Not-so-successful story



  • CDresp
    CDresp Posts: 204 Member
    You might consider going to the doctor and having your TSH (thyroid) levels checked and yoru hormone levels. There could very well be a medical reason your weight loss is so slow. OR, you could not be counting your intake accurately or measuring your exeercise right as well. Lots of reasons. Don't give up.......see what you can find out and keep pushing. One thing for sure, you will NOT loose weight if you go back to the old lifestyle. You will just have it to loose later down the road. :flowerforyou:
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,620 Member
    Once, after I had lost about 60 pounds, I foolishly answered someone who asked me how much weight I had lost. She looked at me in astonishment and said, "NOOOOO, you never looked that fat to me." The moral of the story is that you don't really know what people are thinking about how you look. The truth is that almost everybody is thinking about themselves, not about us. If they're happy with the way they look, then that's what they're thinking: "I look cute/thin/sexy". If there's an audio in your head that keeps saying "Other people think I look like a fatass" then you're thinking that about yourself. You have to change the tape - "Other people are thinking about themselves, not about me."

    Ok, there are always going to be some idiots who think its funny to say something mean. Whoever said it to you has probably completely forgotten the whole thing. That's right - that person doesn't remember you at all. You're the one who is keeping that memory alive so you are the only one who can chuck it out of your life.

    Why is this important? Because when you reach your goal weight - and you will if you stay as persistent as you are - you are going to get compliments for about one month and then nobody's going to mention how you look again. That's right - months or years of work on your part and one month's worth of compliments is the limit. After that, they'll all go back to thinking about themselves. So you need to start working on changing that audio in your head. You need to have a constant mantra running - "I feel great, I look great, I am great" - before you hit goal weight or you're going to be very disappointed.

    It's the truth - nobody cares as much about how we look as we do ourselves. You are the only one who can change how you feel about yourself. Start being positive about it today. If you work at thinking positively about yourself as hard as you're working to lose weight, then by the time you hit goal weight, you'll feel great and nothing anybody says will change that.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I feel your's taken me 5 months...and i feel like i'm working my *kitten* off. I know what it's like to have someone call you fat @ss when you're looking for something to eat at the mall...or feeling like everyone is staring at me when i go grocery shopping. you have come so far, and I read your posts, you're working harder than ever before. you are not only inspiration for me, but tons of other people on here that are going through the same thing. And you just keep going...b!tch all you want to, but don't give up.
    Thanks, Gillian - you're right. You inspire me as well, we're probably both the same size and have the same goal. We will get there one day!
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    I would like to NINJA KICK the guy who called you that from the car.

    One time I was at a bar and accidentally knocked a drink over. I don't even drink, it was just crowded and I got bumped. This guy turns around and GLARES at me and then when I turn and walk away he said 'Fat ***** knocking my drink over'

    I turned around and that coward wouldn't call me that to my face for a million dollars. I HATE these people who are mean and nasty for no reason. Especially because they may not be fat but they obviously suck at life. Not to mention they may have a big nose, hairy butt, small penis, etc. Like, who out there REALLY thinks they are perfect enough to say that to a complete stranger??

    Blinding Rage :explode:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Just keep on truckin'. We see our bodies every day so it's hard to see change.
  • Chavtastic
    Chavtastic Posts: 40 Member
    The Jessica Biel, Alba comment was in regards to if you only do cardio but don't strength train your body won't start to take shape to them as strength training is a HUGE part of their fitness regime. Not that you or anyone else could 'never look like them'. sorry for the confusion.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I would like to NINJA KICK the guy who called you that from the car.

    One time I was at a bar and accidentally knocked a drink over. I don't even drink, it was just crowded and I got bumped. This guy turns around and GLARES at me and then when I turn and walk away he said 'Fat ***** knocking my drink over'

    I turned around and that coward wouldn't call me that to my face for a million dollars. I HATE these people who are mean and nasty for no reason. Especially because they may not be fat but they obviously suck at life. Not to mention they may have a big nose, hairy butt, small penis, etc. Like, who out there REALLY thinks they are perfect enough to say that to a complete stranger??

    Blinding Rage :explode:

    What's so sad in this day and age is there are so many people out there that think they are perfect. I know a young girl who is skinny. Not slim or trim - just skinny. She thinks she is all that just because she is skinny. I've seen her in a bikini. She is nasty. There is no muscle tone what so ever. Everything on her jiggles when she walks. Her bones stick out everywhere. I'll take the 10-15 extra pounds on my body over that stick any day! My man agrees with me.

