Need new friends trying this again

I was on MFP before and was doing well when I found out I was pregnant again. So I stopped counting calories but tried to stay active. I gained 37lbs during my pregnancy and so added another 14lbs to lose to achieve my goal weight of 150lbs. I am bad at tracking my food because I am a busy mom of 6. I need friends who have common goals and will motivate me to track my food and workout.

My current weight is 217lbs
My goal weight is 150lbs

150lbs seems really far away, so for now I am just working on getting under 200lbs


  • fatmamadoc
    fatmamadoc Posts: 2 Member
    How old are your kids? Can they help?
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    You can add me if you like. I'm a busy mom of 4 that has gotten pretty good at logging and getting better at making time for workouts. I've been back on here since the end of last year and lost 10 in that time. Now trying to be a little more disciplined to move that along a little quicker. I'll probably want to lose another 10 on top what my goal is listed at. My diary is open.
  • fatmamadoc
    fatmamadoc Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 40 pounds on MFP two years ago. It was hard to get started. I make a rule that I can't go to bed without finishing it. I try to keep up on the daytime. It helps that it pulls up your most frequent foods.
  • evajessee
    evajessee Posts: 51
    We need to hook up because we have TONS in common! I am also a momma of 6 & have about the same amount of weight to lose too! I started this a while back too & got sidetracked with life, work & the chaos of a large family. I am determined now to lose this weight & get healthier! It's week one for me & I'm down about 4 pounds since Tuesday when I started. Woo Hoo!
  • tennessegal74
    I'm still new here too I have about 84 pounds to lose and I have 2 kids a 16 yr old and a 3 yr old I work random hours but I do like to try to workout 5 days a week would love to be your friend and motivate each other :)
  • nomoreyoyo67
    I want under the 200's too! Feel free to add me:)
  • gemgirlred
    gemgirlred Posts: 31 Member
    My kids ages are 15, 11, 8, 3, 22 months and 6 months. I also have 2 step children that are 11 and 8. As far as them helping me stay on track my 8 year old daughter loves to work out with me. My 15 runs and I use to run with her until I had my son 3 years ago. I am hoping one day to be able to run with her again
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Sent a friend request. I have 3 kids (5,3,2) so I can relate to being busy. But make you a priority also!
  • mslovelykj
    mslovelykj Posts: 21 Member
    My goal weight is around the same as yours, but I'm starting off a bit heavier. I'm a working momma of 2 boys (ages 14 & 10), so I know how hard it is to get in that You Time :-)

    I sent you a friend request. Maybe we can support each other along the way.
  • jellyfish1976
    I admire you for being a mom of six (plus 2 more)! I just have one grown child but I am always looking for friends to support and receive support from! Feel free to add me.

  • mofiya84
    mofiya84 Posts: 4
    Im a new mom, fitfreak to my friends and family...anyone looking to stay in touch, offer support and accountability please friend request me....I love to exchange workouts, fit tips and fit recipes/tricks....
  • kimfoto
    kimfoto Posts: 6
    God luck! I just started this past week and need help too. Add me as a friend and let's keep up the work!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I have 3 kids, and am a full time student (and hopefully back to work again soon too). I have about 100 to lose and have trouble sometimes (a lot of times) making myself a priority or setting aside time like I know I should. Feel free to add me if you'd like and we can motivate each other and help each other reach goal!
  • ChristinaKY
    ChristinaKY Posts: 28 Member
    I am a mother of 4 with a full time job. My kids are 7 (almost 8), 6, 4, and 2 years tomorrow. In the past I lost 60lbs between baby #2 and #3, then gained most of it back, then lost 40lbs between #3 and #4, then gained it all back. Now I can't have any more kids, so I know we are done and my baby is finally old enough that I feel like I can devote some time to me again. I started this journey again the day after Christmas and I was back up to 218.5 (my highest non-pregnancy weight was 220). I had sworn I would never get above 200 again, but it happened and I decided it was time to get back to my healthy life style and make it for good this time. I have been exercising in some form every single day and I have logged faithfully. I was down to 195 yesterday! I hope we can encourage each other and help each other stay accountable. Best of luck!