I'm allergic to fruits and most vegetables.

Yes, unfortunately, it's true. I can't eat fruits, there are a lot of vegetables I have problems with, and I'm deathly allergic to almost all nuts. And therein lies the secret to weightloss: eating healthy and exercise. My problem now is that, I want to lose weight. I need desperately to lose weight, because I'm not even twenty-one and at a risk for diabetes and heart problems because of the weight that I am currently at, and I have tried to diet before with absolutely no success. In fact, I gained twenty pounds!

I'm in need of help. I desperately, desperately would love for someone to tell me ways that I can help fill myself up. I love to snack throughout the day, and were I able to eat apples and grapes, I know I could lose this weight with the help of exercise and a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. But I'm stuck having to look for other low calorie snacks, such as a pudding cup or applesauce, and those don't keep me full for any more than thirty minutes!

Please, if someone has any suggestions, I would love to hear it. What can I snack on throughout the day that's low calorie, will help keep me full and my thoughts away from eating more, and isn't too unhealthy for me? What foods can I eat with my allergies that will help me lose weight in a healthy way?


  • dokidokicastiel
    dokidokicastiel Posts: 4 Member
    I can, yes. I'll look into trying that. I just know that Yoplait yogurt doesn't fill me up much, so I wasn't sure if Greek Yogurt would work the same or not.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    allergic to fruits and vegetables?? you mean u have some sort of anxiety issue with them right? don't think the human body would reject some blueberries and break out in rashes or throat closing up.
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    This does sound odd that someone would be allergic to all fruits and most vegetables, but I guess it's possible. If it's an issue of not "liking" certain vegetables or fruit, then that's a different story. Try some protein shakes maybe, or drink the fruit and veggies in smoothie form if you don't like it raw. You can eat whatever you want really as long as you stay in a calorie deficit. and drink lots of water. That's all I got.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    You can't eat apples but you can eat applesauce? :huh:

    Allergies can be weird like that. I'm deathly allergic to fish, but I can somehow eat canned tuna lol
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    allergic to fruits and vegetables?? you mean u have some sort of anxiety issue with them right? don't think the human body would reject some blueberries and break out in rashes or throat closing up.

    It's actually possible. Rare, I think though. I am actually allergic to honey dew mellon. If I eat too much my throat burns and becomes red and itchy.
  • dokidokicastiel
    dokidokicastiel Posts: 4 Member
    People allergic to raw apples can eat applesauce. It's not the same thing. Like I can eat strawberry flavored things, but I can't eat strawberries really.

    @ claireblee: I can eat raisins, I know that much. I haven't tried cooked fruits, but I know that I can eat cooked/steamed vegetables with generally no problem. I'm going to have to try eating cooked fruits, I didn't know that would make a difference! Thank you so much, I'm definitely going to look into that. And I do already eat cheesesticks as a snack. C:
  • seattle_hd
    seattle_hd Posts: 23 Member
    I'm also very allergic to most fruits, so it's a real allergy. Do you have seasonal allergies? There is a syndrome thats caused by having intense seasonal allergies, specifically when you are highly allergic to birch or sage. They have a very similar protein that matches and our body thinks its the allergen.

    I'm allergic to apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, nectarines, etc. and figs. and also raw nuts. Some people are also allergic to mangos and bananas, although I'm not. Also there are a few veggies on the list, specifically carrots. I can eat carrots peeled no problem. Most of the time the protein is in the skin.

    I can eat nearly ALL these fruits when cooked, as the protein that causes the allergy is easily broken down.. hence the ability to eat applesauce, apple pie etc. its been cooked. I get the same as you, a very itchy sore SORE mouth, like intense sores all over the roof of my mouth, and down my throat. Figs cause my throat to swell so I think that one is different.

    Do you have a problem with berries? I can't strawberries unless freshly picked as there is a fungus that gives me an itchy mouth.

    if you can eat berries, then those are super good for you. Blueberries have a lot of fiber too.
  • ixtee
    ixtee Posts: 5 Member
    You should find out what fruits and vegetables you're allergic to and if you can bypass this by certain heating methods. The reason they can have applesauce but not apples is because the offending protein which causes the reaction is broken down during heating/cooking. You should take time to experiment with these things (or see if further testing can be done to pinpoint the specific protein or compound.)

    For fruit, often times peeling helps (certain fruits, the bulk of the protein is in the peel). Also, heating fruit/veggies will help break down the protein (such as with apples being bad but applesauce being ok) and make them safe to eat. Often times you can heat them long enough to break up enough of the protein but not enough to cook the item completely... experiment with heating times. You might be able to eat some of the things on your 'allergic' list as long as you heat them or peel them. It's worth a shot! If none of that works, definitely find if there are any you CAN eat no problem. I think with a little experimentation you'll find enough items (though most likely cooked) that are both safe and healthy for you.

    Aside from that lean proteins, grains, greek yogurt, cheese.
  • seattle_hd
    seattle_hd Posts: 23 Member

    OAS produces symptoms when an affected person eats certain fruits, vegetables and nuts. Some individuals may only show allergy to only one particular food, and others may show an allergic response to many foods.[8]
    Individuals with an allergy to tree pollen may develop OAS to a variety of foods. While the tree pollen allergy has been worked out, the grass pollen is not well understood. Furthermore, some individuals have severe reactions to certain fruits and vegetables that do not fall into any particular allergy category. In recent years, it has also become apparent that when tropical foods initiate OAS, allergy to latex may be the underlying cause.[9]
    Because the allergenic proteins associated with OAS are usually destroyed by cooking, most reactions are caused by eating raw foods. The main exceptions to this are celery and nuts, which may cause reactions even after being cooked.
    Cross reactions[edit]
    Allergies to a specific pollen are usually associated with OAS reactions to other certain foods. For instance, an allergy to ragweed is associated with OAS reactions to banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, zucchini, and cucumber. This does not mean that all sufferers of an allergy to ragweed will experience adverse effects from all or even any of these foods. Reactions may be associated with one type of food, with new reactions to other foods developing later. However, reaction to one or more foods in any given category does not necessarily mean a person is allergic to all foods in that group.
    Alder pollen: almonds, apples, celery, cherries, hazel nuts, peaches, pears, parsley, strawberry, raspberry
    Birch pollen: almonds, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas,[10] carrots, celery, cherries, chicory,[11] coriander, fennel, fig,[12] hazel nuts, kiwifruit, nectarines, parsley, parsnips, peaches, pears, peppers, plums, potatoes, prunes, soy, strawberries, wheat; Potential: walnuts
    Grass pollen: fig,[12] melons, tomatoes, oranges
    Mugwort pollen : carrots, celery, coriander, fennel, parsley, peppers, sunflower
    Ragweed pollen : banana, cantaloupe, cucumber, green pepper, paprika, sunflower seeds/oil, honeydew, watermelon, zucchini, echinacea, artichoke, dandelions, honey (if bees pollinate from wild flowers), hibiscus or chamomile tea
    Possible cross-reactions (to any of the above): berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc), citrus (oranges, lemons, etc), grapes, mango, figs, peanut, pineapple, pomegranates, watermelon
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    YIKES! I've joked with my friends in the past about being allergic to fruits and veggies, but I didn't know it could be a real thing! Hopefully you can find something that works for you!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Was going to say, sounds like Oral Allergy Syndrome.

    I would speak further with an allergist who understands this. Not all totally get it. Find out if there is a way to see what fruits and vegetables you can handle cooked instead of raw. Go from there. Hopefully you can find a few. If nothing else, it will broaden your options which is NEVER a bad thing!