What are you giving up for lent?



  • Mamaof2UK
    Mamaof2UK Posts: 28 Member

    I might give up booze and rollerblading too (ten points to anyone who gets the reference).

    Ted and Dougal??!! Lovely faaaaaags
  • andreaaaaah
    andreaaaaah Posts: 19 Member
    I'm not religious at all, i'm just using Lent as a way to kee me on track with my goals. :)
  • I'm going to give up some fat with a great deal of sweat mixed in.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Happy Ash Wednesday, y'all who observe it religiously :)

    And for the others doing Lent anyway, get on it -- it's go time!

    (I'm going to continue to wear my Mardi Gras outfit for my avatar, even through Lent. I'm just a heathen that way :D )
  • Not religious but was planning on trying to cut out bread anyway so decided to do it this year (normally don't bother). I've decided only to give up bread at home since I'm vegan so sometimes if if I'm not at home my only option will involve bread. That said I'm going to try avoiding eating it away from home as well so might even improve my planning skills this month and manage to actually make packed lunches.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,544 Member
    I'm giving up the scale and cussing. Unfortunately, I played golf today so that's done already! I'd hit a bad shot, cuss and say Sorry God!! At least I didn't step on the scale this morning out of habit so I've got that going for me.
  • Gameofthrone
    Gameofthrone Posts: 1,522 Member
    Well the no other beverage thing didn't really pan; esp having to work super early (yay for coffee!)
    I think I'm going to give up chocolate ( I haven't had any all week-which should still count if you start late right?) lol
    But I usually eat some form of it everyday...so chocolate it is!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    so is this like a new years resolution?
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    in to see who calls this thread "divisive"!
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
    The blood of Christ...WINE
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i gave up leaving a mess. i am one of those i'll soak the pan over night and hey 3 days later that pan is still soaking in the sink. and i leave my clothes on the floor wen getting ready for bed and then the whole floor is covered and a hoodie i could have worn again a few times no longer because it is mixed with dirty clothes and covered in dog hair. so yeah, i am loading the dishwasher right away, cleaning the pans right away and putting clothes in the hamper right away. which is really big for me and really difficult bc i just want to leave the stuff laying around! also i am giving up getting snappy/cranky with people. i need to be nice so i am trying my hardest :]
  • Hidanas
    Hidanas Posts: 22 Member
    I gave up fast food. Too much money spent on bad food. It should help me find and take the time to make healthy meals.
    I was born Catholic, but I've since moved away from it because I find it to be very hypocritcal.

    I moved away for basically the same reasons. But Pope Francis has kind of brought me back a bit. That being said I never gave up my faith. I hope you kept yours too.
  • yizzie09
    yizzie09 Posts: 1
    I am giving up texting while driving, and sweets/desserts. This year is going to be a challenge!
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Potato chips and it already sucks becauae I found out that this month there is a potato chip day AND a chip and dip day. First night and I dreamed about potato chips. WTH? One day...really? LMAO
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Nothing, I'm a Scientologist.
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    To the people with questions, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (just past) and lasts 40 days- through Easter. The idea is to sacrifice something meaningful in your life to simulate the sacrifice that Jesus made.

    I'm not Catholic, or even religious, so if I'm wrong, someone who is please correct me.

    I'm giving up fast food. Defined as "any place with a drive through. And Subway."
  • kmessinger14
    kmessinger14 Posts: 57 Member
    Fried food! and I work at a restaurant with delicious wings, cheese sticks, potato skins, etc. and even the poor tortilla chips are fried so i have to stay focused and bring healthy munchies from home to snack on instead!
  • WillowThorn
    WillowThorn Posts: 37 Member
    Not Catholic, but I'm using the season to give up Tumblr. I'm addicted to the site and it eats up way too much of my time lol

    I've always enjoyed the Lent season because of the sudden abundance of Fish Fry on Fridays...but I guess I'll be giving those up too :-) (I love fish - the idea of giving up meat one day a week for fish never seemed like much of a sacrifice to me!)