Office lunch ideas for a vegetarian ?

Any quick to do ( 15-20mins ) lunch idea to take to the office ?? I also dont have a microwave or anything in the office ... Even a precooked over weekend kind of meal would help ...


  • I would suggest sandwiches - I am trying to take my own lunch more after noticing I pretty much buy Subway or some other sandwich every day. Some fillings might include hummus, sprouts, avocado etc. I often take the previous night's leftovers but that wouldn't always be practical without a microwave. Do you have a jug/kettle? Maybe a packet soup or pot noodles would work for you.
  • dodochoga
    dodochoga Posts: 33
    Go to the freezer section and find vegetable medleys. Cook them in the way that the box/bag indicates and toss them with your favorite dressing after they cool off(this part is a bit of trial and error but I love the Asian style dressings with sesame). You can add fried tofu to the mix(my favorite thing to do). The important thing is to let the veggies cool before tossing in dressing. They don't shrivel like lettuce would in acidic dressing, especially with tofu, they absorb a lot of flavor.
    I also like toss veggies with a bit of tomato sauce and yogurt(no tofu) or feta and cayenne.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Pasta!!! I'm not vegetarian, but I'll often take pasta with sauce and veg into the office. Lovely and filling and can be eaten hot or cold. The other thing I love doing is making a big batch of soup up on a Sunday and with the right container, this can be taken into work with a bread roll for a substantial lunch.
  • BookRat
    BookRat Posts: 16 Member
    I like to cook up batches of bulgar wheat, pasta, lentils, quinoa, etc. and store them in the fridge for my weekday lunches, then I just add veggies and something like beans, peas, cheese, nuts or seeds for extra protein, and maybe a little dressing or seasoning.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I take some kind of salad variation like lentil couscous, three bean, quorn and quinoa. All the fiber and protein will keep you full.

    Or sandwiches/bagels/wraps with quorn/tofu and avocado/tomatoes/cucumber and maybe some cheese. I don't know where you live but depending on calorie goal you can get 100 cal sandwich thins (Warburton in the uk)
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I precook a pot of " rice plus " its a mix of rices, quinoa and grains. I take about 100g of this with a finely chopped salad or precooked veg mix, I like green beans, carrots and capsicum for colour and crunch. Then I add some tuna or salmon, if you don't eat fish you can add some chopped egg, if you don't eat egg you can add some tofu, lentils or bean mix. A spoon of sauce or dressing over the top if you need. I often just use a little cider vinegar.
    If you live somewhere cold you could invest in a thermos flask and heat your meals to go.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Make soup or chili and bring it in a thermos! Every weekend I make a crock pot of something that's bean and vegetable heavy and eat it for lunches throughout the week. Spicy lentil chili with cheese and crackers is one of my favorites--about 250 calories for a generous serving, a nice dose of protein and fiber, and keeps me full for a while.
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    I am not a veggie anymore but was for a good 8 years or so.

    How about cooking a lentil dhal over the weekend and having that for lunch with some falafels and salad?

    Some of my favourites included:
    -roasted peppers and houmous in a tortilla wrap
    -pasta salad
    -grilled halloumi with roasted peppers and rocket with sweet chilli dressing in a pitta bread (omg yum)
    -homemade soup with a fresh bread roll
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    A container of fruit and a container of salad. You can keep the dressing in a smaller container. My girlfriend has purchased several plastic containers over the years that were specifically made for bringing salad to work, and keeping the dressing separately.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Felafel and salaf,
    Roast veggiescous cous salad( or rice or quinoa)
    Cottage cheese and crackers
  • goalie234
    goalie234 Posts: 97 Member
    Some really nice ideas ! Thank you guys !