looking for new friends who are losing 100+ lbs



  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Feel Free to add me too! I used MFP 3 years ago to lose 40+ lbs and then got pregnant. I'm now hoping back on the bandwagon and looking to loose 100 lbs! :)
  • Garren13
    Garren13 Posts: 1
    I am new to MFP, but not to the weigh loss you-yo. I dropped 60lbs a couple of years ago, but now 40 of it is back again. Feel free to add me, and we can conquer this mountain together.
  • LEOrzech
    LEOrzech Posts: 11 Member
    Best of luck to you! I started at 295 pounds at the beginning of February, got diagnosed with T2 Diabetes and got off my duff and started walking 1-4 miles per day and started MFP when I was already down about ten pounds. Now I am down about 25+ and it is a lifestyle change that I will be on forever. My fasting glucose was 140 on 2/4 and now it is 113. I will get the A1C rechecked in May. No meds, even though I have a prescription - not gonna take them. I feel great! Took awhile to walk without cramps, but getting better. Basically, you just have to want it. Drink tons of water. I have also lost 6.5 inches total so far. I now weigh less than I have in over two years. Anyone feel free to friend me anytime! By the way, male and 48 years young, married with three kids who I want to see all get married and have their own kids.
  • reesek81
    reesek81 Posts: 1
    Hi! New here, looking to lose at least 100lbs (current weight is 282 and I'm 5 foot). My goal is closer to 150lbs. I'd love new friends.
  • monerddd
    monerddd Posts: 27
    I would love to be your friend! I'm planning to lose 110 pounds. :3 It is a lot but I'd love to be on this journey with you. cx