mcdonalds big breakfast :(

my sister is home from uni and insisted on buying me a mcdonalds big breakfast this morning - 615 calories! it had half the fat and salt of a normal person not dieting in it!
i feel so thirsty and awful and when i finished it i felt really sick but i wasn't sick

i feel so guilty! the day is already ruined and because it's two for tuesday my mum wants to get pizza tonight from Dominos and i really do not want to eat it. i feel so run down yeugh i guess i had gotten used to eating healthily?

does anyone have any ideas :(


  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    yes, go for a walk so you can gain back some of those calories and drink lots of water :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Stop stressing over food.
  • BellaGyrlK
    BellaGyrlK Posts: 7 Member
    Find a way to work off the 615 calories. When ever you have a minute do some jumping jacks, squats, sit ups, and anything else you can find that will get your heart pumping. At the end of the day your goals are still attainable. Don't give up or feel guilty. You can do this!
  • One_Last_Time
    How about saying no? She didn't hold you down and force it down your throat. You chose to get it. Just say "no thank you." if you really don't want it. Your an adult right? You can make your own choices.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Stop stressing over food.

    ^ This. It's 615 calories so unless you're on some ridiculous VLCD silliness then you aren't even close to going over your daily calories. And salt? Go for a run and drink some water. Problem solved. Dietary fat? You need that.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Just make better choices for the rest of the day. Have a salad with a single piece of pizza. We need to make choices that we can live with. It is one meal. Just do better on the next meal. If it makes you feel better about it, do a little extra exercise.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    How about saying no? She didn't hold you down and force it down your throat. You chose to get it. Just say "no thank you." if you really don't want it. Your an adult right? You can make your own choices.

    my family is really unsupportive about my weight loss -- i told her i wanted pancakes with syrup which are more like 500 cals and she just went ahead and ordered it. when i was a kid we didnt have much money so we had to eat everything on our plates and im still struggling not to do that - i hate wasting food more than anything
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Enjoy a slice or 2 of pizza tonight with the fam . Log it all in May be over budget for today (perhaps). Get back "on track" tomorrow knowing one day, not every day is the same we are people not robots. Know that it is what you do on average that counts not the exceptions.
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    Now that the damage is done, try to get in a workout. This evening, if there's pizza, have just one piece of pizza, or maybe two, and add something healthy with your dinner.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Stop stressing over food.

    ^ This. It's 615 calories so unless you're on some ridiculous VLCD silliness then you aren't even close to going over your daily calories. And salt? Go for a run and drink some water. Problem solved. Dietary fat? You need that.

    Exactly. Life happens. Make adjustments and move on.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Stop stressing over food.

    ^ This. It's 615 calories so unless you're on some ridiculous VLCD silliness then you aren't even close to going over your daily calories. And salt? Go for a run and drink some water. Problem solved. Dietary fat? You need that.

    Exactly. Life happens. Make adjustments and move on.

    it's just that it's so much fat and salt and i feel so sick
  • qtfrog99
    qtfrog99 Posts: 25
    Whenever I want to splurge and get my favorite treat, I just make sure I cancel out those calories with some exercise!!!
  • emleeclaire
    emleeclaire Posts: 8 Member
    :smile: Arrrghh! I totally 'get it'!

    As BellaGyrlK and lindsaymarcin say: Try a bit of a burn and some nice detoxing water to lift morale.

    Also - maybe try adding in the Dominoes into MFP now. Know what you're going to eat upfront, rather than adding in the binge after the fact. If you know what it looks like upfront, it won't be a surprise. Then you're in a better position to deal with it, rather than guilt over it after it's too late!

    Hope that helps a little bit.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I would view this as a win compared to my usual strict diet and enjoy it! Back to it tomorrow!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Stop stressing over food.

    ^ This. It's 615 calories so unless you're on some ridiculous VLCD silliness then you aren't even close to going over your daily calories. And salt? Go for a run and drink some water. Problem solved. Dietary fat? You need that.

    Exactly. Life happens. Make adjustments and move on.

    it's just that it's so much fat and salt and i feel so sick

    It's probably in your head.
  • Amy01Liz
    Amy01Liz Posts: 73 Member
    If your phone falls and hits the floor do you keep throwing it down until the screen cracks? Nope.

    Same with your diet. What you did is done... move forward and make healthy choices for the rest of the day!

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Stop stressing over food.

    ^ This. It's 615 calories so unless you're on some ridiculous VLCD silliness then you aren't even close to going over your daily calories. And salt? Go for a run and drink some water. Problem solved. Dietary fat? You need that.

    Exactly. Life happens. Make adjustments and move on.

    it's just that it's so much fat and salt and i feel so sick

    It's probably in your head.

    It's definitely in her head.

    OP - serious question. How is your emotional relationship with food?
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    How about saying no? She didn't hold you down and force it down your throat. You chose to get it. Just say "no thank you." if you really don't want it. Your an adult right? You can make your own choices.

    my family is really unsupportive about my weight loss -- i told her i wanted pancakes with syrup which are more like 500 cals and she just went ahead and ordered it. when i was a kid we didnt have much money so we had to eat everything on our plates and im still struggling not to do that - i hate wasting food more than anything

    If you ask for something that fits your macros and she gets you something else, you do not have to eat it. You can eat just a portion of it, or you can toss it and eat soemthing else instead. Either of those will make it less likley someone will disregard your requests and get you something you don't want to eat. Eating it will just encourage the unsupportive behavior, and feeling guilty about it solves nothing.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Stop stressing over food.

    ^ This. It's 615 calories so unless you're on some ridiculous VLCD silliness then you aren't even close to going over your daily calories. And salt? Go for a run and drink some water. Problem solved. Dietary fat? You need that.

    Exactly. Life happens. Make adjustments and move on.

    it's just that it's so much fat and salt and i feel so sick

    It's probably in your head.

    It's definitely in her head.

    OP - serious question. How is your emotional relationship with food?

    i guess i used to eat when i was upset/sad/angry which is why i gained the weight, and now when i get sad/upset etc i can't eat to make myself feel better (i used to eat until i was sick, or my stomach hurt at least -- food as a form a self harm maybe?) and now when i eat i feel guilty?? my parents are fat but also very fat-shaming (y cousin is morbidly obese and they always make "who ate all the pies" jokes although they are both overweight) and i worry that they talk about how greedy i am behind my back.

    i suppose i find food stressful. eating in front of people, in case they judge me for being fat
  • SculptingMe
    How old are you?