Shakeology - Does it work?



  • schmopal
    schmopal Posts: 3 Member
    I use Herbalife shakes.... they are cheaper in price (and calories) :) I ESPECIALLY like the mint chocolate one with vanilla almond milk :)
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    HealthyishWithMaggieG Posts: 397 Member
    Two years or so ago, I joined Beachbody as a "coach" because there was a very active group of coaches in the area where I lived. They offered free fitness classes in the community. I was working for a semi-pro football team and referring our players to these fitness classes. Knowing the power of network marketing businesses, I thought it was silly for me to be referring people to classes/a company's products and not get a commission if they decided to buy anything or sign up. So, that's why I joined... and eventually ended up leading 1 of the classes, for a short time.

    During that period of time, I did try the different flavors of Shakeology. I really wasn't "trying" to lose weight, though. I was just interested in eating more healthfully. I'm a big believer in eating real, nutritious foods. So, I never "used" Shakeology as a daily meal replacement shake. Did I like it? Yes. Did I see positive results from drinking it? I can't say one way or the other because I didn't drink it often enough. To me, it was just a "healthy" shake. It was convenient to be able to mix it up quickly, if I was in a hurry, but I worked from home and was rarely in such a hurry that I HAD to have something to eat/drink so fast that I couldn't make a meal.

    So, long post, short (I know... too late)... if you are looking for a business opportunity that offers health/wellness/fitness products that you can get at a discount by being a coach, yeah... I'd recommend it. I saw people doing very well in the business. It was a secondary business for me, so I really wasn't that invested in it, didn't do well, and ended up quitting. After moving from that area, I lost contact with most of the BB community and lost interest in it. If you're not interested in the business opportunity, I don't really think it's worth the price. Eat real food in small portions. If you still want Shakeology as a healthy treat, I'd do like others have mentioned and check eBay or check your local Facebook garage sale groups. I often see coaches that have left BB, that are selling product they stockpiled.