

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Ok, without exercise, I don't do a whole lot. I'm a college student, so I have to walk around campus all day, and that's about it.

    Choose lightly active to account for just some walking. Choose 2 pounds per week weight loss.

    Now with this number of calories, you should lose 2 pounds per week without any extra exercise.

    When you do exercise and log it, MFP will add more calories to that. Some people say that MFP's estimates for exercise burns are high, so some people only eat half or 3/4 of those calories. At this point, since you have a lot of weight to lose, if you are not hungry, you don't have to eat them. But eventually you probably will have to eat more. This is more important when you have less fat, in order to preserve muscle mass when you are closer to goal weight.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    no need to appaulogize, everyone has to start somewhere

    one site that I found helpful to find out how much I need to eat is
    I put it to no workouts out so that I have the number I need to eat normally and any extra calories I burn I would eat.

    so for me I am set to 1550 on normal days and I can eat up to 1800 on days I workout =)
  • FitSquirrelQueen
    I still have a hard time hitting my calorie goal some days (just not hungry lol). I do make sure to hit at least 1,200 (so that my metabolism doesn't mess up) and get protein in everyday.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I still have a hard time hitting my calorie goal some days (just not hungry lol). I do make sure to hit at least 1,200 (so that my metabolism doesn't mess up) and get protein in everyday.

  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome! It's all kind of intimidating when you start. I'd recommend checking out some of the really helpful links. The "Sexypants" one (this lovely person put the link here) is a big help.

    You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I still have a hard time hitting my calorie goal some days (just not hungry lol). I do make sure to hit at least 1,200 (so that my metabolism doesn't mess up) and get protein in everyday.

    Always makes me nervous when I read such posts. We don't get overweight in the first place by being the kind of people who struggle to eat 1200cals so this is likely to be you trying too hard/being on a high and may result in too fast and too unsustainable a loss.

    Just my view of course and I wish you well.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I still have a hard time hitting my calorie goal some days (just not hungry lol). I do make sure to hit at least 1,200 (so that my metabolism doesn't mess up) and get protein in everyday.
    Your metabolism will not get messed up if you end up eating below 1200, though you might not feel great AND you are short changing yourself.

    In general, I don't think any of us who have lost/are losing weight should have any problem meeting our calorie goal because going over our goal is what got us fat in the first place. However, I fully admit that at first I had a lot of fear about eating to my calorie goals because I was sure my metabolism was slow and I would gain weight.

    Facing fear and letting go is a great motivator.
  • emilybrown0422
    Thank you so much! and thanks to everyone here who helped me, I really appreciate it! Thanks for bearing with me!
  • owenmhartley
    owenmhartley Posts: 220 Member
    Actually, depending on how tall you are, 1700-1800 sounds about right. Give it time. You've already lost 10 lbs.
    Well this is wrong as it will give a rapid unhealthy weight loss, you're right to eat a 500 calorie deficit from your maintenance, once your weightloss starts to stall then knock it down again, keep it up :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Actually, depending on how tall you are, 1700-1800 sounds about right. Give it time. You've already lost 10 lbs.
    Well this is wrong as it will give a rapid unhealthy weight loss, you're right to eat a 500 calorie deficit from your maintenance, once your weightloss starts to stall then knock it down again, keep it up :)

    The OP has 100 pounds to lose. She is fine aiming for 2 pounds per week weight loss at this time.