Insanity... Month 2... yikes!

Just finished my recovery week of Insanity! Day off tomorrow... then starting month 2. I must have been INSANE to start this... "The Shred" was soooooo much easier but I'm loving the results from Insanity. Anyone go from the Shred to Insanity? Not sure how tough month 2 will be... but I'm sticking with it! :smile:


  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Awesome job sticking it out!!! You'll be fine.

    Remember what the very first week felt like? That's how month 2 is going to feel.
  • watto1903
    watto1903 Posts: 19 Member
    im just about completing week 3 of month 1, I cant wait to try month 2 but my mates at work who have done it say it is nuts, like starting all over again!

    I've done Resistance & power today and couldnt imagine going another 15-20 mins on top of that!

    Let us know what its like!
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I did exactly what you did. I went from the 30 day shred to Insanity. I have two days, including today, left on Insanity. I'll be an official Insanity Grad on Sunday.

    Month two is God awful. I was scared to death starting it, and I had good reason to be. I'm just glad it's almost over. Hard to say about my results. I'm already pretty close to goal and insanity didn't really get me much closer. I've gotten a lot stronger, though! Some moves in the second month, especially the floor moves, I couldn't physically do them, period. But I can do them now, and almost for the whole time :)

    Good luck. It's HARD though, and the videos are longer.

    ETA: I'm not trying to scare you. My post sounded awful. lol. You can definitely do this. I didn't know if I would be able to make it through month two...but I just took it a day at a time. Just do your best and you will rock it :D
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    I did exactly what you did. I went from the 30 day shred to Insanity. I have two days, including today, left on Insanity. I'll be an official Insanity Grad on Sunday.

    Month two is God awful. I was scared to death starting it, and I had good reason to be. I'm just glad it's almost over. Hard to say about my results. I'm already pretty close to goal and insanity didn't really get me much closer. I've gotten a lot stronger, though! Some moves in the second month, especially the floor moves, I couldn't physically do them, period. But I can do them now, and almost for the whole time :)

    Good luck. It's HARD though, and the videos are longer.

    ETA: I'm not trying to scare you. My post sounded awful. lol. You can definitely do this. I didn't know if I would be able to make it through month two...but I just took it a day at a time. Just do your best and you will rock it :D
    Don't worry... I don't scare that easily! lol Starting month 2 today... one day at a time. Congrats to you on completing it... AWESOME! Can't wait to accomplish it also! :happy:
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    im just about completing week 3 of month 1, I cant wait to try month 2 but my mates at work who have done it say it is nuts, like starting all over again!

    I've done Resistance & power today and couldnt imagine going another 15-20 mins on top of that!

    Let us know what its like!
    Good luck to you too! I'll let you know!
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    Awesome job sticking it out!!! You'll be fine.

    Remember what the very first week felt like? That's how month 2 is going to feel.
    THANKS! Must be a great feeling when you've completed it... can't wait!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I made it through Insanity, but I did it every other day because it was kicking my butt. I thought I would hurl on the Day 1 Fit Test.

    >>> ALRIGHT PEOPLE LEVEL 1 DRILLS!!! - I hate you Shaun T (lol). <<<

    It took twice as long doing it every other day, but the results were still good. I also think a few recovery days mixed in there are a good thing.
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    Great that you did it! And yes... those damn Level 1 drills! lol I have to hit pause sometimes to catch my breath! At least Shaun T doesn't annoy me like Jillian Michael's did on her Shred video! I used to wear my Ipod & listen to music when I did it!
  • nking404
    nking404 Posts: 73 Member
    Awesome job sticking it out!!! You'll be fine.

    Remember what the very first week felt like? That's how month 2 is going to feel.

    LOL!!^^^ THATS EXACTLY HOW ITS GOING TO BE!!! I just finished 2 days ago went from 209 to 186 and I loved it!!! But you will get better your body will be drained but you will continue to push through. Its super tough but you get stronger and faster as the program progresses and you will find yourself looking back at month 1 like wow this looks super easy now lol :) you'll do great good luck!!!!
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    Awesome job sticking it out!!! You'll be fine.

    Remember what the very first week felt like? That's how month 2 is going to feel.

    LOL!!^^^ THATS EXACTLY HOW ITS GOING TO BE!!! I just finished 2 days ago went from 209 to 186 and I loved it!!! But you will get better your body will be drained but you will continue to push through. Its super tough but you get stronger and faster as the program progresses and you will find yourself looking back at month 1 like wow this looks super easy now lol :) you'll do great good luck!!!!

    OMG... That was INSANE! lol Day One of Month 2... Really... the Fit Test AND Max Interval Circuit?! I was exhausted... damn that was hard... burned over 600 calories though. Thanks for the encouragement! :happy:
  • nking404
    nking404 Posts: 73 Member
    Awesome job sticking it out!!! You'll be fine.

    Remember what the very first week felt like? That's how month 2 is going to feel.

    LOL!!^^^ THATS EXACTLY HOW ITS GOING TO BE!!! I just finished 2 days ago went from 209 to 186 and I loved it!!! But you will get better your body will be drained but you will continue to push through. Its super tough but you get stronger and faster as the program progresses and you will find yourself looking back at month 1 like wow this looks super easy now lol :) you'll do great good luck!!!!


