Controlling oneself at restaurants and family dinners

I would like to hear strategies on how to control eating at restaurants and family gatherings. I have heard of these:

Ask waiter to bring a to-go box with your meal and put 1/2 the dinner in the box before you start eating.
Split a plate with someone instead of ordering your own meal.
View menu ahead of time and decide what you will order before you get there.
Institute a no-chip rule where you don't eat any tortilla chips before meal at Mexican restaurant. Save calories for the actual meal.

One of the big problems that I have is leaving food on the plate. I was always taught to eat all my food, clean my plate, etc. The practical side of me also wants to eat all of what I paid for. I would like to train myself to change that, and eat only the serving size that is healthy and within my calorie range that I have alotted for the meal. Mentally, it is hard for me to do. Also, the food is just so good, it's hard to leave it on the plate. I know that it is a discipline issue, but I think I need a different way to frame it in my mind that works for me.

I would love to hear what works for you!


  • mfoulkebrown
    mfoulkebrown Posts: 94 Member
    One thing that works for me is getting a bit of something I want and having a salad with it. For example, order an appetizer that sounds good with a house salad.

    Be careful with the entree salads, though. Some of those clock in at over 1000 calories!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    prelog- pick out what you are going to eat at a restaurant before hand and log it into MFP so you know where you will stand. Then stick with it.

    Family meals are harder because usually you don't really know whats in the food. Eat slow and listen for when you are full and keep it reasonable is the only advice I have there.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    I hear ya, sister. I was raised as a member of the "clean your plate" club! It's a hard lesson to unlearn, but you just have to suck it up and do it. For restaurants, it really is about looking things up ahead of time for me. I decide what I want to "spend" for that meal and plan the rest of my day accordingly. Also, I like to save some to take as a work lunch for the next day. It helps, in my head, to know that unless I save half the meal I won't have a lunch plan :)

    Family/friend dinners where someone else has done the cooking is tough, but just do your best, take small portions of things and keep going along.Eat slow and make lots of conversation so maybe you won't be as focused on the food part. Good luck!
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I log my calories before I eat them. We eat out every weekend. We decide where we are going to eat before we leave the house. This makes it easy to get online and look up a restaurant's menu and nutritional information. It saves a lot of time in the restaurants to go ahead and log my calories before I leave the house. No more looking over the menu and guessing if I have enough calories for this or that and no more drooling over the desserts and baked goods. You already know what you are having. Choose something high in protein and it will fill you up and hush some of the cravings. Try to drink a glass of water or tea while waiting for your food and another glass while you are eating your food. Do all that and I'm almost positive you are not going to want dessert.

    ETA: I never order anything that I can't finish right there on the spot. If it's too high in calories that I have to take home half the plate, then I don't need it in my body. Just my personal preference while trying to be a healthier me.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you go to a place that has different portion sizes for lunch vs. dinner - ask for the lunch will save your waistline and your wallet and most restaurants will do it even though they don't have it on the dinner menu...
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I understand the economical side of things, but I also like not being any more weird/awkward in social settings than I already am. Get the box after dinner, not a big deal. IMO, getting it before just draws attention to you and people will start to get annoying about things ("oh, you know that Dr. Oz says to do the same thing!"). There's a "no chip" rule, but there's also a "live a little" rule that says "one night isn't going to kill you." Take the little appetizer plate and count out 14-17 chips (full chips, don't short yourself). If you're economical, know that dessert is where the markup is at restaurants. I'm a runner, MBA, and part Jew, so I see things in miles, fuel sources, dollar signs, and value.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    I always have leftovers when we go out to eat. I don't like the way I feel when I overeat, so I always have food for the next day's lunch or dinner. I live in Texas so our portions are really big.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Why not arrange to do some exercise earlier in the day - so it's a case of topping up calories burnt?
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    my problem is that i eat fast. you have to learn to eat slowly. have a snack before you go to the restaurant. have a salad and drink a lot of water before you go. then you will be half full before you go and won't over do it when you get there.
  • Plooty222
    Plooty222 Posts: 76 Member
    I've started bringing food to family gatherings - to "pitch in" - but also then i know how it's made. Then I'm not guessing for the whole meal, and I try to fill up on that food. I usually do steamed veggies w different seasoning. It works pretty well and everyones usually grateful too!

    Restaurants are tough, but I got great advice from a nutritionist friend of mine. She said "be THAT person" the one who asks to go off menu. Really often they can substitute those mashed potatoes or fries for steamed veggies no problem. I know myself and once that food is in front of me my will power is gone (though lets be honest, my will power usually goes with that first glass of wine ;))
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    What works for me is drink a large glass of water before your food arrives. I always have a house salad with my meal, but have dressing on the side.. Dip your fork in dressing first then salad... You will be surprised at how little dressing you use this way.
  • Kimmers411
    Kimmers411 Posts: 44 Member
    If you are at a family gathering (someone's home), ask for a smaller plate. It may seem silly, but I have done this. I used the small plates the kids were using instead of the large "adult sized" plates. This allows you to take less food, and still "finish everything on your plate".

