Want to clear this up

I've begun going to the gym three times a week for an hour at a time. I go in the evenings after I've finished eating for the day. My current calorie intake is 1980 as I weigh 235lbs. My question however is on those three days I exercise I'm burning between 300-400 calories so i end up having my calorie intake show up as around 1500-1600 for those three days. Should I be eating more calories on those days to still be consuming 1980 calories after exercise or am I doing it right in the way I am currently doing things?


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Eat back at least a portion of those extra calories earned from your workouts. Log your workouts using the Exercise tab and MFP will add them back automatically so you still maintain the same calorie deficit each day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what are you using to estimate your burns? My only concern would be that the burn estimate is off and then you would eat back too much ….
  • clactongirl2002
    what are you using to estimate your burns? My only concern would be that the burn estimate is off and then you would eat back too much ….

    I'm going by the machines used at the gym.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I agree with the previous posts. Additionally I would add, how do you feel? If you feel like you need to eat more and if this will improve your gym experience, then eat back half. If you like what you are doing now and it's working for you, then keep up the good work.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what are you using to estimate your burns? My only concern would be that the burn estimate is off and then you would eat back too much ….

    I'm going by the machines used at the gym.

    the machines are usually not that accurate…

    I would suggest only eating half of the calorie burned number back and see how things go..
  • clactongirl2002
    To be honest I find I'm really hungry after I exercise but as I exercise quite late in the evening I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to snack? I go to the gym after 7pm.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    what are you using to estimate your burns? My only concern would be that the burn estimate is off and then you would eat back too much ….

    I'm going by the machines used at the gym.

    HRM's , machines at the gym, and calculators on fitness websites all seem to calculate a different burn. I don't trust them and I usually do treat back calories from lifting.
  • clactongirl2002
    what are you using to estimate your burns? My only concern would be that the burn estimate is off and then you would eat back too much ….

    I'm going by the machines used at the gym.

    the machines are usually not that accurate…

    I would suggest only eating half of the calorie burned number back and see how things go..

    I've found the exercise bike is rather generous in calories burned so I keep it to 100 calories for 10 minutes on level 6' the rowing machine says 100 calories burnt just over 10 minutes but I use that on its highest setting. The cross trainer I don't change any setting to input weight etc so it says it works it out based on a person who weighs 150lbs?
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    To be honest I find I'm really hungry after I exercise but as I exercise quite late in the evening I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to snack? I go to the gym after 7pm.

    Then I suggest you do have a snack, something with protein, after you work out. It doesn't matter what time if day you eat.
    Also, I said I don't eat back lifting calories, but I don't think I work out as hard as you do. I'm usually out of the gym within thirty minutes.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    what are you using to estimate your burns? My only concern would be that the burn estimate is off and then you would eat back too much ….

    I'm going by the machines used at the gym.

    the machines are usually not that accurate…

    I would suggest only eating half of the calorie burned number back and see how things go..

    ^ This. I also wouldn't worry about when you eat unless it makes a difference in your performance.
  • clactongirl2002
    To be honest I find I'm really hungry after I exercise but as I exercise quite late in the evening I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to snack? I go to the gym after 7pm.

    Then I suggest you do have a snack, something with protein, after you work out. It doesn't matter what time if day you eat.
    Also, I said I don't eat back lifting calories, but I don't think I work out as hard as you do. I'm usually out of the gym within thirty minutes.

    So would it be best to try and stay away from carbs? Or could I have say a yoghurt after exercising?
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Concur with everyone else, eat about half back. And it doesn't matter what time it is that you eat. What you eat depends on what fits your macros. I have at least a protein shake, but like to get some carbs at the same time if I can.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Please go and invest in a HRM
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    To be honest I find I'm really hungry after I exercise but as I exercise quite late in the evening I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to snack? I go to the gym after 7pm.

    Then I suggest you do have a snack, something with protein, after you work out. It doesn't matter what time if day you eat.
    Also, I said I don't eat back lifting calories, but I don't think I work out as hard as you do. I'm usually out of the gym within thirty minutes.

    So would it be best to try and stay away from carbs? Or could I have say a yoghurt after exercising?

    No, you can eat whatever you want whenever you want. I shouldn't have said that, I was thinking about me again:). I'm often short on protein and I find fats and protein more satisfying when I'm hungry and after lifting. I also like to pretend that the protein is going straight to my muscles that I just worked and making them bigger:)
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    enjoy a protein drink after your work out, it usually satisfies me it it's late
  • clactongirl2002
    Please go and invest in a HRM

    I did purchase a cheap one off eBay but it didn't seem to work that we'll so not sure which one would be accurate?
  • clactongirl2002
    To be honest I find I'm really hungry after I exercise but as I exercise quite late in the evening I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to snack? I go to the gym after 7pm.

    Then I suggest you do have a snack, something with protein, after you work out. It doesn't matter what time if day you eat.
    Also, I said I don't eat back lifting calories, but I don't think I work out as hard as you do. I'm usually out of the gym within thirty minutes.

    So would it be best to try and stay away from carbs? Or could I have say a yoghurt after exercising?

    No, you can eat whatever you want whenever you want. I shouldn't have said that, I was thinking about me again:). I'm often short on protein and I find fats and protein more satisfying when I'm hungry and after lifting. I also like to pretend that the protein is going straight to my muscles that I just worked and making them bigger:)

    I think I'll start going for the yoghurt option, it's something light but filling also. I didn't expect to be so hungry after exercising.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Please go and invest in a HRM

    I did purchase a cheap one off eBay but it didn't seem to work that we'll so not sure which one would be accurate?

    It's simply personal preference. I bought one a few years ago and never used it. I personally don't see the point in using one but that's me.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I work out evenings, too...about 4 nights a week for an hour. I typically burn 550-650 on the treadmill and elliptical readouts, but do about 10-15 minutes of lifting every other work out. When I go home, I have a protein bar in the car sometimes. Or when I get home, I'll have a light meal--mostly protein and some carbs. I try to eat back about 250-300 calories. I have been losing about 1 pound a week (SW 188 CW 163 GW140)
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    To be honest I find I'm really hungry after I exercise but as I exercise quite late in the evening I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to snack? I go to the gym after 7pm.

    Then I suggest you do have a snack, something with protein, after you work out. It doesn't matter what time if day you eat.
    Also, I said I don't eat back lifting calories, but I don't think I work out as hard as you do. I'm usually out of the gym within thirty minutes.

    So would it be best to try and stay away from carbs? Or could I have say a yoghurt after exercising?

    No, you can eat whatever you want whenever you want. I shouldn't have said that, I was thinking about me again:). I'm often short on protein and I find fats and protein more satisfying when I'm hungry and after lifting. I also like to pretend that the protein is going straight to my muscles that I just worked and making them bigger:)

    I think I'll start going for the yoghurt option, it's something light but filling also. I didn't expect to be so hungry after exercising.

    That sounds perfect:)