    I still believe most men out there like some meat on a women. Who wants to bump against bones! I think my *kitten* is fat but my man loves it. He is the only person out there who opinions matters to me. And he will love me no matter how big I am.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    come have to celebrate every success......20lbs lighter is 20lbs lighter....hello you could have stayed your same miserable self or even worse gained 20lbs.....

    i have lost almost 53lbs in just under 3 years...don't you think i kick myself occasionally for not having lost more???? of course i do - i lost about 23 the first year, 7 the second year and 23 so far this year....i would loved to have had all 53 off the first year like my original goal BUT the best part of my journey to date is that i have changed my life to make this a way of life....i am making changes that i can live with....i'm not crash dieting, eating like a waif, never indulging....i'm eating a balanced calorie day with the right foods and doing the right amount of exercise to get this weight off ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it didnt take you 5 months to gain whatever it is you need to lose to be where you want to be, it's not going to take 5 months to lose the weight either.....losing weight is NOT the objective here....changing how you live your life so you can stay at a healthy weight and be happy IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    celebrate every pound, every 1/2 pound, every ounce, every inch, every non scale victory - like your towel fitting around your body better, your shoes being looser, your pants falling down around your ankles, being able to run a mile, being able to climb all the stairs without huffing and puffing, being able to play with your kids if you have any.....these are the things to victory is toooooo small in this battle to right our lives......

    i will celebrate with you if you want to become my friend....each day is a new challenge and i for one am up for it...are you???
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I still believe most men out there like some meat on a women. Who wants to bump against bones! I think my *kitten* is fat but my man loves it. He is the only person out there who opinions matters to me. And will love me no matter how big I am.
    I agree, but there are equally as many of them who think Cameron Diaz is god and Bristol Palin is fat. I bet Bristol looks absolutely normal in real life. The other day my boyfriend's friend said he didn't understand why ppl think the Kardasians are hot -- they just have huge *kitten* - I was quite offended. I think people are way too damn critical of women and our society isn't doing anything to change that. Oh well, different argument for a different time.
  • Losingforlife1
    Losingforlife1 Posts: 14 Member
    Just keep at it. I'm not sure what you do for exercise maybe work in more if you can. Remember you're doing this for you eff other ppl. I felt self conscious for the longest time b4 I joined a gym cuz I was 346 lbs when I joined about 136 lbs over weight. You know what most ppl are there to get their workouts in and don't even notice me and if they do eff them. Since I've started working out losing weight I feel better, clothes fit a bit better, my back/knees don't hurt as much.

    Keep the focus that you're doing this for yourself. I'd rather just put the exercise/diet in now to lose weight is better then sitting in your living room depressed cramming ice cream down your throat. Oh and 20 lbs is a success I just weighed in today and I'm now down 21 lbs, I feel like a success even tho I'm 338 lbs. :)
  • curvymonkey
    I know exactly how you feel. A couple of years ago I lost about 30 pounds and I did notice a difference. Then last year I got lazy because I was busy with work and school and slacked off so I gained about 15 of those pounds back. This year I've been trying to lose those 15 pounds again and it feels almost hopeless.

    The year I lost weight I was using Weight Watchers Online and taking kickboxing classes. I can't afford the classes anymore because they were stupid expensive so I had to quit. The WW Online part was good because I was accountable for what I ate, and kept me honest about what I was eating. That part was helpful, I just didn't enjoy having to pay monthly for an online tool like that.

    I wasn't one to enjoy going to the gym but I forced myself to go. I was going to a gym that didn't have much other than machines and free weights. I got bored of it. I did that last year, 2-3 times a week at the gym, and then I would walk or do Taebo in the morning for about 30 minutes. Some weeks I slacked off, some weeks I was good. It didn't seem to make a difference. I guess not being consistent was the problem. I was sick of the gym. So a friend suggested Curves, so I joined that late last year.

    As much as I enjoyed the comraderie of having women rooting for your progress, I'm not a social person when I'm working out. I just like to do my thing and get it over with. Women there like to chit chat, and I don't want to be mean and say stop being social with me. Also it's one circuit. As you get stronger the machines get harder, but in the end, it's one circuit. I don't know how many times I've heard from trainers and other friends that doing the same thing over and over again your body gets used to it and you plateau. I just didn't listen. Until I year passed and I WAS consistant. I did that three times a week. It didn't make a difference. I stayed the same weight.

    I've been 207 all year, sometimes losing or gaining 2-3 pounds. It's incredibly frustrating. My husband joined with me to another gym a few weeks ago that offers different classes like Zumba, Yoga, and Group Power. I've been going to the Group Power classes, and I love it. Two weeks later and I haven't lost a pound but I feel muscles forming. My husband says not to focus on the weight and focus on the healthy part of working out. Hey man, being 207 is not healthy, and not helping my morale!

    So we'll hang in there together. Maybe we just need to keep motivating each other. I just want to be under 200. From there I'll feel better. Something about that 2 bothers me SO much. And it should.
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    I think you should still post your before and after pics :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I think you're very successful! Your post title is a complete misnomer. I think it's always difficult to see yourself in a new light after weight loss. You look in the mirror every day, so change just becomes hard to see because it's so gradual. Have someone take a picture of you and compare. I'm sure you'll notice the change. It's just difficult to see when you look in the mirror on a day to day basis. Congrats on the journey! Keep up the good work and don't lose heart.

