Do I have the right calorie intake?

Hello all,

I'm a 23 year old female of 5'3" and strayed away from MFP's suggestion of calories as they put this at 1,200, which I think is too few. An online calculator has told me that I should be 1,300 calories but I have started using a new app called "Monitor Your Weight" which helps track my weight losses and gains which tells me my intake should be 1526.
I'm currently not seeing any losses so am I consuming too few calories/too many/the right amount?

I have a lightly active job (working in a primary school) and I try to exercise 3 days a week. Sometimes this goes off track and admit that I do have a sweet tooth but I try to log my bad days as well as my good.

Where am I going wrong? Is it my calorie intake?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I suspect it's your weekly weight loss goal.

    With 13lbs in total to lose 1/2lb a week is sufficent.

    Double check that in MFP. MFP for me has been extremely accurate and if my goals are too agressive they will give you what you need to be that agressive...(within reason)

    I eat 1700 calories a day (sedentary job) and I workout 5x a week and still lose 3/4lb a week if not more. and I am older...almost 2x your age so I suspect if you set your loss goal at 1/2lb a week, lightly active and log your exercise calories you will be given enough calories to lose 1/2lb a week without the exercise, that is just bonus calories to eat treats with or more food if you are hungry.
  • tarch333
    tarch333 Posts: 26
    I think you're right. My weekly weight loss goal was 2lbs a week which would be marvellous but I guess a little unrealistic for a small girl with just a stone to lose. It's this stone that will take me down to my ideal size 8 so I guess I was keen to lose the weight quickly.
    Impatience is my downfall.
    Do you think it is better to lose steadily so that you can maintain a healthy weight loss? Or do you think it is good to lose the weight quickly and feel better about yourself sooner?

    I think I need to train myself to be more patient and appreciate that half a stone is still a loss and gradual is healthy!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    chances are if you lose it quickly it will be fat and muscle. It will come back because you have deprived yourself of food and the food you want to eat...if you restrict the food you want you will binge eventually.

    Setting realistic goals allows you to still eat the food you love and lose weight hence becoming more of a lifestyle instead of a "diet" which is a temporary fix.

    It has taken me just over a year to lose most of my weight and I have yet to "binge" on anything...i eat chocolate, pizza, I have beer and other drinks, ice cream etc.

    If you eat like you plan on eating after your weight loss is final with reduced portions you realize it is sustainable and chance of gaining it back diminish exponetionally.
  • diddles19
    diddles19 Posts: 122 Member
    Looking at your diary I'd say your not logging properly and that's why you're not loosing. You must log everything that goes in your mouth accurately and also log your exercise and if you only have a few lbs to lose change your settings to 1/2 - 1lb a week. Slow and steady wins the race !
  • tarch333
    tarch333 Posts: 26
    Thank you both.
    What do you mean by I'm not logging properly?
    Admittedly I haven't been logging drinks, I've started this today and was surprised at how much those empty calories add up!
    There have been a few days that I have begun logging and not continued but 80% of the time I log every meal on a regular basis.
    What do you think I can improve on with logging?

    I feel like I can start afresh and begin logging without hoping to lose a whole stone in 4 weeks. As you say, slow and steady!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thank you both.
    What do you mean by I'm not logging properly?
    Admittedly I haven't been logging drinks, I've started this today and was surprised at how much those empty calories add up!
    There have been a few days that I have begun logging and not continued but 80% of the time I log every meal on a regular basis.
    What do you think I can improve on with logging?

    I feel like I can start afresh and begin logging without hoping to lose a whole stone in 4 weeks. As you say, slow and steady!

    You miss days and don't weigh everything. Careful about which entries you choose as well check the confirmations and nutrition against actual packages or nutrition on the website from the manufacturer.
  • tarch333
    tarch333 Posts: 26
    Thank you. Have started to weigh foods regularly now, including my dinner tonight. Good to know how accurate or inaccurate I was being before.
    I sometimes find it difficult to log items when they are in USA measurements such as cups and oz as it's hard to translate them to UK portions. Are there any specific categories I should be looking out for in my intake, ie protein, sugars, fats?