IIFYM website tells me I can eat 1900 calories...

Per day and still lose fat? Is that possible? I work out five to six times week. Just wondering...My TDEE is 2416, BMR 1604. I weigh 195 and am 5'2.


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member

    I lose a half pound a week eating 2000 calories and I weigh 30lbs less than you do.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yes you can...but you eat 1900 a day even if you exercise...just remember that.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Yes you can...but you eat 1900 a day even if you exercise...just remember that.

    Please this. Do not eat back your exercise calories if you're doing the TDEE-% method.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Yes, but, do you want to eat that much?

    You could just as easily do less and eat less and get the same results (or better). This would also leave you the ability to add more training if you plateau. Training 5-6 times a week really only leaves you the option of eating less if your progress halts.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Yep, I weigh 138 and lose weight on 1900-2700 a day, depending on activity. If I were to do TDEE method, I would be eating around 2200 to lose.
  • centaurizoe
    centaurizoe Posts: 115 Member
    I am not planning on eating that much everyday, I don't always eat back my exercise calories. It's just nice to know that if I do go over for a day or two, it won't completely destroy me.

    Thanks! I am so bad with this TDEE and BMR stuff.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    Per day and still lose fat? Is that possible? I work out five to six times week. Just wondering...My TDEE is 2416, BMR 1604. I weigh 195 and am 5'2.

    If you know what TDEE means you should be able to answer this question for yourself...

    If you consistently eat less than you expend you lose weight. That's how it works. 1900 is less than 2400.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I am not planning on eating that much everyday, I don't always eat back my exercise calories. It's just nice to know that if I do go over for a day or two, it won't completely destroy me.

    Thanks! I am so bad with this TDEE and BMR stuff.

    YOU DONT EAT BACK EXERCISE CALORIES, EVER!. You calculated your TDEE INCLUDING your weeks exercise.

    Assuming you calculated everything correctly, your week should average ~1900. If you wanna eat 1200 3 days a week and 2425 the other 4 than go ahead. It should average 1900. If you did stagger your consumption you could run into energy issues if you make poor choices. You also need to consider that your weekly macro targets should be configured properly and met (or close to). Dont do something stupid like eat zero fat for 3 days or zero protein for three days.

    Common sense + ~1900 average=success (for you)
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Seeing these numbers really do put your bad habits into perspective don't they? It sure did for me. I can lose 2 lbs a week on 2500 cal but I usually try to stay at 2000 because I've found if you eat healthier food than fast food every day, less calories fill you up more. Trust the numbers and if after a few weeks if you are 100% honest and they don't work, then slowly lower them.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yes, I am 5'2" and weigh 102 and I will continue to lose if I eat 1900 or less calories everyday. I have my calories set for 1900 and usually eat more. Sometimes I eat less to balance out when I'm eating 2500 plus every day for a while.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yes, but, do you want to eat that much?

    Yes. :drinker:
  • centaurizoe
    centaurizoe Posts: 115 Member
    I am currently eating 1260 a day.....I think this just confused me more.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I am currently eating 1260 a day.....I think this just confused me more.

    In your op, you posted a very clear set of numbers. And there is no reason for you to be eating 1260. That is so low and not sustainable. You can certainly eat more. 1900 is a fine amount. Or you could increase a little at a time, and find what works for you. But, it's going to be more than 1260.
  • centaurizoe
    centaurizoe Posts: 115 Member
    I just found all that information, that's why I was eating 1260. That's what MFP told me to eat. So it's good I have this new info!
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Yes, but, do you want to eat that much?

    Yes. :drinker:


    I eat 1850-2000 calories everyday and am losing weight. I also exercise 4-6 times a week, as well as walking to work everyday and back home most days.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I just found all that information, that's why I was eating 1260. That's what MFP told me to eat. So it's good I have this new info!

    Yeah. The thing about the mfp number is that it is intended that you will eat that plus your exercise calories. I prefer not to do it that way. But, other people do like that method. Also, the number can be incorrect if you type in your info not accurate (and don't realize). This is a common thing to need to figure out when first joining.
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    I am not planning on eating that much everyday, I don't always eat back my exercise calories. It's just nice to know that if I do go over for a day or two, it won't completely destroy me.

    Thanks! I am so bad with this TDEE and BMR stuff.

    If you included your exercise in your activity level, do not eat back the calories you burned exercising. In fact, either don't log them at all, or log them as one calorie. IIFYM takes into consideration your exercise/activity level to give you 1900 calories to consume daily. I eat back my exercise calories, but I don't consider working out into my activity level, so I can eat back my exercise calories and still net below my TDEE, which is set low due to my having a sedentary job.
  • CelebrityStatus
    CelebrityStatus Posts: 84 Member
    I weigh a lot more than you... and am about 5" taller, but I actually had to up my calories because I was losing too quickly (and am going for strong and sustainable instead of quick loss)... eating MFP's suggested 1600 calories, I was losing sometimes upwards of 5lb per week on a moderate exercise plan (cardio 6x/ week, free weights 3-4x/ week) ... I am aiming to lose no more than around 3lb per week (yes that's considered "high" but I am currently 280lb, so not as ludicrous as you may think!) ... with my current exercise plan, I can comfortably eat approx 2100 calories and still lose around 3lb per week.

    So I would definitely say that you can eat 1900 calories and still lose. Almost no one needs to eat 1200 calories in order to lose weight.. .
  • ccb2004
    ccb2004 Posts: 16
    Yes! I am 5'2" and weigh 119 and I lose about 1/2 a pound a week eating 2,000 calories every day. Yay for getting to eat more!!
  • centaurizoe
    centaurizoe Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks everyone!