HCG Diet. Don't hang me.



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    If you were smart, you would try the 1200 or 1500 cal diet WITHOUT the drops, and save your money.

    This exactly.

    One other person mentioned hCG injections but didn't really expand.

    To be clear - real hCG is only available with a Doctor's prescription. It is not allowed to be marketed as a weight loss product because the weight loss claims have not been proven. A doctor can, however, prescribe it for off label use as they see fit, meaning they can legally prescribe it for weight loss.

    What this also means is that any hCG product you buy at Walmart, GNC or anywhere else that is a legitimate store is not actual hCG because they are not legally allowed to sell it (I know for a fact this applies ot Canada and US, and I also believe the UK). If you read the label closely (and google the "ingredients") you will see that. These products also have not been proven to help lose weight.

    If you bought it elsewhere, ie the internet or something, it is either illegal or still not hCG. That would be my least desirable option since in that case who knows what it could be.

    Basically you are likely doing good old calorie restriction with some expensive drops on top ( since I don't believe the script is drops).
  • chelsea801
    I did one round a few years ago. I lost weight and didn't really have any issues with it, except I didn't learn anything about healthy living.

    It's basically a starvation diet (I was on the homeo coughwatercough drops). However, I wanted to do it because I needed something to kick start me out of my desperation. I had never done anything like it before, or since. But I was at absolute rock bottom. I tried to have will power and eat better but just. couldn't. do. it. I hated myself, was mean, felt like a failure...so I went against my grain and tried a fad diet. Just the action of being proactive was a life-saver. I lost about 30 lbs quickly and felt great. Once on maintenance though, because I didn't learn how to eat better while on the diet, old eating habits crept back it. So it was only a matter of time.

    I can't give you long term results because I got pregnant (surprise!) shortly after and pregnancies are not kind to me.

    Now I'm losing weight the way I always wanted to, albeit incredibly slow and tedious, but through the tried and true way of eating better and exercising. Shocking, I know. I've lost almost as much as "the diet" but now it feels much, much better and a total metamorphosis of my mental health as well as physical health because I KNOW I'm doing it the correct way. Sure it takes a lot longer, but really, what's the rush? In a way it's good it comes off slow, because that means it goes on slow too so you can be more forgiving of yourself during the learning curve.

    I don't support habitual fad dieting in the least. However, everyone has their story and I understand why people want an easy out and go to extremes, but maybe only once or twice. Deep down, only you know what you need to do and why.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Sometimes I really really wonder why I bother doing a normal job. I could start the "eat dog poop" diet or something, and with proper advertisement, I would be rich in a year. Apparently all it takes is having no conscience, and selling disgusting things to desperate people.

    Sorry, Dr. Oz beat you to it. BTW, even HE can't recommed this diet, so either they wouldn't pay him to shill for it, OR (and I suspect this is the case) the entire diet is a load of "dog poop!" (told you someone beat you to it!! :bigsmile: )
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You will lose weight....fast

    but it will be a lot of muscle and fat...
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    My personal research on hcg.

    Hcg with low calorie diet is this: when you consume 500 calories a day you are literally starving yourself which in turn feeds off your muscles and fat. Now when combined with hcg, it supposedly maintains your body in muscle building mode which allows the body to burn fat and keep muscle mass.

    I've never actually done it myself but the hundreds of articles I've read say pretty much the same thing.

    Before hcg, were you consuming adequate amounts of macros I.e. protein, sodium, carbs?

    For instance, I try to keep my protein above 100, carbs below 100, and keep my calories below 1600. I still eat junk sometimes but it's a lot less and less often. I've lost 46 pounds in 3 months on this regime. My doctor actually got me on it and I've never been happier. Just remember that any doctor who specializes in weight loss sells easy they don't sell reality. Just like biggest loser a lot of "diets" are just there to profit from your impatience. I've personally tried pills, diets, meal plans and until I was ready to commit I just gave up and gave in.

    Now I eat things I like and its not a diet. It's my life. Hope this helps! :smile:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Do your own research and speak to medical professionals about it, don't let yourself be influenced by individuals that simply have an opinion on something.

    You mean like the "medical professionals" at the FDA, who DID review the research and issued the following statement:
    HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.

