Why is it, when i am changing my diet, that people near me only catch me when im eating something im NOT SUPPOSED to be? For example, this morning, I had a hankering for sugar...mmmm sugar, and someone happened to bring in 4 boxes (4!) of tasty kakes. well i was starving, and wasnt going to the galley for a bit, so i had 1/3 of the cake. I threw the rest of the way and logged it. However, as i was looking at the package to log it in...a coworker came up and said...."Hey Miss Nutrition you shouldnt be eating that! You need to be eating an apple or some high fiber...come on you know that!". He didnt say it mean spirited BUT I felt:
1. Talked to like a child 2. guilty 3. angry 4. pissed off 5. hurt. I have been sticking to a very healthful low calorie, working out regimen. I take a moment to induldge in 1/3 OF A FREAKING TASTY KAKE and i have people up my butt. Now, most of y ou will say..well...hes trying to help motivate you and look out for you....ok well thats well and good but there is a line. He isnt me and he isnt my bloddy Father! And then i sat there like a chastised child trying to justify to him. I HATE having to feel like i need to do that. I am in control of ME. I am not guilty about this. My angst is that people only see you when you are doing bad and never seeing all the great things you have accomplished. It is infuritating.

P.S. Never mess with a woman who is trying to loose weight, whom is addicted to food and PMS-ING!!!!!!:grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :sad: :devil: :indifferent:


  • JulieBoBoo
    I'd have resented that too. Plus I happen to think having treats is important in long term maintenance. It's not like you're never going to eat cake again so learning how to eat it in moderation is huge.

    I think you should be extremely proud of yourself.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I've gone through that with people, esp. people at work who are on my FB page and see my MFP updates each night when I finish exercising. We had cupcakes a couple days ago brought in, and I only went in to LOOK at them; I didn't even want one, and one guy was on me saying, "Don't go in there! You eat salads! You can't go in there!" It's also the same guy that makes fun of me for drinking so much water. He is also a diabetic who downs 5-6 cans of pop during a work day. You have to try and not let these people bother you. On some level, you are caring about what they think and you can't do that. They're not with you 24 hours a day, and even if they were, they probably wouldn't understand anyway. If they're actually making fun of you for being on a diet, it's probably because they don't have it in them to go on that same journey and it is easier to sit back and "observe" everyone else doing it. You don't have to explain anything to anybody. I think I've simply said before when I felt the need to respond, "I'm going to burn it all off later so it isn't a big deal." I think I've also asked someone if they were a registered dietitian before. But really, you can't let other people's words get you down so much! It's hard but this is your journey, not theirs!
  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
    Tell him/her to shove off..you are allowed a little break every now and again..like previously said, learning how to portion everything out is what's most important so good for you.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    OMG I totally know what you're saying here....I've been there, done that, all that crapola. :grumble:

    So, when I finally got serious about getting healthy and losing weight, I didn't tell anyone. Not a soul. (except my hubby of course) That way, on those days when I just needed a bit of something bad, I could have it, get over it and be immune to it...at least for a while. :drinker:
    Besides, ever the famous Dr. Oz says when you really crave something you should indulge (LIMITED) because the only way to satisfy that particular craving is to feed it. Once you have it satisfied, you can get on with your day. If you ignore the craving, you tend to over eat. :sad:

    Hang in there girl, and tell those nosy-bodies to MYOB! :explode:

    Good luck!
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    I've gone through that with people, esp. people at work who are on my FB page and see my MFP updates each night when I finish exercising. We had cupcakes a couple days ago brought in, and I only went in to LOOK at them; I didn't even want one, and one guy was on me saying, "Don't go in there! You eat salads! You can't go in there!" It's also the same guy that makes fun of me for drinking so much water. He is also a diabetic who downs 5-6 cans of pop during a work day. You have to try and not let these people bother you. On some level, you are caring about what they think and you can't do that. They're not with you 24 hours a day, and even if they were, they probably wouldn't understand anyway. If they're actually making fun of you for being on a diet, it's probably because they don't have it in them to go on that same journey and it is easier to sit back and "observe" everyone else doing it. You don't have to explain anything to anybody. I think I've simply said before when I felt the need to respond, "I'm going to burn it all off later so it isn't a big deal." I think I've also asked someone if they were a registered dietitian before. But really, you can't let other people's words get you down so much! It's hard but this is your journey, not theirs!

    this is an example of why i'm gun shy about posting it to my FB page
  • jenocelot
    Don't ask, don't tell...ha... People say stupid stuff sometimes. Maybe let it be fuel for you to keep at it, and one day they'll all be saying, "Wow! You look so slim and fit! You're pulling this thing off!" As long as you are doing this for you, not to hear the compliments, it will be a nice side effect. OK to have a treat, of course.