    I do ask for to go boxes to come with my dinners, and I place 1/2 to 2/3 of food in the box so that I will not overeat. Sometimes, I will use one of their small appetizer plates, move over the food I want from the large plate, and then box the rest.
  • majorumpalumpa
    majorumpalumpa Posts: 6 Member
    A few suggestions that may help:

    - When your waters comes get your water and literally GULP the first cup down and ask for another cup. It will help you feel fuller before ever even ordering.
    - Ask your waiter to wrap half of your meal before bringing it out. (For me, I will even ask that they not bring the carryout box out until we've paid and are ready to leave.
    - Limit the amount you go out. This one is tough, especially for me. I love the ease of going out to eat and honestly, it makes me feel good. The big thing about trying to lose weight though is setting yourself up for success. If you know this is a weakness or something you can't do then just have people over at your home, where you can control portions/ingredients.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    A few suggestions that may help:

    - When your waters comes get your water and literally GULP the first cup down and ask for another cup. It will help you feel fuller before ever even ordering.
    - Ask your waiter to wrap half of your meal before bringing it out. (For me, I will even ask that they not bring the carryout box out until we've paid and are ready to leave.
    - Limit the amount you go out. This one is tough, especially for me. I love the ease of going out to eat and honestly, it makes me feel good. The big thing about trying to lose weight though is setting yourself up for success. If you know this is a weakness or something you can't do then just have people over at your home, where you can control portions/ingredients.

    Hope this helps! :)

    the wrapping up half is a great idea. I have done it before, but since i'm on a medically supervised diet I'm not allowed to go out and eat but when I'm off the program I'm going to do this and have it brought out only after I paid as well. great Idea. thanks.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    If you've eaten most of your meal but still have a little left that's not worth getting a box for, put your napkin over your plate or push the plate to the corner of the table. You won't mindlessly eat the remainders while waiting for others to finish their meals, and the waiter will take your plate faster.

    As for family gatherings, I try to do tiny portions of everything and be selective, but it still always ends up being a massive quantity of food. I just work out beforehand and work out harder the next day.
  • streamgirl
    streamgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I always figure out what I'm going to eat before I get there. You can google "healthy options at mexican restaurants" (fajitas), thai (thai soup), etc and have a pretty good idea.

    As far as feeling that I've paid for it so I want to eat it, I keep the idea but tweak it a bit. I figure that two meals for the price of one is a good deal, so I also try to order things I know will be good reheated. Then I keep in mind while I'm eating that I want to have enough to carry me through lunch the next day, so I want to leave that much on my plate.

    Also, realize that they are happier to make substitutions than you think. You can get veggies in place of almost anything--ask for steamed and specify no butter, otherwise it's as bad as the mashed potatoes and gravy! Just keep in mind what your real goal is--to eat a plate full of food or to be healthier and happier with how you look! I struggled with this at first, but in even a few months it's become not that big a deal.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm pretty good practicing portion control these days. I stop eating when I'm satiated and no longer enjoy that feeling of being overly full...I usually have other stuff going on and being overly full just makes me want to sleep and can also be painful. I also really don't eat out that often so when I do, I don't beat myself up too much if I happen to over-indulge a little.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I usually don't want leftovers after I eat at a restaurant (why eat the unhealthy food twice?), so what I do (if I have the self control --;) is portion out the serving I want to have that night, and then dump salt, pepper, whatever all over what I shouldn't be eating.

    There you go, all done.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I don't eat a lot of different things when we eat out. The smallest steak or chicken,baked potato & salad,no cheese.order a side of grilled mushrooms. Most places will bring gravy on the side. I eat 1/2 a baked potato with gravy. Most of the meat,1/2 the salad,using the salad dressing I make/ bring from home. Take salad home.
    The next day ,after adding from the chopped veggies in the fridge,there's a lunch salad ready to go .take a few crackers & piece of fruit to fill you up.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    At restaurants i usually skip the appetizers. I suck down unsweetened iced tea instead. I happen to love tea so this works out nicely for me. Also, whenever possible I also look up nutritional value online beforehand. A lot of places have lower cal options. If none of the options that i can fit into my day look appealing then I just get what i want and eat half or 2/3 of it. I'd rather have a smaller portion of something i like than a big plate of something that is just "meh."

    At family get togethers I do not want to offend anyone by not eating, nor do i want to miss out on a delicious home-cooked meal. They are pretty infrequent for us (mostly just major holidays) so I don't sweat it too much. However I have found myself at a cookout or other event like a baby shower where there is a lot of stuff made by others & of course i have no idea of the actual nutritional value. I just try to watch the portions, estimate the cals as best as i can, log it, and move on.