Insanity: Max Recovery vs. Cardio Recovery

I goofed and totally missed packing the cardio recovery disc when I moved for school, but have been using the max recovery disc in is place. Is that alright? This is my first time through, about a week and a half in.


  • Peter_M68
    Peter_M68 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there,

    Cardio Recovery is used in Month 1 and Max Recovery in Month 2. The exercises are more intense in Max and some of the stretches in the latter part of the video are pretty intense. I would suggest that Max is ok to do instead of Cardio but don't push too hard if it starts to feel uncomfortable.

    It might also feel like you're not actually recovering :-)

    Good luck with Insanity!

    Regards, Peter
  • Ok, thanks! Since I won't be home for a couple months, it's good to have an alternative.