    Also annoying is people telling you you need to eat, or what to eat. It happens; got to let is slide off your back. That's why we are here though, to tell you KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and don't worry about the cmments.
  • AnnaleisJ
    AnnaleisJ Posts: 50 Member
    Hey I know it's not as easy as it sounds but just let it go over your head. Unintentionally or not you may find people make comments about your eating habits but as long as you're being honest with yourself about what you're putting into your own body then you're right, it's none of their 'dang business' lol! I had one of my work colleagues saying how when we went out to lunch a couple of weeks ago I made her feel uncomfortable because I was being picky about what I would eat - why it made her feel uncomfortable I don't know (and I suspect she was probably more jealous than uncomfortable because people are noticing my weight loss and commenting) but that's her problem not mine and it's the same for you. People will inevitably pass comment but try not to let it get to you :o)
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Oh yeah, I've definitely been there. Last thanksgiving I was trying a low carb diet, so I didn't eat breads or anything like that. This year, at the thanksgiving meal for my workplace (yeah, my workplace, not even family) all I got over and over is "You're eating BREAD?"

    It's freaking BREAD. Get off my back!

    And it's always the people with 3 pieces of cheesecake on their plate who bring it up. The reason is because they think you have to be absolutely perfect all the time to lose weight. They have no clue how to have a healthy balance, which is why they'll never be healthy people.
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    the funniest thing is I DIDNT TELL ANYONE IM DOING THIS! so they are just annoying in general :) thanks guys for your support! :flowerforyou:
  • ncarleto1
    ncarleto1 Posts: 5 Member
    Sometimes it is good to cheat a little as you did, It helps control your desire for sugar if only done occasionally as you did. Also now new research has found that you have a fat hormone and weight loss hormone. The fat hormone of course is insulin which increases each time you eat carbohydrates and the fat loss hormone I can't remember it's name. The fat hormone only goes up temporarily and is gone after the carbs are controlled by it, but the weight loss hormone decreases and makes it harder to loose weight over time-approximately in a week when on a diet.. Now, for that reason, some diet specialist are recommending that you increase your calorie and carb intake once a week if done properly. It doesn't mean you can go out on a food binge but you can have a couple slices of pizza or and ice cream one day . Eat enough once a week to approximately double what you normally eat on your diet, but just one day a week. Also you are suppose to fast the day before. By fasting the day before they say you compensate for the increase in calories the next day and by eating extra food that one day, it increases your fat burning hormone back to much higher levels it was at the week earlier. If you seem to reach a plateau try this!
    My point is that eating that little bit is certainly not going to hurt your overall diet plans and don't let anyone discourage you over that. Just get back to your goals as soon as possible. Stick to your goals and the FAT WILL GO!!
  • BoresEasily
    Tate, that'll teach you! Don't eat bread obviously right.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    See.....I don't consider something like that cheating. I guess I have a completely different outlook on food than many people. I had a family member tell me at thanksgiving (when I was reaching for a yummy sweet treat), "Hey you're on a diet, you're not supposed to have that." So I just grinned and responded with, "The beauty of my new life is that its not a short term diet. Its a completely new life and outlook on food. I can have whatever I want, but I plan for it, account for it, and take responsibility for my actions. Some days I'm going to have foods that are outside the norm of what I eat on an every day basis. This is life and it's a healthy one. You should try it with me because I'm so much happier now!" I mean seriously? You shouldn't feel guilty about eating what you did. Account for it and plan your day around it. One treat doesn't mean your day has to fall down around your shoulders......it doesn't mean you won't get in plenty of other healthy foods. When people talk to you that way just smile and respond in a way that makes them realize how silly they are. :)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Oh yeah, I've definitely been there. Last thanksgiving I was trying a low carb diet, so I didn't eat breads or anything like that. This year, at the thanksgiving meal for my workplace (yeah, my workplace, not even family) all I got over and over is "You're eating BREAD?"

