70lbs in 8 months



  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    Thank you all. Yesterday was a recovery day, so i kept my cals a little lower. I normally eat about 2400 a day but yesterday i kept them around 2000. Even on recovery day i burned about 3100 cals according to my body media fit arm band. However i had way too much sodium so i will have to tweak a few things. Back at the GYM tonight for HIIT and some mobility work.
  • LisaWhite1965
    LisaWhite1965 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. This is my first ever post on a message board but I'm starting MFP again for the last time and am determined that this time it's going to work so posting a message seems like a positive step. I am going to a special wedding in August and am determined not to feel bad about myself so I need to lose 28 lbs. Reading all your posts is very inspiring and I hope that I can be as successful as you all have been. Watch this space!
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    Lisa this is what I want this thread to be. A place to come together and support each other. I want to keep a running diary of sorts here and share my journey, the good and the bad. I welcome others to do the same. We all may be at different stages on our journey but we are looking to get to the same place. Welcome and if there is anything I can do to help or lend support just let me know.
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    BJ, I hear you on the water thing. its one thing that is sorely lacking in my program. I tend to drink a decent amoun of water at night but not nearly enough during the day. I tried to drink one Gallon of water a day for a bit and I was in the bathroom all day, lol. I dont know how you can possibly drink that much water. Im very impressed. Did you build up a tolerance to that level of water consumption?
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Certainly achievable.
    I started at 279 on 1st Jan, and I'm just below 227 now (-52 lbs). I didn't intend/target such a rapid drop (I was planning on 2 lbs a month for 3 months, then 1 lb a month after that), but I feel great, so I'm carrying on as is.

    I've done it by cleaning up my intake, cutting out sugar and *refined* carbs (i.e. white bread, etc). Eating lots of fruits and vegs, reasonable servings of whole grains (whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, oats), beans, and so on.
    I walk a lot (averaging 5 miles a day now), and I'm doing 3 days of strength work (ramping this one up slowly and carefully, as I have injured myself in the past by being overly enthusiastic too quickly).

    Best of luck!
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    you got this!!!! I am on my journey now to shed the last 65 lbs off of me. One thing I think is KEY in successful weight loss WATER WATER WATER WATER!!! I know it's like beating a dead horse but I drink between 3-4 gallons of water a day and it really helps me with me caloric intake. I also carb cycle so that has helped me a TON. Best of luck to you! You can do this I know you can!!!

    That's about 15 litres of water which is the upper limit for what the human body can handle. It is not advisable to drink that amount, and certainly not for any length of time. Even 10-12 litres is known to cause water intoxication and death. Unless you're running ultra marathons every day there is absolutely no need to be drinking that much water and you will harm yourself if you keep it up long term.
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    flatndr, what was your caloric intake if you dont mind me asking? Thats amazing weight loss. Really impressive. Did you notice any muscle loss? While I am very overweight, I do have some muscle and would like to keep it. Its what keeps me from dropping my calories to a super low amount. I am trying to find that sweet spot that will allow me to drop weight quick but still retain whatever muscle I have.
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    I started about a month ago and lost 10 lbs of about 60 I need and want to lose.

    Every day I have to tell myself that I'm doing the right thing. Eating the right things. Moving for the right reason. For me, it's a daily struggle. I don't know why, it just is. But I am still doing it. Still have days when I have something I shouldn't. I don't make the right choice, but as long as I don't continue making the wrong choice day after day, I accept that at times I will cheat. I will have pizza that long jumps me over my calorie goal for the day.

    But the next morning when I feel sluggish and bloated and my clothes don't fit the way I want them to, I start out drinking my water, eating an egg white omelet instead of a sandwich, and start all over again.

    Don't try for perfection. Just try. Just move. Good luck!
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    Yeah i dont think you can beat yourself up over mistakes. Everyone is going to have slip ups. The key is to get back on it. Thats what killed me in the past. I would be good all week but then Friday I would have something bad for dinner. Then I would wake up on saturday and be like oh well I already screwed up last night, so ill just go get that bacon egg and cheese bagel with a couple of donuts. Ill get back on it Monday...its a slippery slope but I learned it doesnt have to be. The biggest thing for me is getting out of my own way.
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    and 10lbs in a month is aweseome. good for you
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    flatndr, what was your caloric intake if you dont mind me asking? Thats amazing weight loss. Really impressive. Did you notice any muscle loss? While I am very overweight, I do have some muscle and would like to keep it. Its what keeps me from dropping my calories to a super low amount. I am trying to find that sweet spot that will allow me to drop weight quick but still retain whatever muscle I have.


    Based on MFP and other sides, my base caloric need to maintain was about 2500, and to lose 1 lb a week they set me to 2000. My net calories come in around 1600-1800, after exercise. While I haven't bulked up, I have gained muscle tone in the upper body, due to some work with weights. I'm now starting to add protein powder, to push my net calories up to 2000, and increase my workouts.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Wishing you success with your weight loss journey. MFP is a great place to connect with supportive helpful people.
  • idkimfathelp
    idkimfathelp Posts: 9 Member
    Am here to support you!

    I'm actually starting my weight loss plan tomorrow since my thesis has been putting things on hold. :p I do believe that everyone can do it with the right amount of discipline and motivation and it seems that you've found yours. Good luck!
  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    You can do it!! I've lost my weight in 8 months by diet and exercise. Biggest thing for me is to track everything that goes into my mouth, and to manage my portions.

    Best of luck on your weight loss!!
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    wow, 100lbs i 8 months is crazy, truly impressive. I am shooting for 70 but I would be ecstatic with half you number in that time.
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    and thank you so much IDK and Sephira
  • jimmymac117
    Keep up the good work!
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    Couple of nice victories this week. The belt I bought at the end of last year that was tight has now become too big. I need to start adding holes or buy a new belt. I am also fitting into shirts that I haven't been able to wear for months. My conditioning is Improving rapidly and i am getting stronger. Loving this :)