where am I going wrong?



  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    Those people that told you to eat more are right! I always stricktly stick to the MFP advice and that is working best for me. Just give it a try for a week or two and see what happens!
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    For your age, weight and height, your BMR is approximately 2060 calories.

    If you are not losing weight, the most likely reason is that you are underestimating how much you are eating or you are overestimating how much you are burning. Although, you did indicate that you have a medically diagnosed thyroid problem, so you will probably want to get current bloodwork done and make sure that your medication is calibrated according to your doctor's current recommendations.

    The reason that raising your calorie limit might help is that it is less restrictive and easier to stick to and you may be more honest about exactly how much you are ingesting. Weighing your food to get an accurate calorie count will help. Writing down what you eat as soon as you eat it will make it less likely that you'll forget to record something. Walking a bit every day will help to raise your energy expenditure.

    Good luck with your program.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You're losing nearly 2 lbs per week. That's a healthy and sustainable loss.
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm not sure what BMR means?

    Looking back at my own diary I can see days I have missed recording meals when there are empty spaces. But the full days are accurate. And those that I've missed I don't believe would be over my 1200ish as I check my diary to see how many cals I have left before eating anything.

    The quantity of calories I enter in my diary I am getting from the equipment at my gym. I was given a key to enter in each machine which records my work out. My instructor has set the keys data up with my body stats, height, weight, age etc. So I have been going of what the key tells me.
    My partner who has different stats and exercise routine burns different quantities so I can only assume it's accurate? I will check this week when I see my instructor though ;)

    I've just mentioned on another thread actually about this thyroid thing of mine. I was told almost 12 months ago after numerous blood tests for other things that my thyroid was lazy, but after my initial prescribed dose and then 8 th week check of levels, I've not been tested since.
  • gebruce
    gebruce Posts: 3
    Can we first start by changing your topic question from "where am I going wrong" to "what am I doing right"? You've lost 16.1 lbs which is awesome! You've made some positive changes in your eating habits maybe even to the point of possibly depriving yourself of too few calories consumed which can sabotage your weight loss. Our bodies are like engines, we need fuel (food) to operate efficiently. However, if you put in the wrong fuel (bad gas) your engine will seize up. You won't be able to lose weight at a reasonable rate. Maybe that's a silly analogy but it is important to eat the right kind and right amount of food for you body. It is such a tricky balancing act.

    What has worked best for me personally to lose 47 lbs (slowly) is following a plan that my daughter, a PT and Wellness expert, designed for me. It's nothing complex. The key is small meals every 3-4 hours that consist of low carb, high protein, no sugar, and low sodium. The important thing to remember is just because your eating more meals DOES NOT mean that you are consuming more calories.

    It's also fantastic that you joined a gym and you're moving your body. Another excellent way to fire up your metabolism and also another thing that you are doing right!

    Please listen to me when I say, even though you don't know me, don't hide behind your sluggish thyroid. I take a high dose of Levothyroxine for hypothyroidism. I have in the past but never will again use this for an excuse. Just because we have thyroid disease, only means that it is an extra challenge to lose weight NOT impossible to lose weight!

    So as I see it CC, you have a lot more 'Right' going on than you do wrong.

    Best Wishes for success
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I'm just curious, but you mention that you have a food scale.. are you using it with all of your solids? The reason I ask is because your numbers are so even that it makes me wonder how you find 100g bananas every morning. There is only one item in recent days that is anything other than an even gram measurement that it would suggest that you may not be actually weighing everything. I'm not saying this is the case but it's odd.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    BMR stands for basal metabolic rate and represents the calories that your body expends when completely at rest (not accounting for any activity at all). However, the BMR figure that I quoted is for a typical individual with your stats. Because of your thyroid issue, your BMR may actually be lower than this.

    If your insurance will cover it, then another trip to the doctor and new bloodwork may be advisable. I think that, especially in the first year of diagnosis, more than two visits are warranted in order to get your medication dosage regulated properly.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If your insurance will cover it, then another trip to the doctor and new bloodwork may be advisable. I think that, especially in the first year of diagnosis, more than two visits are warranted in order to get your medication dosage regulated properly.
    My endocrinologist has my blood tested every three months, then adjusts my dosage of Synthroid accordingly. I started at 25mcg; I'm currently at 88mcg.
  • aldiba1994
    aldiba1994 Posts: 5 Member
    Why so few calories?

    I started at 327 pounds - shooting for losing 1.5 pounds a week, and after losing almost 70 pounds, I'm still eating 2330 calories a day.

    1200 seems like too few calories for where you are right now. You will have serious difficulty sustaining that amount of calories, for the long-term. Perhaps decrease your pounds per week loss in your goals, increase your amount of workout time, or something similar?

    You will plateau faster as your metabolism decreases and have more difficulty keeping it going for the long-term commitment it's going to take to do it at that level, IMHO. Think less diet and more lifestyle.

