Anyone else doing low carb? Looking for support


I recently started eating a low-carb diet so far so good. I intend to stay on this plan for at least a while so please no comments about how its not necessary and its all about calories in and out Im aware. Simply looking for friends who are on similar plans low carb , low sugar, paleo types. If you would also like my support invite me :smile:


  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    I recently started Atkins. I'm not logging calories for the moment, but I can still provide support if you are interested. Feel free to add me!
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm normally on a low carb diet. I've lost 85 (won't log it until tomorrow morning) in almost eight full months. After you get the hang of it, you change it to however you want. At least, this is my opinion. :D
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member

    I recently started eating a low-carb diet so far so good. I intend to stay on this plan for at least a while so please no comments about how its not necessary and its all about calories in and out Im aware. Simply looking for friends who are on similar plans low carb , low sugar, paleo types. If you would also like my support invite me :smile:

  • juliacatherine1
    juliacatherine1 Posts: 71 Member
    I have recently discovered I may be gluten intolerant so instead of calorie counting or high protein, Im doing paleo. I need to nourish my body so it can get better. I do calorie count some days, just to make sure im keeping myself in check. I have lost 6 lbs so far, which is likely water weight, but who knows. Send me a friend request! im always talking about what im eating.
  • AtlGlamBabe34
    AtlGlamBabe34 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm doing low carb too! Feel free to add me.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I'm on a low carb. I am glutton intolerant and spike with sugars. I do log all my food. I think it makes you more accountable. My calorie goal is set at 1200, but that is only a check point. Add me if you want.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Eating primal and loving it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love when people pre-condition public threads with conditions about how can or cannot comment …

    join the low carb group if you don't want a public discussion about low carb….
  • emmy724
    emmy724 Posts: 22 Member
    I am doing carb cycling. Two days low around 20-30g and one day high around 150-175g. You can add me if you like. I log everything!
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    My diet is low carb for the most part. I avoid sticking to any one type of diet like Paleo or Adkins because while I am dieting I am also trying to set myself up for success once I hit my fat % goal and adjust to non diet mode.

    Feel free to add me for my commentary on my traditionally non traditional diet journey.
  • bradleyyharris
    bradleyyharris Posts: 20 Member

    I recently started eating a low-carb diet so far so good. I intend to stay on this plan for at least a while so please no comments about how its not necessary and its all about calories in and out Im aware. Simply looking for friends who are on similar plans low carb , low sugar, paleo types. If you would also like my support invite me :smile:

    If you are doing low carb, make sure you up your fats and proteins.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I love when people pre-condition public threads with conditions about how can or cannot comment …

    join the low carb group if you don't want a public discussion about low carb….

    You just like pushing your opinion on people.

    I bet at weekends you even invade the vegan sites under the guise of miss carrot and say controversial stuff like meat is good????
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    I love when people pre-condition public threads with conditions about how can or cannot comment …

    join the low carb group if you don't want a public discussion about low carb….

    I think OP prefaced the thread in such a way that kind of closes it off for debate.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love when people pre-condition public threads with conditions about how can or cannot comment …

    join the low carb group if you don't want a public discussion about low carb….

    You just like pushing your opinion on people.

    I bet at weekends you even invade the vegan sites under the guise of miss carrot and say controversial stuff like meat is good????

    what opinion did I push?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I love when people pre-condition public threads with conditions about how can or cannot comment …

    join the low carb group if you don't want a public discussion about low carb….

    You just like pushing your opinion on people.

    I bet at weekends you even invade the vegan sites under the guise of miss carrot and say controversial stuff like meat is good????

    what opinion did I push?

  • huneydrop
    huneydrop Posts: 84
    I love when people pre-condition public threads with conditions about how can or cannot comment …

    join the low carb group if you don't want a public discussion about low carb….

    It's to try and head off the trolls before they start their rant about how bad it is for you to go low carb/keto/etc. she's letting you know her personal choices are not up for debate but if you want to be friends that's great. All this post is about, nothing more, nothing less. But some people like to troll so.......
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I love when people pre-condition public threads with conditions about how can or cannot comment …

    join the low carb group if you don't want a public discussion about low carb….

    It's to try and head off the trolls before they start their rant about how bad it is for you to go low carb/keto/etc. she's letting you know her personal choices are not up for debate but if you want to be friends that's great. All this post is about, nothing more, nothing less. But some people like to troll so.......

    Well said.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member

    You just like pushing your opinion on people.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I love when people pre-condition public threads with conditions about how can or cannot comment …

    join the low carb group if you don't want a public discussion about low carb….

    I think OP prefaced the thread in such a way that kind of closes it off for debate.

    Why does it need to be debated? and why does it need to be open?
    If you want a debate, then open a thread yourself.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    The ignore user feature is your friend. *wise nod*

    Am doing very low carb here and loving it. Still alive and fit the last time I checked.