, coconut oil, balsamic vinegar, salsa and stevia. Sugar free for over a month, besides a "cheat day" for a work event.

    My snacks involve fruit, plain yogurt with fruit & stevia, hard boiled eggs, veggies.

    You're not really sugar free then, are you.

    The OP asked for advice on cutting out sugars. ADDED (keyword is ADDED) sugars are not in my meal plan, they are a once in a while thing when I decide to have desert at a restaurant. I lived this way for 2 years and I felt amazing with tons of energy, fell off the wagon for 1.5 years and felt like I was run over by a truck. I'm not telling you to live without sugar, but some people do decide for health reasons (insulin resistance, PCOS, etc) to cut out all added sugars and limit their sugars to ones that occur in food naturally.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    If I read this right you are looking at eliminating "added sugar" - IE: Processed sugar. I believe this is to a large degree achievable.

    Yoghurts: Select natural / greek yoghurts - (the sugars in these are from milk mainly Lactose at 3.2%)
    Bread: Find either a good local baker or just make your own
    Energy Bars: IMHO - forget them and pack snack pots of mixed nuts instead

    You may not eliminate entirely but there are ways around most items, there are some items like donuts, cakes, biscuits etc.... that you may need to consider making yourself or buying with "natural sweeteners" like Stevia - even Stevia you need to be careful as some processors use Dextrose (I think) to cut it down which is a processed sugar.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    It's not sustainable. Like, at all.

    How is it not sustainable? People don't NEED sugar. It's not an essential nutrient. It should be eaten in moderation. However some people due to health reasons need to eliminate it from their diets.

    Sugar is the one nutrient your body does need any of .