75lbs lost, on plateau and feeling stuck. Help!

I hit my plateau around November 2013 and while I didn't gain during the holiday season (I actually dropped 3 lbs during it), I haven't seen a decrease on the scale since then. I continue to log daily as accurately as I can and of course there are things that I need to work on, such as decreasing the amount of artificial sweetener I use (anywhere from 6-8 packets total per day), drinking more water and not giving in to bad choices. But I am really needing some support and motivation that eventually the weight loss will start up again. I'm 5'9". Started at 286, now at 210. Would like to really get under 200 SOON as that was my end of 2013 goal which didn't happen.

Has anyone else been through this kind of "extended" plateau experience? If so, how did you overcome it? Also looking for any tips. I am still highly motivated to exercise. I go to the gym 3-5x per week including 1 time per week with a personal trainer.


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    A plateau is really just someone eating at maintenance and thinking they're in a deficit. As you lose weight and become smaller, your body needs less calories. You burn less during your workout. So basically you aren't losing weight because you aren't creating a deficit. Recalculate your calorie needs. Make sure you're logging accurately and not getting your calorie burns from MFP or machines. Use a heart rate monitor if possible.

    And...artificial sweeteners will not deter weight loss.
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    A plateau is really just someone eating at maintenance and thinking they're in a deficit. As you lose weight and become smaller, your body needs less calories. You burn less during your workout. So basically you aren't losing weight because you aren't creating a deficit. Recalculate your calorie needs. Make sure you're logging accurately and not getting your calorie burns from MFP or machines. Use a heart rate monitor if possible.

    And...artificial sweeteners will not deter weight loss.

    Yes... recalculate your calorie needs. When I lost 20 pounds my calorie intake when down and I almost cried LOL. When's the last time you changed it?
  • AmyRuthIL
    At the beginning of my journey I was at 2370 calories per day, then it went down to 1850 last fall, last week I manually changed it to 1500 per day to hopefully jumpstart my metabolism.
  • AmyRuthIL
    Thank you for the insight!
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    I had lost 70 lbs when I hit my plateau in June 2013. I started this journey with WW but all of a sudden it wasn't working for me any more. It took me until January of this year to realize I wasn't ready to end my journey and I needed to do something. I found MFP and through that and with the support of the friends I've made on here, I have finally started losing again.

    My best advice for you is to simply not give up and reevaluate your caloric needs.

    Congratulations on your journey thus far!
  • nescobosa
    I visited the boards today to post the exact same plea for help. I started my new lifestyle in June of 2013 at 334 pounds and set a goal of losing 114-134 pounds. I weigh 270 pounds as of this morning. The 64 pounds was lost primarily through lowering my caloric intake. I did not gain weight through the holidays but I have been fluctuating between 265 and 270 for at least 3 months now. I cannot seem to drop below 265 for any extended period. It's becoming disheartening.

    MFP claims I should be eating 1550 calories a day and this is consistent with the Jenny Craig program I have been using to control my food intake. I hit this goal 5-6 times a week consistently. I also consistently drink 6-8 glasses of water or tea a day plus milk. I do not think I am retaining much water.

    I started an exercise routine this week. Today is day 4. I am smaller now and can keep up (barely) with most of a low impact routine. I am using the T25 program and can make it through the 25 minutes of every class except for the ab workout. I am not capable of holding up my 270 pounds to do things like V's, planks and downward dogs... yet.

    Still, the scale hasn't moved and I find myself depressed. I didn't even eat the extra calories that MFP has given me for doing exercise. I need this scale to drop for me. Just to 265. I need to see it or I will fear I will give up. I know seeing just those 5 little pounds gone I've been staring at for weeks will give me the motivation to keep going for a long time.

    How can I get there? Can I fast? Flush my system with juices or laxatives? I'm not looking for something long term, just something for a quick boost. It's a mental thing. I recognize that but it's something I need right now. Can anyone help?


    "I have never been less than 240 pounds (or a size 14 dress/ 16 jean) in my adult life. I am 5'10 and could be described as "solid". Trust me when I tell you that I would look amazing at 200 pounds because of my body type. It think it must be unusual for a woman to have an end goal is over 200 pounds. I started at a size 26 jean and now wear a size 20. I have lost 64 pounds since June 2013."
  • thedrawback
    thedrawback Posts: 2 Member
    They say 1200 calories should be a baseline or you go into starvation mode, so maybe aim for 1250-1300?

    In my own case, I aim for 1300-1500 and I've lost a lot in 6-7 months. I've had several 'plateaus' in that time, but just ploughed-on and waited for the weight-loss to start again.

    It's as much about what you eat as how many calories, I've found.
  • nescobosa
    My Jenny Craig consultant has advised me to drop my calorie goals slowly to lose weight safely. I started at 2000 in June. Dropped to 1700 in October but stopped losing weight before I could reach the next drop to 1500 which should happen for me at the halfway point in my weight loss or 67 pounds lost. MFP conflicts with my consultant by about 200 calories so I have been splitting the difference and aiming for 1600.

    I can easily drop myself to 1500 or less. I don't fear that or even 1200. But I am afraid to drop too soon. With 70 pounds of weight left to lose, what happens if I drop to 1200 and I stop losing weight again. There's no where left to go.
  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    Personally, I worry that y'all aren't eating enough! Please look up TDEE and BMR. The BMR is the MINIMUM amount of calories you should eat if, say, you were in a coma (in order to keep your body alive!). If you don't eat ENOUGH, your metabolism slows to a crawl. I just upped my calories last month, and while I haven't checked my pounds, I've lost almost an inch off my stomach alone. Please look into this. I'm no expert, just going by my experience, and things that I've looked up.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    A plateau is really just someone eating at maintenance and thinking they're in a deficit. As you lose weight and become smaller, your body needs less calories. You burn less during your workout. So basically you aren't losing weight because you aren't creating a deficit. Recalculate your calorie needs. Make sure you're logging accurately and not getting your calorie burns from MFP or machines. Use a heart rate monitor if possible.

    And...artificial sweeteners will not deter weight loss.

    I second this /\

    OP and everyone else thats on plateau. lets recalculate your calorie intake. need your
    -goal weight
    -workout Xs/week
    -diary opened
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    This happened to me. It lasted a year. Then I cleaned up my diet with the primal blueprint and started losing again. However, lost motivation when I met my current boyfriend and I gained 20 pounds back. I am now on a mission to finally drop the last 50 pounds. Some suggest upping calories for a week or two to kinda shock the system but I know what worked for me.
  • AmyRuthIL
    To the person who wants to get to 265 - I apologize, I've forgotten your username. I know it is disheartening but please, just keep going! One day at a time, one foot in front of the other!
  • nescobosa
    Hi folks. I dropped my calories to 1400/day on Monday. It's Friday and I am down weight! I think tomorrow I might finally fall below the dreaded 265 I haven't been able to escape. I have felt so proud of myself this week. I can't wait to enter my new weight tomorrow.