being good while traveling

I have to travel some for work, and my company tends to have this thing for taking people to dinner. I'm usually gone for a week at a time. I typically pack a lunch but then go out for dinner. Any tips on how to stay on track while your away from home would be greatly appreciated.


  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    pick a dish that centers around a big piece of meat and isnt surrounded by fried foods.

    fish and steak are good options

    so basically, just order the most expensive thing on the menu and you oughtta be good... anyone say surf and turf?
  • greytniki
    greytniki Posts: 51 Member
    Don't be afraid to ask them to modify a menu item. For instance if they have a grilled chicken sandwich. Order it without the bun and a side of BBQ sauce or something. Ask them for grilled instead of fried. Steak is usually a good choice but make sure its less then 7 ounces. Also don't be afraid to ask for a "to go" box right off the bat and transfer what is more then a serving into the box. Frankly you can have it for lunch the next day, throw it in the trash or feed it to a dog, but once its in the box you are left with realistic serving portions on your plate and you can be successful for THAT meal. Ask to substitute fried foods for vegetables or side salad. Dressing always on the side. Another portion control thing I do if Im eating out with people I know who aren't concerned with what they eat is I offer them some of mine as soon as it comes. Get it off your plate. Avoid the pre meal breadbasket, nuts, or other such stuff.

    I mentor high school girls, I do one on one meals out at least 3-4 days a week. I do just fine. Add some exercise into your business trip and you will do fine.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Grilled, sauce on the side, with grilled veggies, and you're good to go.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    what others have mentioned. not sure how old you are, i am 25 and still order off the kids menu. cheaper and smaller poritons. i don't ask for the box right away but i always just eat half of what is served and take the rest with me for breakfast the next day :D
  • DallasSusan
    DallasSusan Posts: 34 Member
    Thank y'all for the helpful advice. I'm going to be traveling in about a month and I'm already stressing out over how to eat in restaurants for a full week. I've been successfully losing weight with MFP and I don't want to gain it back. My plan is to not fret over meat, seafood and veggies. But I plan to continue strictly monitoring the starches. I've been losing weight by mainly limiting myself to only potatoes and rice. (I've been avoiding wheat and corn products, although I'll occasionally have one piece of bread, one tortilla, one pita, one cup of cooked pasta.) I order a plain baked potato, slice it in two lengthwise and only eat one half. I know pretty well by now what half a cup of rice looks like. If I stick to those portion sizes on the starches, I don't think my daily calorie count will go horribly out of bounds. Has anyone else tried a similar approach?
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Get a room/hotel with mini fridge and microwave. I always brought green tea and a mason jar to use the coffee maker for fresh iced tea. If you have a fridge in you room, get a veggie tray and some hummus or guacamole packets, and a fruit bowl, to keep in there. This way you will have snack foods so that you don't feel pressured to over eat at dinner, or visit the vending machines later. If you must have a chocolaty treat (I must), those brownie bowl singles are perfect and much better than a snickers. At restaurants, if you are eating with coworkers and don't want to look overly picky, stick with meat and simple sides like another poster said. Ask for no extra butter and if anyone asks just say you don't it, if you don't want them to know that you are trying to lose weight (this was an issue for me as my coworkers were all obese and saw my own dieting as judgment). Be creative and tell us all what tips you come up with too!