Help! Addicted to ice cream.

Hey everyone, I'm new to this site, It looks great and my girlfriend loves it!

I am in my mid 40's am in need of some real assistance. I completely gave up drinking early last fall and am feeling the benefits. I was consuming some serious booze on a daily basis, and the positive benefits of not pouring that garbage into my body anymore is wonderful. I'm very proud of myself, but since then I have been eating Blue Bell ice cream (I'm in Houston) in excess. I'm convinced they add an addictive narcotic into each and every half gallon ;-)

I am aware that our bodies transform alcohol into sugar, so I know why I am eating ice cream each day like it's going out of style. It's a replacement. I look forward to my lunchtime and nightly mass of it and save it for my favorite DVR'd shows I watch. It's similar to drinking, as I drank alone and when I was gearing up my mind for quitting, I would feel bummed and wonder how I would possibly be able to enjoy these daily rituals without it. Well, I switched to another poison ;-)

Given the two, I'd pick ice cream over booze any day, but it's not healthy to eat it like I do and it's taking its toll on my gut.

I really want to lose weight, but I don't know how to do it without going around all day with strong cravings, etc.

If anyone can offer some real, no BS advice on this, I'd be ever so grateful!




  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member

    I advise you set up your weight loss goals in MFP and PRELOG all your food each morning. Weight all your food too.

    It sounds like you might not know how to eat in moderation yet. ice Cream is a fine food, so perhaps you can think about having just some at lunch OR at dinner and not both times. Also consider having a serving instead of more than a serving.

    That's my advice. Good luck!
  • yummyboogereaterr
    yummyboogereaterr Posts: 23 Member
    Things are fine in moderation and as long as you aren't eating large amounts daily you should be fine. If you need help with portion control I suggest Smart Ones desserts. They have a delicious cookie dough sundae that is 140 calories and it helps because you can just grab it, eat it, and get on with your day, no measuring or anything. (I eat one almost everyday!) I hope this helps!
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Get a yonannas machine
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I quit drinking 24yrs ago. Congratulations.
    Work on eating less of it. Be willing to stop over eating ice cream.
    Someone suggested logging in your food here on MFP, very sensible idea.
    The other person mentioned portion control - I have found this works for me. Portion size in the freezer most Popsicles in Australia average around 100 cals. Everything is on the side of foods these days read them, become aware.
    I use this with sensible amounts of chocolate style bars - I know what I'm eating.

    You have to be willing to stop over eating ice cream, whilst it is working for you you will keep doing it, the consequences wont matter as much as the eating.
    I think becoming more aware of what is actually going in will help you the most.
  • iwtfytj
    iwtfytj Posts: 41 Member
    I understand your pain! god I miss Blue Bell. 4.5 years ago I moved from Dallas up to Ohio, where Blue Bell isn't sold. I miss that brand! So good!

    Ice cream is really hard for me to give up too. It's the one treat I try to make room for in my calorie budget. When an ice cream craving hits, I try to buy frozen yogurt instead, or I opt for the low cal brands like Skinny Cow or Weight Watchers ice creams. You could also try instead of half gallons to switch to something like fudge bars. I know that Blue Bell makes them and they are around 100 cals if memory serves me correctly.

    Good luck!
  • jennaandthemoon
    Get a yonannas machine

    Yes! You can easily make your own alternative version of ice-cream using bananas, and other natural and healthy add ins.
    Then you dont really have to give it up :)
  • lastunusedusername
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Save a Portion of you daily calories so that you can have a bowl of ice cream every evening. You must learn that a sustainable lifestyle is one where you are in control of what you eat and not the other way around. And if Ice cream is something you fancy then learn to work it into your daily eating plan.... I have done this and enjoy the foods that i like and have manage to lose a few pounds in the process... I don't consider any plan where you eliminate certain foods (medical exceptions aside) forever a realistic goal...... Best of Luck
  • spisea
    spisea Posts: 41 Member
    Icecream is the narcotic. It acts on your brain just like a drug. They have science and stuff that has show this fairly conclusively. If you can manage to eat just a small portion, go for it. But if you're really an addict, you might just be switching substances without managing your addictive brain.

    I will put another vote out there for yonanas. I make banana icecream with my mini-blender and its both nutritious and delicious. But I don't eat regular ice cream anymore because I'm really not able to stop. You're the only one who can really tell if you are unable to stop or not. If you aren't able to stop, its time for some more help - more help than a yonanas machine can provide.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Blue Bell makes the little portion controlled cups (I know they come in a pack with 1 row of Dutch chocolate (OMG so gooood) and one row of vanilla).

    I buy it that way and I find that it's easier to stop at just one. And hey... Less dirty dishes AND logging it is easy!

    If someone can't portion control ice cream, how is switching to banana based going to make portion control any easier? You can pig out on anything... "Healthy" or not... And still gain weight.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Icecream is the narcotic. It acts on your brain just like a drug. They have science and stuff that has show this fairly conclusively.

    Joking, right? I hope so.
    If you aren't able to stop, its time for some more help - more help than a yonanas machine can provide.

    This part I agree with.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I just ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's Pumpkin Cheesecake. Delicious. Will do again. Clearly addicting.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.

    I love mine, you can add other frozen fruit or stir in some peanut butter. However, it is VERY IMPORTANT TO PEEL THE BANANAS BEFORE FREEZING THEM. Sorry for the shouting there, just a warning from someone who forgot to peel before freezing
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.

    Put fruit in freezer.
    Take out after frozen.
    Mash with fork

    Save $50.

    You're welcome.
  • spisea
    spisea Posts: 41 Member
    Icecream is the narcotic. It acts on your brain just like a drug. They have science and stuff that has show this fairly conclusively.

    Joking, right? I hope so.
    If you aren't able to stop, its time for some more help - more help than a yonanas machine can provide.

    Sadly, no. I wasn't kidding:
  • Marcolter
    Marcolter Posts: 103 Member
    In my blender (Vitamix): Frozen Fruit of choice and Non Fat Greek Yogurt: add flavoring and or sweetener of choice. Home made ice cream and creamy good.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.

    Put fruit in freezer.
    Take out after frozen.
    Mash with fork

    Save $50.

    You're welcome.
    A thrifty person! :bigsmile:

    When I was a kid my mother used to pour juice into the popsicle tray, and they were better than the store ones.

    She used to make snow ice cream by putting a bowl on outside on the rare occasions when it snowed--add vanilla, sugar, flavoring, and that was better than any brand of ice cream.

    I'm now nostalgic. Thanks for the frozen fruit suggestion. :smile:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Icecream is the narcotic. It acts on your brain just like a drug. They have science and stuff that has show this fairly conclusively.

    Joking, right? I hope so.
    If you aren't able to stop, its time for some more help - more help than a yonanas machine can provide.

    Sadly, no. I wasn't kidding:



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    In my blender (Vitamix): Frozen Fruit of choice and Non Fat Greek Yogurt: add flavoring and or sweetener of choice. Home made ice cream and creamy good.
    That's a great idea too.