Diabetes/insulin pumpers

HI all, I wasnt sure where to post this, so I hope it finds all you living with diabetes!!
Im Holly- A diabetes Diva :) Goddess of glucose :) Type I since 1987 and on a pump since 1999. My first and only pump has been a minimed medtronic insulin pump.

The time has come to get a new pump! and I am overwhelmed with the options
Animas ping? omnipod? stay with medtronic?

Oh please, does anyone have any opinions/advice they can share?

I dont want to be tethered to a pump, but i fear beign caught without the remote for the omnipod arrg!!


  • winkerbean
    winkerbean Posts: 39 Member
    Hi There!

    Okay, so I think where you first need to start is making a list of the features you would like to have in a pump. And see if your endocrinologist would be willing to let you try out pump models (some have this, some don't - mine didn't but she set me up with a diabetes educator who updated my nutritional knowledge and allowed me to try out different pumps and meters). I've only been pumping for about 5 years now and have stuck with Animas - their glucose meter pairs with the pump so that I can dose without having to whip the pump out of a pocket (or bra!), which comes in handy a lot.

    I recently got a newer version of the Ping (which was exactly the same model as the one I got five years ago), and confirmed that if the new version of the pump (which I assume will be the vibe: http://animascorp.co.uk/animasVibe) gets released in the US within the next four years (while it is under warranty) then I can upgrade to the new pump for just 100 dollars. Which isn't bad?

    Animas doesn't currently have a linked CGM (like the new Minimed Enlite). But I wasn't looking for a linked CGM, so that didn't really come into play. It is also why I didn't consider minimed as it seems like their pumps are kind of forcing you into a full time CGM?

    I didn't look into the omnipod because I know that I'm kind of bad about being clumsy and brushing against stuff so I worried that knock the thing off? It appears to sit up kind of high off your skin.

    For me Animas and Tandem's T:Slim (http://www.tandemdiabetes.com) were the competitors. Buuuut tandem didn't have the pump/meter link-up. I do plan on keeping an eye on tandem and their innovations, though. They're the first company that has kind of...went outside of the box in regards to the software that is in the pump and I think that is pretty neat. :)

    I hope that helped a little bit!
  • Charbostock
    Charbostock Posts: 2 Member

    I believe Animas does now have a pump linked CGM, I currently use a Medtronic Paradigm pump along with a Dexcom G4 standalone CGM. The latest Animas pump does have an integrated CGM that uses the same sensors as the Dexcom. It is the most accurate available at the moment.

    I have only been on the pump almost a year and I only have experience with the Medtronic, I know someone with an animas and an accu chek combo and I prefer my medtronic. They all roughly do the same, but I have had first class customer support from medtronic, and i prefer the look of the medronic.

    I dont think you can get NHS funding for the Omnipod at the moment but I might be wrong. (if your in england)

    I am sure if you ask at your hospital they will be able to show you the different pumps.
  • winkerbean
    winkerbean Posts: 39 Member

    I believe Animas does now have a pump linked CGM, I currently use a Medtronic Paradigm pump along with a Dexcom G4 standalone CGM. The latest Animas pump does have an integrated CGM that uses the same sensors as the Dexcom. It is the most accurate available at the moment.

    In the UK it is integrated, but here in the US it is not. The Vibe (the integrated one I mentioned) has not passed the US approval process, but Animas expected to see it here soon. We're still on the Ping.
  • aplhabetacheesecake
    aplhabetacheesecake Posts: 181 Member
    The vibe also doesnt have a meter that is linked to it to bolus with :( and my insurance does not cover the glucose sensors
    I love my medtronic, and i always have a pump handy in my pocket to bolus with-the exception dresses, I think i may just stick with what i have after all :( even tho something shiny and new would be awesome!
  • aplhabetacheesecake
    aplhabetacheesecake Posts: 181 Member
    Im in ontario Canada- i have government funding for my pump plus private insurance thru work