what am I doing wrong?

Hi, I've been on here a few months now but only just found my way to the community area.

My starting weight was 306.3lbs. My current weight is 290.2lbs.
I have a lazy thyroid for which I'm taking medication for.

The calorie counter tells me I should be eating 1600 cals daily.
I usually eat approx 1200. Except on a Sunday which I class as a 'free' day and will have a meal out.
I do the gym 3 times a week, usually burning 370 cal doing cardio and 170 cal doing the weights each time.

I only lost 1.8 lbs this week.
My problem is my weight loss is slower than my not so heavy friends' and I'm really frustrated. I've been told by a couple of friends that maybe part of the problem is I'm eating too few calories. But I'm wary of eating more incase I gain back any, that would really knock my motivation that is already weakening daily.

Please advise?

Thanks :)


  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    Just to add, I'm a 35yr old woman :)
  • Eat the calories MFP recommends plus at least 1/2 of your exercised calories. It's set up that way for a reason. Also, make sure you're tracking food properly. What you might consider one serving might technically be two, that kind of thing. Your meds might be causing you to retain water or something. Swatch your sodium levels and drink plenty of fluids. Weigh yourself once a week on the same day in the morning, after you've been to the toilet and before you eat or drink anything. If you wear clothes, make sure it's the same outfit each weighing day for accuracy.
  • Watch, not swatch.

    A lot of people find they lose more weight when they eat more. I don't understand why, but it happens.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    1.8 lbs in a week is great!
    Recommended sustainable weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week if you have quite a bit to lose (less if you have less). You are at the upper end of that. Don't compare your weight loss to anyone else's. You are not them. Slow and steady may be frustrating, but it is the best way to go.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    This is all in my opinion. I am not an expert. That said, I suggest the following:

    I know you want to lose weight and be healthy and I am familiar with that battle myself. I agree with what Stumblebee said about salt intake and water retention. You can log that on MFP and see what you are at. You are getting pretty good burns. I would suggest that you change your macros to 50/30/20 and see if that helps. (Protein/carbs/fat). That seems to help a lot of people. Set your calories at 1500 and see if that helps. You would be amazed at what changes you will see when you change things around. Also, make sure you drink half your weight in ounces of water per day. Since you are at 290, I would say 145 would probably be good to start. Your body needs the water.

    I hope this helps. :) I wish you luck! You can add me if you like. :)
  • dwood1231
    dwood1231 Posts: 275 Member
    I agree with everything stumblebee had to say, I would only add that for a while when I started I would compare my wt loss to others and it usually just P#@$%#@ed me off. This is not about others progress it is about yours. As long as you are making progress its a good thing. Watching others progress takes away from the focus on yourself. I am always happy to see and hear that my MFP friends are doing well, but my real concern is me. Best of luck and keep up the good work. feel free to send a friend req if you want a suportive friend...
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Even with medication, hypothyroidism = slow weight loss. That said, 1.8 pounds a week isn't bad. Is that your typical weekly loss?

    If you eat soy products, try cutting them out. Doesn't work for everyone, but it helped me lose weight a little more easily.

    And yeah, try upping your calories to, say, 1500 a day for a week. If you gain, go back to what you were doing.
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    I agree that MFP's setup is designed to help you, not hurt you. The recommended caloric intake is the way it is for a reason and a lot of people have found success with it. I would suggest you raise your calories and also add an additional day of exercise. I know cheat days can be a nice reward for a job well done but you may want to consider limiting it to once a month instead of every week.

    Thyroid conditions suck and sometimes the medications suck even more! :o( Don't forget: Recommended weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week because it's much more maintainable than a drastic drop. Chin up and just keep going. Sometimes it takes some experimenting to find what works for your body.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like some more support. Good luck!
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    It can be aggravating to see the scale move slowly. Especially when you are working hard and trying to be diligent. Hang in there! As said before 1-2 lbs a week is a good, and healthy rate of weight loss.

    That said, make sure you are counting and measuring everything you put in your mouth. Every splash of milk in your coffee, every piece of fruit, every half teaspoon of butter to fry an egg. All of it. Including that meal out on your *free* day. You will likely be surprised how a couple hundred extra calories can slip into our daily intake if we are not counting. Also, it is possible that your burn rates may be a bit high. I understand from doing some reading around here that MFP tends to overestimate those figures.

    I suspect your weekly *free* day with a meal out is working against you. May I suggest that you cut that back to once a month? If it's an unbreakable tradition with friends and family to go out for a Sunday meal each week, then maybe have the Eggs Benedict (my personal favorite, and a huge splurge) once a month and have a lite selection from the menu every other week. Let the treat be that you are out with good company. And count everything you eat on Sundays. To still lose nearly 2 pounds and have a splurgy Sunday is still good.

    Don't compare yourself to others. Ever. In any department. There will always be people ahead of you and behind you. Best of luck to you.
  • pammiejean40
    pammiejean40 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm new here also… what is the MPF?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have a lazy thyroid for which I'm taking medication for.… I only lost 1.8 lbs this week. My problem is my weight loss is slower than my not so heavy friends' and I'm really frustrated.
    "Only" lost 1.8 lb. this week?! A healthy weight loss is .5–2 lb. per week. You're doing great!

    MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group:

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease) and take Synthroid. My endocrinologist told me I could lose just like anyone else, but it took me a year to lose 20 lb. Those of us with thyroid problems lose more slowly than most MFPers—so be patient!
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for your replies :)

    My food intake I think I'm getting correct as I do weigh/measure everything.
    This isn't the first time I've tried losing weight. The very first time I lost 7 stone. That was at a rate of 2/3lbs per week. But for 2 years I ate nothing but rich tea biscuits, toast and laughing cow cream cheese sandwiches. Which obviously is neither healthy nor possible to live with forever. So once I began eating a varied diet I gained all except a few lbs back over the last 6 yrs. So this time I'm trying to keep at least 1 of my meals a day interesting and tasty. And adding more veg.

    I am excluding sweets and chocolate and my real weakness of salt and vinegar crisps completely. As if I have any I wouldn't stop. So easier for me not to have.

    Everybody does seem to be saying the same, I should increase my daily intake.
    Mfp telling me 1600 tbh I thought that that was a number to aim below of. Not at.

    I think I'm gonna have to give it a go. It is Weird & you'd think being allowed to eat more would please me. But it doesn't.
  • Shetorg
    Shetorg Posts: 2 Member
    My Fitness Pal. . .
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I think loosing 1.8lbs in a week and having a slow thyroid is awesome. I don't have any medical issues (except fibro) and all I can manage each week is -1 lb. My suggesting is to start measuring yourself and stop worrying about the scales, they are not your friend! A slow and steady loss will results in being able to keep off the weight more easily than a fast loss. Keep up the good work!
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    Yeh the gym instructor actually said I should take measurements of body parts too. And stupidly I didn't.
    So that's my task tonight. Measure my limbs lol.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    MFP means My Fitness Pal.
  • terihick
    terihick Posts: 12
    I've been working hard at losing weight. I only had 23 lbs to lose. I've lost 13 so far since January 1st. I agree with everyone here about their suggestions. One thing I've learned about myself on this journey (believe me that I've tried to lose this 20-23 lbs numerous times for the last 10 years) I needed to stop looking at what everyone else loses compared to what I'm doing, stop doing what I know, and appreciate the hard work I've been doing. I eat 5-6 times a day, I don't do the same exercises everyday (muscle confusion), I don't eat the same thing everyday either and I take electrolytes. I notice I tend to get comfortable with doing the same thing everyday and I think that is what works against me. Our bodies get used to this. We don't like outside change and our bodies don't like inside change either. It's confusing but, what do we do with our outside changes? (the things that come at us on a daily basis: whether it's a traffic ticket, unexpected bill, sick kid, etc…? We deal with it right? We knock it out and move on.) That is the same as the inside of our bodies. If we don't have anything different in our bodies, we adapt and we don't grow or shrink is our goal. (oxymoron but I think you know what I mean right?) So, why do I do electrolytes when everyone says take the salt out of our diet? I do it because I feel our organs need the electrolytes to flush the damage we've done. I avoided them because we all think salt! No way! But electrolytes are many other things. I choose to use an electrolyte with no sugar. I buy Sqwinchers lite and have one on my way to work in 24 oz of water. I prefer the Citrus flavor because their are no dyes in it. The funny thing is I've actually seen faster weight lose doing it. I only do one a day unless I'm doing a long workout and feel dehydrated and can't take in enough water. I also push myself further than I have ever done before. I always thought: "Oh, I did the treadmill for 60 minutes…that's totally awesome because I burned "such and such" calories" Not that's not great but what about the rest of my body? I got used to just getting in my exercise regardless of whether I'm repeating the something everyday….that's exactly when I would give up because my body wasn't confused. It got used to what I'm doing and my body said, "ok, lets go for another walk…I'm used to this." What I want to do is have my body say, "What the $%*#! are you doing? I've gotta drop some of the #$%& weight to keep up!" LOL. This all may be unconventional but it has worked for me. Take what you want from it and I wholeheartedly support your efforts. I wish the best for you and don't give up!!!
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Thanks for your reply :)

    I actually had to Google electrolytes lol. Now I understand though lol.
    Ive only been going about 3 weeks, before that I used my exercise bike/cross trainer at home. But my partner broke the cross trainer lo. So instead of buying a new 1, we joined the gym.

    Since starting though, my instructor set out a routine for me initially, but I have already increased my equipment leves a couple of times. As soon as anything feels easy or routine I aim to increase the level, weight, rpm, elevation. I do feel my fitness level is increasing each time and I do feel really good after going. Sometimes it is a little hard to motivate myself to go, especially when I know I need to go alone when my partner is working. But so far so good.

    I'm going to make an app with my instructor this week and see if the changes I've made to my exercise routine is the optimal one for me though :)
  • nlrossbrook
    nlrossbrook Posts: 7 Member
    if you have below what the minimum calorie intake they suggest, your putting you body through starvation mode this reduces the chance of losing weight as your body feels that it has to store fat. if you eat 5 small meals a day this can help.

    the way i do this is i split the amount of calories (1400) into the separate meals to help me maintain it such as

    breakfast - 280
    snack - 140
    lunch - 420
    snack - 140
    dinner - 420

    this amount includes drinks,puddings etc as well, this way you body is always full and you feel less hungry.
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    That's a good idea. I never thought of that.

    That might over ride my brain worrying about intaking too many cals. By splitting the total into smaller 'total intakes'
    Hmmm I really like that idea Thanks :)