Are workout DVD's enough??

Hi all,

Long time reader first time poster here. Basically I am back using MFP but with a completely different mindset. I have lost weight before but have always put it back on, now I’m looking at a sustainable lifestyle change for long term benefit! I am 5ft 4in and weigh 164lbs so I have some weight to lose.

My question is this: I have a knee injury which doesn’t allow for much cardio, I cannot jog and even walks tend to hurt if done at speed and frequently. Instead of straight cardio I do numerous workout DVD’s 5/6 days a week which I love (mainly Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper). These use weights mixed with cardio etc. (my knee, surprisingly, is well able for the short bursts of cardio movement and numerous squats).

I would love to build muscle tone and definition and I’m wondering are these DVD’s enough to achieve this? I am interested in strength training but find that completing the DVD’s gives me a whole body work out so does not give an opportunity to spend the following day working say lower body or upper body because that is two days in a row working the same muscle group. I switch up my workouts to make sure they are different everyday.

I know a lot of people chose a day of strength training followed by a day of cardio or strength training a different body area, I don’t really like the idea of just doing straight cardio on non strength days.

I suppose what I’m asking is will the DVD’s give me sufficient strength training as I up my weights or should I look to a dedicated strength training programme instead.

I am only two weeks into this so would really appreciate any advice from people out there to get on the right track early on!!


  • noexcuses08
    I love working out at home and get a really good workout from these videos. I have tried various DVD programs such as Jillian Michael's but I find that variety is the key to keep your muscles working and from platau and the best way to do is to alternate workouts and mix them up with other workouts that will work a different body part.
    There are some systems that already have a set schedule of what to do each day, and they do a great job mixing it up so you don't get bored and keep pushing yourself to the next level.
    I'd love to share some of the ones that I have found the best or have seen first hand real results. Let me know if you are interested.

    take care,
  • arabellaflagg
    arabellaflagg Posts: 28 Member
    Yes. Love Jillian's DVDs, even though I've done Insanity, Ths Asylum and P90X, Jillian's Butt and Thighs level 2 leaves me crippled!!

    Bobs Inside Out Method DVDs are the bomb. I got incredible definition in my arms after 30 days of his Cardio Rev and Strength DVD. I also find his yoga better than P90x yoga.

    P90X is an app now and you can get the workouts real cheap if you have a smartphone. They are split into upper/lower body and move at a slower pace than Jillian and Bob so you could go heavier every so often.
  • ayeob
    ayeob Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for your replies.

    It's good to know that other people are getting results from these type of workouts. I find that most of Bob's DVD's feel like I'm working more weights and strength in while Jillian's don't always feel like that but I'm definately left feeling the burn after!

    Thank you for the P90X app suggestion which would allow me to up my weights, I can't imagine going too heavy with J and B!!

    Evelyn I'd love to hear some of your selection of workouts. i've developed the mindset that if I don't get a full body workout it's not as good a workout so might look at alernating days of full body with dedicated upper and lower body workouts.
  • hollygparr
    hollygparr Posts: 243 Member
    I regularly use Jillians dvds alongside my exercise bike, lots of walking and some jogging. Works for me!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Dvd's lost me me first 20lbs! The key is to actually DO them, not just buy them and have them sitting on your shelf! Good luck :-D
  • noexcuses08
    I am partial to the beachbody programs as I have a lot of different workouts such as Jillian Michaels but my fave workout programs are Turbo Fire which is a cardio intensive training program, Brazilian Butt Lift and the newest one I am doing is the 21 Day Fix. I like the programs because they come complete with a workout schedule so you don't have to guess which workout to do and it is balanced working the various muscle groups on different days and not over working any single muscle group and with the Beachbody community you have friends and accountability so you are more likely to stick to the program when you have a support group.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I love Jillian Michaels. I do pair her DVDs with running as well, but I always recommend her workouts to anyone. :)
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    I have thoroughly enjoyed P90X and P90X3 and plan to try Body Beast (mostly weight lifting) next. Both P90X/P90X3 have enough weight training to build muscle or at least tone up.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    There are literally thousands of workout DVDs ......ranging from beginner to advanced. DVD's can definitely be "enough." You just need to know where to look. reviews hundreds of DVDs for fitness level, impact level, equipment required, etc. Same with

    Beach Body sells DVD "sets" .....many of these are progressive programs you do in "rotation"....hitting various muscle groups.

    Just keep challenging yourself along the way. I do low impact cardio.........rebounding (mini trampoline).....very easy on the joints. Circuit training ( not easy on the joints for me) many of the moves are high impact. I also do DVDs that are just strength training (Kelly Coffey Meyer) point in adding more cardio my cardio. You will find what works for you.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I lost all of my weight through at home workouts. Starting with Jillian Michaels, moving on to Beachbody workouts (Turbo Fire, Focus T25), I also do several workouts on YouTube (Fitness Blender, Be Fit). I've been able to come up with a varied workout schedule, including strength training, as not to get bored. Also have dumbbells up to 25lbs and a 20lb kettlebell.

    ETA: Recently I've added a barbell set and weight bench thanks to a generous Xmas gift from Managers.