Looking for friendly help

Hi all. First off I just want to say I am no expert when it comes to weight loss, if I was I wouldn't be here. I want to give a little background info. I'm 25, currently at about 210 looking to get down to 160 and go from there. I started this last year. I was 230 when I started. I managed to get down to 201 last year but then my young daughter got really sick and I was so stressed and busy that I went back into my bad habits. When I saw the scale about a month ago I was back up to 215 so I started up again. Since started again I got down to 209.4 which was on 2/27. But since then I have not lost anything else. I keep going up and down between about 210 and 212. I know weight fluctuates day to day but it hasn't gone down past 209.4 since 2/27. I've looked up a lot of posts about a wide variety of things to make sure I am doing things right. My goal is set to 1610 calories per day. Since started again this year I have not gone over at all. I am always under, but not too far under. I make sure to get at least 1200 a day, I usually get between 1300-1600 depending on the day. I haven't exercised yet since started up again. I had torn the ligament in my right knee so I have trouble doing a lot of exercise, any type of jumping or running makes my knees swell a lot and hurt. I do have a stationary bike that I will start using again soon. I also have an elliptical but I am so out of shape that I can't be on it for longer than 2 minutes without my legs hurting. I really want to learn how to use the elliptical better because I thought it was something I would enjoy but instead it just kills my legs. Like I said I haven't started exercising yet but I do have a heart rate monitor to use when I do for more accurate calorie burns. Also when it comes to food, I weight absolutely everything I eat so I know I am getting an accurate amount of calories that I am consuming. I drink 3-4 liters of water each day as well, I don't drink anything besides water except on a rare occasion which of course I then record those calories.

So I guess I'm just looking for a little advice. Last year when I did this I seemed to lose weight pretty consistently but this time I'm not. I'm not looking to lose huge amounts at once, I have it set for 1 pound a week. Just want to make sure I am doing things right since I haven't lost anything since 2/27. I am trying to go the approach of still eating what I love just in smaller portions and with some healthier options as well. I eat a lot of eggs, egg whites, chicken breast, veggies but also things like chocolate and pizza in moderation ( I found a 320 calorie pizza that works great for me). Should I just keep doing what I am and the weight will start coming off again? Any advice on how to get better using the elliptical? Anything else helpful? Thanks to all who respond.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You're probably overestimating your food. Weigh everything but liquids. Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Every thing.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • kdg0189
    kdg0189 Posts: 26 Member
    Like I said in my first post, I weigh and log everything I eat. I have a food scale that I use to weigh all the food I eat.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    You might want to try bodyweight circuit training routine.

    Push ups, llanks and pull ups are all exercises that you should be able to do with a bad knee.

    Maybe a half hour, to an hour a day, will get you losing fat and building muscle rapidly.

    Good luck.

  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    Google IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) and look at the calculator. Make sure you hit the protein and fat numbers it gives you. i am no expert by any stretch of the imagination but this method helped me finally get rid of my persistent belly fat - and I have tried every method going, including the downright silly ones.

    Keep at it, you'll find what works for you :flowerforyou:
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    My weight fluctuates quite a bit on the regular, so it might be nothing. It's only been about a week and a half since you last lost weight. I know it can be difficult to see fluctuations, and it's frustrating not to have a scale loss in that time (happens to me all the time!), but it doesn't necessarily mean that you're doing something wrong. You should give it a few weeks before you decide to change anything.

    If you want more specific feedback, you may want to consider making your food diary public. If it does begin to seem like you're having a problem continuing to lose weight, diet is the first place to look. :smile:
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I don't know if you're "eating back" your calories, but if you are, be careful of the MFP exercise calories burned. They are 1.5 - 2 X higher than any other calorie estimates I can find. That alone can sabotage even the most careful food measurement and logging.
    I use http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc to estimate my calories burned from exercise (the calories can be changed manually when you log them into your MFP diary).

    Another way is to use a set number of calories per day regardless of exercise. If you do that, don't "eat back" your exercise calories. This way is a little easier for me and I've been losing weight pretty steadily. On the advice of some of the MFPers, I used
    http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ which gave me 1675 calories per day (a 500 calorie/day deficit). MFP gave me 1422 but my blood sugar drops too low when I fall below 1600 cals, so I either had to workout everyday without rest (not an option) to be able to eat the requisite amount of calories, cheat (also not an option), risk a hypoglycemic or bingeing episode because I've fallen too low (do I even have to say that this isn't an option?)

    Sometimes this takes a little experimentation to find out what works for you. Hope this helps!

  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    If you are weighing, measuring and logging everything correctly as you say, you may either be eating at maintenance for you or you may have a medical issue such as a thyroid problem. With more investigation, you will figure out your issues and go on from there.
    Also, do you ingest a lot of salty foods? People may be able to be of more help to you if you open your diary.
    Are you able to walk a bit? I find walking to be a great help. Swimming would be wonderful for you also since you have pain issues.
    I love the elliptical but I have found I need to have a very comfortable pair of shoes and to not tie them tightly as your feet will swell during the workout and cause pain. Also start out at no resistance and slowly work your way up. I myself don't like resistance, I just like to burn calories by going faster.
    Add lots of high fiber veggies for great energy and more water and things will move right along through your "system" which will also help with your weightloss.
    You will discover what works for you and start to lose!
    Keep at it, you're doing great!