    Now maybe you are one of those people who thinks that government is just one big conspiracy. So, let's try THESE professionals:


    Human chorionic gonadotrophin and weight loss. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
    Low-dose human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) combined with a severe diet remains a popular treatment for obesity, despite equivocal evidence of its effectiveness. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the effects of HCG on weight loss were compared with placebo injections. Forty obese women (body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2) were placed on the same diet supplying 5,000 kJ per day and received daily intramuscular injections of saline or HCG, 6 days a week for 6 weeks. A psychological profile, hunger level, body circumferences, a fasting blood sample and food records were obtained at the start and end of the study, while body weight was measured weekly. Subjects receiving HCG injections showed no advantages over those on placebo in respect of any of the variables recorded. Furthermore, weight loss on our diet was similar to that on severely restricted intake. We conclude that there is no rationale for the use of HCG injections in the treatment of obesity.

    So that pretty much covers homeopathic HCG drops and injections. I don't know how much more clear cut the evidence has to be.

    This question was settled definitively almost 40 years ago. The fact that it continues to live is testimony to the power of cynical mass-marketing and the desperate need that some people feel to lose weight.

    Choose sides: The anti-HCG side: The FDA, the overwhelming majority of doctors and scientists, the overwhelming conclusion of the scientific literature.

    The pro-HCG side: Dr Oz, Kevin Trudeau--whose Wikipedia page starts it's description of him as " convicted American fraud artist, author, radio personality, infomercial host, and salesman who promotes various unsubstantiated health, diet and financial 'remedies'. ", various shady doctors and supplement companies.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have a friend who did it, she was my assistant at work. Her doctor gave her the drops and told her to eat 500 calories. He gave her a list of foods to eat: Saltine crackers, plain tuna, oranges, and broccoli. That's it. She ate those four foods and took the drops for a couple months. She was passing out at work, her hair started falling out, her teeth hurt her, and she cried all the time.

    If I could only eat 500 calories a day I'd cry all the time too.

    To the OP, you will lose the weight if you're doing the 1200 or 1500 calories anyway without having to take the drops. Not sure where you bought them but hopefully you can get your money back.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I did try HCG diet before MFP and didn't see any change and I left feeling hungry/low energy and overall just pissed off. Hope it works for you. Good luck :)
  • JojoW8183
    JojoW8183 Posts: 540 Member
    You ask how is it successful if THREE years later I gained 25 lbs after going into a bit of depression and overeating and not exercising? Perhaps you just want to make a point but you failed at that.
  • KathyGillies
    KathyGillies Posts: 3 Member
    This does not work in the long run and causes metabolic damage. It was after trying this I realized I was developing an eating disorder mindset and came to my senses and quite after 18 days. Worse, you have no energy to work out. If you need some kind of structure that is easier than measuring, weighing and counting calories, try using weight watchers which gives you points (easier to count than calories sort of) and make sure you eat all your points. Slow and steady is what does it and remember TBL is not real life nor a healthy way to develop good lifelong habits.
  • TheWorstHorse

    All my rounds were monitored by a physician, and if you look into the science behind it...you'll see it makes sense and has been proven time and time again that it works. [...] Do your own research and speak to medical professionals about it, don't let yourself be influenced by individuals that simply have an opinion on something.

    Not to get all factual or anything but what science? Please show me one clinical study that demonstrates HGC, rather than the calorie deficit required by the plan, has anything to do with weight loss. For bonus points, perhaps you could share a study that demonstrates that any of the other alleged benefits of injected HGC, such as hunger and appetite suppression, selective fat reduction and so on actually exist.

    On the other hand, I am fairly certain that even a search here on MFP (let alone the interwebs) will provide a number of links to actual clinical studies that (a) suggest that HGC has no effect on weight loss, (b) HGC's alleged benefits are likely placebo effects and (c) in general, severe calorie deficit diets cause muscle tissue loss and detrimental metabolic changes and the weight lost is generally regained within one year.

    Opinion doesn't actually have a lot to do with it.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,052 Member
    You ask how is it successful if THREE years later I gained 25 lbs after going into a bit of depression and overeating and not exercising? Perhaps you just want to make a point but you failed at that.

    So when you ate at a deficit (and co incidentally took HCG ) you lost weight - when you later over ate and stopped exercising you gained it back?

    this is proving HCG drops work how exactly???
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