Hellooo :-)

Hi, My name is Amary.. and I'm jumping back on my weight loss band wagon. I lost 30 pounds and than quit...tipped the scales back and forth but I want to get a jump start before the new year so I don't dive in head first.

I'm 22, a student, an avid Grey's Anatomy Watcher... I'm not going into this with I won't slip up, I know I'm not going to lose 100 pounds in a month. It's a long process, a life change but I need some support..some one to keep me in check.

What about you?


    Welcome back and best of luck
    you can add me if you like
  • Reshie
    Reshie Posts: 12
    I can always use support of a friend.
    I struggle with chips, I love them to much:)
    you can ad me as a friend.
    I'm 22 and have about 50lbs to lose.
  • katikati
    Hi Ya! I think this site is great cos you learn where the fat comes from! I sat with my hubby n had a vodka and soda and munched on about a half a cup of roasted salted cashew nuts and when I added them to my daily food diary I nearly died when I saw how many cals were in them...so I will think before I munch. MFP makes you think about a healthy choice to keep the daily limit down....eeek I will weighmyself in the morning and see if it is working.. :-)
  • ashleyy0608
    Hello! =] I'm Ashley, I could always use more friends/ support too.. add me if you want! I'm 23, student, and also LOVE Grey's! haha I still have about another 60 lbs to lose..