    P.S. Nice job on the loss!! :)
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member

    QFT! Please go though all 4 of these when you have the time. This is where you'll find the most help. Good luck! :drinker:
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    I had to laugh at the 100g of banana. I scanned the pack and it said each banana was 100g from that shop lol. I just trusted the pack. But after that comment, I realise that's quite naive of me >_<
    I'd weigh loose items, veg, pasta, potatoes, berries. But you're quite correct. Just cos the pack says Xg doesn't necessarily make it so does it.

    I'm in UK Wales so it's nhs. I'm waiting for a referral regarding the issue. So it's obviously time to chase them up.

    I don't for 1 minute think a lazy thyroid would prevent me losing weight. I've lost before. But I've put it back on. So I'm trying to find a solution to lose as efficiently as possible and on a plan to keep it off.

    I've had a lot of people saying do this do that do the other. My head was scrambled. That's why I came here today to try and consolidate my thoughts with the help of advice from people who are in similar shoes to me.

    And I have learnt a few things.

    Thanks :)
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    I second the advice of pretty much everyone else on the thread.

    I would like, however, to add two things:

    1) You say you drink lots of coffee, without sugar, but with coffee-mate. I don't see coffee or coffee-mate in your log. I would suggest you start measuring every gram of coffee-mate you put in your cup and logging it. Make sure what you're logging is the exact product you're using, and you're logging the exact portion you have. I'm not saying don't enjoy your coffee, I love mine and have it exactly how I want it. I AM saying, measure and record it so you can see what impact it has on a daily basis so you can make informed choices. (Coffee-mate varies from 10 to 60+ calories per serving and a serving is TINY, if you like your coffee really flavored a lot with it, it's very easy to make a 3-400 calorie cup of coffee ... 5 times a day).

    2) Tea biscuits are pretty nutritionally void. If you love them, have them. If you're just eating them to have something, try branching out ... thinly sliced carrots or cucumber are awesome with a tablespoon of hummus, you don't like berries but how about an apple, a serving from a tin of white beans blended with whatever herbs you enjoy most makes a wonderful dip with the aforementioned veggie slices.
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    No that's true too. I never log drinks.
    Thanks for pointing it out.
    I'll have to start measuring my coffee mate. I never thought of hidden calories there.
    I'm gonna go weigh it and see ;)
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Do you use any butter, sauces, dressings, ketchup, cooking oils?
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    Well I am gob smacked!!!

    I have just weighed the coffeemate I would use per day . spooned into a regular mug onto digital scales. It almost filled the cup and weighed a massive 77gs. Meaning it was a whopping 414.4cals!!!

    How could I have been so blummin stupid to not notice that. Especially after me telling my partner that their blue top full fat milk intake was to blame for their lack of weight loss the other week!!

    Really shocked. Goodbye coffeemate... well most of it anyway :(
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    The calorie counter tells me I should be eating 1600 cals daily.
    I usually eat approx 1200. Except on a Sunday which I class as a 'free' day and will have a meal out.
    I never log drinks.
    I'm just curious, but you mention that you have a food scale.. are you using it with all of your solids? The reason I ask is because your numbers are so even that it makes me wonder how you find 100g bananas every morning. There is only one item in recent days that is anything other than an even gram measurement that it would suggest that you may not be actually weighing everything.
    I had to laugh at the 100g of banana. I scanned the pack and it said each banana was 100g from that shop lol. I just trusted the pack.
    You say you eat "approximately 1,200 calories," but you don't log liquids and you don't weigh everything. So you actually have no idea how many calories you're consuming.

    Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Every thing.
  • chunkycherub79
    chunkycherub79 Posts: 38 Member
    Condiments I use regular are chilli flakes, garlic powder, oxo, occasionally coarse grain mustard, Worcestershire sauce. Soy sauce on sushi.
    Olive oil only. I dont pour it, I put on kitchen roll and grease the oven tray.
    Flora light is the marg I usually use.

    Not a fan of ketchup, mayo etc unless on stuff like pizza, chips, burgers,kebabs. All of which im not eating at the mo. But if I use, I'll be sure to measure.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Do liquid calories not doing or something?
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Condiments I use regular are chilli flakes, garlic powder, oxo, occasionally coarse grain mustard, Worcestershire sauce. Soy sauce on sushi.
    Olive oil only. I dont pour it, I put on kitchen roll and grease the oven tray.
    Flora light is the marg I usually use.

    Not a fan of ketchup, mayo etc unless on stuff like pizza, chips, burgers,kebabs. All of which im not eating at the mo. But if I use, I'll be sure to measure.

    You don't have any of these logged.

    Olive oil alone is 120 calories per T.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    I have a terrible thyroid....so emaciated it doesn't work on its own at all. It IS a HUGE hindrance. That being said, slow is better than nothing at all. Accept that it will be slower than your peers. Just embrace that. If it takes you a year to drop 30 pounds then it is still better than being the same weight in 30 years, right? Also, if you are on Synthroid, levothyroxine, or any other T4 medication then begin researching Armour and ask about switching. If you dr won't switch you then find one who will. You will feel like a new person. I was on T4 meds (Synthroid) for 10 years and I hate that no one ever told me about Armour in the beginning. I feel like I lost 10 years of my life :/

    You are doing great!