
I am considering going on a juice fast where all I have is juice made of fruits and vegetables. I saw a movie on it and think that it would be a good idea to reboot my body.

Has anyone done a juice fast before that could give me some insight on what to expect or some recipes for good juices?

I plan on starting this Friday...wish me luck.


  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    What are your lifestyle and fitness goals?

    What do you think juicing will reboot?

    How long are you planning to juice for? Are you going to be eating anything with fiber and protein?
  • I am trying to get back to a high fitness level an lose another 20 pounds.

    According to the movie, juicing will clean your system out of all toxins so that your system can receive good nutrients.

    I am thinking of only doing a 3 - 7 day juice fast. I am not obese, but I am overweight for my height. While juicing I will only be having juice.

    The wife and I are doing this together. We are both in the same boat.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I am trying to get back to a high fitness level an lose another 20 pounds.

    According to the movie, juicing will clean your system out of all toxins so that your system can receive good nutrients.

    I am thinking of only doing a 3 - 7 day juice fast. I am not obese, but I am overweight for my height. While juicing I will only be having juice.

    The wife and I are doing this together. We are both in the same boat.

    The general consensus in this community is that the movie you watched is pretty misleading. What toxins will juicing eliminate? If your body wasn't already receiving the nutrients it needed, you would have noticeable problems. There aren't toxins that are preventing your body from getting nutrients. *Edit: There are environmental toxins, ie pollution, but there is no scientific evidence that doing a juice cleanse will protect you from those toxins.

    Juicing means you will not be getting fiber from whole fruits and vegetables, nor will you be getting satiating protein and fats, which can help keep your fuller longer. Have you considered just eating whole fruits and vegetables, meats, whole grains, and dairy at a calorie deficit? Eating slightly less calories then your body burns each day will result in weight less, regardless of what types of foods you are consuming. This is called the TDEE method, and many people have success with it. If you do a quick forum search you will find tons of info on it.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    1. Juicing removes fiber and vitamins from fruit and vegetables, leaving behind a lot of sugar. It's natural sugar, but it's still sugar. You will need to drink more juice to compensate for the missing fiber that would otherwise fill you up. I can drink 5 apples, juiced, in a few seconds. It is really filling to eat even one apple.

    2. Toxins are real. Some are environmental, some are from food, and some are even created by our own bodies. Toxin is catch-all term that is the new baddy in the diet fad industry. There is plenty of scientific proof that eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can help reduce the risks for certain cancers and reduce incidence of other problems. There are no studies, journals, or other publications demonstrating the effectiveness of juicing.

    3. At best, you will have diarrhea and bad breath. You may give yourself a colon flush. The thing is, colons don't need to be flushed. Your body already has 'toxin detox' organs- the liver, the kidneys, the intestines. How can you help your intestines do their job better? Eat a high fiber diet. If you want to help your kidneys, keep your blood sugar low/without frequent high spikes. So, basically, the opposite of a fruit-juice diet (could be achieved with veggies, but you're still impeding the good work of the intestines).

    4. If you eat/drink fewer calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight, you will lose weight.

    Talk with your doctor before starting your juice cleanse. Juicing is a great way to add vegetables to a diet if you don't get enough (especially if you use the pulp in muffins/soups later). It is not a sustainable diet; it will not change your overall health or weight.
  • Thanks for the feedback...more to consider.
  • Interesting feedback here. I also watched that movie and was very inspired by it, I had hoped to some day do the whole 60 day deal just like in the movie, but don't own a juicer currently. Being near my goal weight in two months seems amazing, whatever the cost.

    I guess I should do more research on it.
  • We received our Juicer yesterday and in the instruction manual there are some recipes. Oddly enough there were recipes that included both fiber and protein. Surprise to me.

    We tried it out last night and made a carrot and apple juice. My four year old LOVED it!!! I thought it tasted good as well.

    We will still consider what everyone has said here, wife had already ordered the juicer before I posted. Thanks for all the feedback.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Lots of people enjoy juicing as a way to get additional nutrients in their diet. Most of these people incorporate some juice in to a healthy diet with all the proper macro nutrients. And be sure to figure out the calories and fit them into your diet. There is no reason to do the fast, but that doesn't mean you can't juice at all.
  • cjazz72
    cjazz72 Posts: 80 Member
    I have tried juicing and I enjoy it. I know which movie your talking about and frankly his method is a bit extreme. I would recommend if you are going to do juicing is to replace one meal with a juice and get a nutribullet. It keeps all the fibers and extra juice that is lost from other juicers within. Not to mention its easy to use and clean. Juicing is great for when your not a fan of a lot of fruits and veggies (like me) but to go on a fast your gonna feel awful for a week or two before you will see results. If you just replace one meal with it then its not as harsh.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 303 Member
    I personally love juicing - I haven't ever done a complete juice fast, but just added fresh juice into my daily diet.

    Unfortunately, cleaning the juicer is the biggest pain in the booty ever, so I don't have as much time to do it now as when I didn't have a full time job. But if you have the time, it's really great!
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    You need to back and watch that movie again.

    If its the one I'm thinking of. It was about a guy with a specific medical condition that was doing it. It was not only for weight loss.

    He also had a ton of money and was able to afford a fancy car and all those fruit and veggies to toss out the fiber. Oh and that super fancy juicer.... that he sells. It really is an interesting show, but its also chock full advertising for a juicer.

    Also I have yet to hear the name of one of the toxins? Mercury?? that's toxic, will it remove mercury?
  • harby74
    harby74 Posts: 10
    I now and again follow Jason Vale Juice program...he has 3 day, 5 day or 7day detox program.

    Some really nice juices in his book.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Interesting feedback here. I also watched that movie and was very inspired by it, I had hoped to some day do the whole 60 day deal just like in the movie, but don't own a juicer currently. Being near my goal weight in two months seems amazing, whatever the cost.

    I guess I should do more research on it.

    Please don't continue having this mindset. You don't need to go to extremes to be near towards your goal weight. Many people are successful with persistent, "slower" methods because they learn appropriate portion control and how to really understand their appetite. Doing two months of juice fasting is a recipe for demotivating yourself and bingeing later on, as well as hurting your body.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Urgh I did a juice fast, it was terrible.
    By day 3 I was ready to kill and eat someone! lol.

    I maybe lost a couple of kilo's but put it back on as soon as I started eating foods again.

    I would never do a juice fast again.
  • So we decided NOT to do a complete juice fast. Instead we will juice for one meal. It is a good way to get lots of fruits and vegetables in during the day.

    The juicer that we have is pretty simple to clean. A friend of mine suggested placing a plastic bag in the container that catches all the pulp. That was an excellent idea!!! All I have to do to clean that part is simply pull the bag out and throw it away. I have read that some people incorporate the pulp into recipes...but I don't know about that.

    I put my juice together this morning in about ten minutes to include cleaning the machine. Just 4 green apples, 2 pears, and 1 orange...my fruit breakfast.

    Thanks for all the feedback, everyone.