Confused with calories

I'm 20, 5'3 and 56kg (i think it's 124lb)
I eat about 1200 daily (i try to never eat less than that), and run 4-5 times a week 30 minutes each time and an app i have tells me i burn about 200 calories each time. I also try to do pilates workouts a few times a week.

It's been two months since i began my weight loss and i lost a 4kg in the first month, 1kg every week. But it has been a month and i haven't been losing anything. I actually just learned that 1200 calories a day is too little so i'm wondering if that is why i didn't lose any weight.
I don't know how many calories to consume and how many to burn to be in a deficit, whether to eat the calories i gain by working out or not (because i don't).
I'm SO confused and i really need help with this because i know i'm doing something wrong :\


  • We're in the same boat! :( Will totally be anticipating the replies for this.
  • LiliBex
    LiliBex Posts: 2
    Hi, I've been confused with the same thing and I found this:

    Basically- you have to have an average of 1200 calories a day. So if you eat 1500cal you should exercise off 300cal or if you eat 900cal, then complete 300cal worth of cardio, you need to eat a further 600cal to add up to your allotted 1200cal.

    At least, I think that's right... I'd be interested to see other replies on this though :)
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Are you adding in your exercise? Most people eat their allotted calories plus about half of their exercise calories.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    With only 6 lb. to lose, set your goal to .5 lb. per week and be patient. The smaller deficit will also help you transition to maintenance. Log your exercise, and eat back at least half your exercise calories. Your goal should be to find the maximum number of calories at which you lose weight, not the minimum.

    Read this:
  • FitBun9
    FitBun9 Posts: 21
    Ok i think i'm starting to understand..haha i'm so slow >_<

    So for example -
    Today i ate 1200 calories, then i exercised and earned 470 calories and that enables me to eat 1670 calories - so that means i am free to eat something like 200 calories? (about half of what i've earned?)
    And if i ate 1600 calories my mission is basically to burn 400 calories if i want to lose weight?
    And i always add in my exercise.
    Ugh i didn't know there would be so much math involved lol!
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Ok i think i'm starting to understand..haha i'm so slow >_<

    So for example -
    Today i ate 1200 calories, then i exercised and earned 470 calories and that enables me to eat 1670 calories - so that means i am free to eat something like 200 calories? (about half of what i've earned?)
    And if i ate 1600 calories my mission is basically to burn 400 calories if i want to lose weight?
    And i always add in my exercise.
    Ugh i didn't know there would be so much math involved lol!

    Ding, Ding, Ding, the lady wins a prize LOL. It's been trial and error for me too but at least I'm finally making progress again.

    PS I hate math too.
  • MarisaShickel
    MarisaShickel Posts: 31 Member
    Is 1200 what MFP told you to eat, or the amount that you think you should eat? 1200 is really low so especially for someone of your size and age!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Set your MFP goal to .5 lb. per week. That's more than 1,200 calories.

    If you burn 470 calories, eat back 235–470 calories.