    It's freaking BREAD. Get off my back!

    And it's always the people with 3 pieces of cheesecake on their plate who bring it up. The reason is because they think you have to be absolutely perfect all the time to lose weight. They have no clue how to have a healthy balance, which is why they'll never be healthy people.

    **high five** EXACTLY!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I've noticed that usually the people who say these kinds of things are those that can't eat healthy or exercise themselves and they feel bad because they know they should - so they try to make you feel bad so that they feel 'better'. Wonky, isn't it?

    Our company began a 'healthy initiative' which asks employees to get weighed, have blood pressure taken, cholesterol checked and check for smoking. If you pass all or some of these elements, you get a discount on your health insurance. The average person in my office is a middle-aged female, at least 50 pounds overweight (and that is not an exaggeration, sadly). However, one of my co-workers is very thin and several months pregnant. Even pregnant, she fell well within weight standards for her height and age. As a result, many of the other employees began to tell her she was severely underweight, needed to gain weight, looked sickly, etc. She looks perfectly fine and their comments really hurt. I pointed out to her that the folks who were commenting were those who really needed to change their own health habits the most and so probably felt bad themselves. Stupid how they think making someone else feel bad too is okay.

    I suspect the same is probably true for your Kake commenter.
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    you guys are so awesome, and so is this site. ive never felt so understood, welcomed, or supported!
  • jenocelot
    You didn't tell anyone? Geez. Where the heck did "Hey miss nutrition" come from!!?" I get that a lot, as, since I'm vegetarian, it is often assumed I'm a health freak. If I have a brownie around acquaintances the comments just don't stop --- mostly that I could eat twenty of them and not gain weight. Oh if they only knew how much I've worked to get to maintenance weight and stay within range. I'm the 'skinny one' now. Whatever, huh!!

    And yes, other fit people don't feel the need to make these observations. Take you own inventory, folks, and BUTT out.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    See.....I don't consider something like that cheating. I guess I have a completely different outlook on food than many people. I had a family member tell me at thanksgiving (when I was reaching for a yummy sweet treat), "Hey you're on a diet, you're not supposed to have that." So I just grinned and responded with, "The beauty of my new life is that its not a short term diet. Its a completely new life and outlook on food. I can have whatever I want, but I plan for it, account for it, and take responsibility for my actions. Some days I'm going to have foods that are outside the norm of what I eat on an every day basis. This is life and it's a healthy one. You should try it with me because I'm so much happier now!" I mean seriously? You shouldn't feel guilty about eating what you did. Account for it and plan your day around it. One treat doesn't mean your day has to fall down around your shoulders......it doesn't mean you won't get in plenty of other healthy foods. When people talk to you that way just smile and respond in a way that makes them realize how silly they are. :)

    Nicely said!!!
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    This is exactly why only a few people who are really close to me even know I am counting calories. I am sick of the judgements and the ridicule. Family is THE WORST, constantly comparing me to others. "Did you see how great Lucy looks? You should find out how she lost it!" (Ahh...she's having an affair and wants to look good for her new man...no thanks.) "Fred and Ethel are now vegans! The pounds are just falling off!" (Give up meat, cheese, and dairy? Might as well give up alcohol, too. Fat chance. Pun intended.) Plus, I know I can't stop paying attention to what I shove down my gullet the day I reach my goal weight. I'll have to do this the rest of my life, so I try to act like is no big deal. If I have half a brownie instead of nothing, no big deal. Conversely, if I have fish instead of steak, no big deal. If someone asks me about it, I try to be honest without getting angry or giving too much away. The simple answer is "I'm just trying to eat better - most of the time."

    But that fact of the matter is, sometimes I just want to yell - "SHUT THE HECK UP! WHAT DO YOU CARE, ANYWAY?????"
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    they are just b*tchy because they are dehydrated.
  • monkaz82
    monkaz82 Posts: 6 Member
    my mom is the worst at that. always OMG ur gonna eat that, watch ur diet...woman i did this far without u dont start tellin me now. and shes been dieting for yrs and never happy so maybe, hmm shut up lol. n my friends r also real big on when u say i cant eat that 1200000cal piece of cake u made to really try n make u.