    OMG... That was INSANE! lol Day One of Month 2... Really... the Fit Test AND Max Interval Circuit?! I was exhausted... damn that was hard... burned over 600 calories though. Thanks for the encouragement! :happy:
  • I just posted amount month 2 except no one replied! LOL tomorrow should be my day 3 of month 2. (Instead I'm going I repeat today's work out since I stopped half way thru) it's pretty intense... I'm truly hoping I get stronger and am able to keep up better. I'm in pretty good shape and I've always been an athlete but this sh#* is difficult!!! Month 2 is were the "magic happens" (so I hear!) so keep pushing! I don't have many friends on this.. I really just use MFP I read the threads. I log my food and exercise but I'm my very strict with it. Anyone doing Insanity feel free to add me!
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    I just posted amount month 2 except no one replied! LOL tomorrow should be my day 3 of month 2. (Instead I'm going I repeat today's work out since I stopped half way thru) it's pretty intense... I'm truly hoping I get stronger and am able to keep up better. I'm in pretty good shape and I've always been an athlete but this sh#* is difficult!!! Month 2 is were the "magic happens" (so I hear!) so keep pushing! I don't have many friends on this.. I really just use MFP I read the threads. I log my food and exercise but I'm my very strict with it. Anyone doing Insanity feel free to add me!
    Sorry... just went back and saw your post. So we're both up to the start of month 2... Nice! I can't believe how tough day one was... ughhhh and doing the fit test too! Damn! But I really feel good. Just wanted to lose a few pounds... which I did...but am doing it to tone up mainly. I'm too old for this... lol! But I'm going to stick with it! Good luck to you... I'm sure you'll do great! :)
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Month 2 kicks *kitten* and makes month 1 look like a warm up...but its soooo good! I need to mop sweat off the floor afterwards.....
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    LOL... It's gonna be a looooooong month! But worth it as I'm relaxing by the pool and feeling good! (Hard to imagine... since it's snowing in NY today! Enough all ready!)
  • I just posted amount month 2 except no one replied! LOL tomorrow should be my day 3 of month 2. (Instead I'm going I repeat today's work out since I stopped half way thru) it's pretty intense... I'm truly hoping I get stronger and am able to keep up better. I'm in pretty good shape and I've always been an athlete but this sh#* is difficult!!! Month 2 is were the "magic happens" (so I hear!) so keep pushing! I don't have many friends on this.. I really just use MFP I read the threads. I log my food and exercise but I'm my very strict with it. Anyone doing Insanity feel free to add me!
    Sorry... just went back and saw your post. So we're both up to the start of month 2... Nice! I can't believe how tough day one was... ughhhh and doing the fit test too! Damn! But I really feel good. Just wanted to lose a few pounds... which I did...but am doing it to tone up mainly. I'm too old for this... lol! But I'm going to stick with it! Good luck to you... I'm sure you'll do great! :)

    Thanks!! Good Luck to you! Im originally from Queens, saw you live in Ny!! And you are most def not too old at alllll!!!!! Congrats to us progressing and continuing this journey BEFORE the summer season! I'm going to do another round of insanity when I complete month 2. The sweat and pain will be well worth it come bathing suit season ;)!
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    I just posted amount month 2 except no one replied! LOL tomorrow should be my day 3 of month 2. (Instead I'm going I repeat today's work out since I stopped half way thru) it's pretty intense... I'm truly hoping I get stronger and am able to keep up better. I'm in pretty good shape and I've always been an athlete but this sh#* is difficult!!! Month 2 is were the "magic happens" (so I hear!) so keep pushing! I don't have many friends on this.. I really just use MFP I read the threads. I log my food and exercise but I'm my very strict with it. Anyone doing Insanity feel free to add me!
    Sorry... just went back and saw your post. So we're both up to the start of month 2... Nice! I can't believe how tough day one was... ughhhh and doing the fit test too! Damn! But I really feel good. Just wanted to lose a few pounds... which I did...but am doing it to tone up mainly. I'm too old for this... lol! But I'm going to stick with it! Good luck to you... I'm sure you'll do great! :)

    Thanks!! Good Luck to you! Im originally from Queens, saw you live in Ny!! And you are most def not too old at alllll!!!!! Congrats to us progressing and continuing this journey BEFORE the summer season! I'm going to do another round of insanity when I complete month 2. The sweat and pain will be well worth it come bathing suit season ;)!

    Thanks again! Yes... glad we started BEFORE summer! :smile: Enough time to be ready! Are you going to repeat the entire 2months?!!!
  • As a warning, the last 2 weeks you're motivation will drop significantly. This is from my own personal experience and other posts I have read as well.

    I find reading body transformation stories and perusing before and after pics helps replenish some of my lost motivation prior to my workout.
  • Yes, definitely repeating both months! I thought about just repeating month 2 but I hear doing the whole thing over again is better on your body!! And I hear you'll get way more out of month one than you did the first time since you're stronger . I'm super excited I am so confident this program will keep working as long as we stick to it!
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    As a warning, the last 2 weeks you're motivation will drop significantly. This is from my own personal experience and other posts I have read as well.

    I find reading body transformation stories and perusing before and after pics helps replenish some of my lost motivation prior to my workout.

    Always inspiring to see and read about how some people change. Thanks.