  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Nah. Maybe after another 10-15. Or after I squeeze myself into a smaller jean size. (I ordered a pair and they're on their way. I have to fit them by Dec.31 for an event we're going to.) If the jean fits, I'll post my pics. ;P
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Once, after I had lost about 60 pounds, I foolishly answered someone who asked me how much weight I had lost. She looked at me in astonishment and said, "NOOOOO, you never looked that fat to me." The moral of the story is that you don't really know what people are thinking about how you look. The truth is that almost everybody is thinking about themselves, not about us. If they're happy with the way they look, then that's what they're thinking: "I look cute/thin/sexy". If there's an audio in your head that keeps saying "Other people think I look like a fatass" then you're thinking that about yourself. You have to change the tape - "Other people are thinking about themselves, not about me."

    Ok, there are always going to be some idiots who think its funny to say something mean. Whoever said it to you has probably completely forgotten the whole thing. That's right - that person doesn't remember you at all. You're the one who is keeping that memory alive so you are the only one who can chuck it out of your life.

    Why is this important? Because when you reach your goal weight - and you will if you stay as persistent as you are - you are going to get compliments for about one month and then nobody's going to mention how you look again. That's right - months or years of work on your part and one month's worth of compliments is the limit. After that, they'll all go back to thinking about themselves. So you need to start working on changing that audio in your head. You need to have a constant mantra running - "I feel great, I look great, I am great" - before you hit goal weight or you're going to be very disappointed.

    It's the truth - nobody cares as much about how we look as we do ourselves. You are the only one who can change how you feel about yourself. Start being positive about it today. If you work at thinking positively about yourself as hard as you're working to lose weight, then by the time you hit goal weight, you'll feel great and nothing anybody says will change that.

    What a great set of observations!!! And it's amazing how long those "first impression" comments stick with us... I think you should repost this whole set of statements separately in a new thread! This is fantastic and although a BA in Psych, sometimes I forgot the basics - you are TOTALLY right!!!!
  • orange_avocado
    Rworthy, have you tried going to the grocery store and picking up 4 5lb bags of flour or sugar? Just carry them around for a few minutes in a hand-basket or better yet, your arms. You'll feel a little silly, but just think! You used to carry that extra poundage around with you all the time! And now it's tiring to carry it around for even a few minutes (... or it would be if you weren't so fit and strong! :wink:)

    Seriously, 20lbs is a big success. And no, it isn't easy, but that doesn't make it any less worth it. And ignore the *kitten* of the world - there will always be someone who will cut another person down to feel better about themselves, but at the end of the day you are truly the better person! I bet that jerk couldn't run a mile to save his life.
  • ViSci90
    Hello everyone, I'm new on here and have visited a few threads so far and there are a lot of great people on here all trying to make a change for themselves.Its very refreshing to see so many people coming together in a community, all with mostly the same goals. The greatest part is, I'm seeing people posting some great successess...but I also see some people struggling.

    I know I'm the new guy here, but I would like to offer some solutions for you everyone really...if your having success, I would like to offer you greater success...if you are struggling, I want to help you and provide you a way to not struggle anymore.

    My name is Asa Nall, out of Florida, I was like many of you, and still am for the most part...I gained a bunch of weight...but then I found something that has helped me lose 16 pounds in the last month alone...nothing else was working before that.

    I found a company called ViSalus Sciences and joined the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge. They have an amazing product line that really works...I'm living prove of they guarantee results...MONEY BACK! You can't lose.

    I would like to offer my guidence and help any of you who would like it. I had such great results that I decided to start promoting the very products that helped me...I'm still losing too btw.
    So here is what you do:

    Step 1: Call: 1-507-726-3700 (option #1) for quick 3 minute overview
    Step 2: visit:
    Step 3: contact me directly and tell me what you liked that you heard and saw (email: (phone: 813-317-6202)

    Send me a friend request - lets do the challenge together.....I will help you.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    fyi i reported ViSci90
  • nishhhh
    i know exactly what you mean ... just stay positive! put all that negativity out of your mind and think of how far you've come. let that be your motivation to keep with it!

    Good luck :)
  • EmpressB
    EmpressB Posts: 36 Member
    I have a hundred lbs to lose. With that being said, I realize that it may take a good while before it becomes noticeable to others. I've lost 10 lbs thus far and feel a difference, my stomach is smaller, my clothes fit better and I am working out more and gaining a love for being active. My mom and sister say they see a difference, I don't really expect my friends to notice though. If they do...great, if not, oh well.

    You're doing a great job! And I totally understand your feelings. I realize for myself that even after I lose 50 lbs, I will still be seen as very fat to people, esp those who don't know where I'm coming from. But I'm gonna feel like HOT STUFF because I know my victory. That's what matters! Cliched as it may sound, it's true. Strangers can't dictate how you feel about yourself, even some of the most gorgeous women out there (Tyra Banks for example, who was teased about her large forehead) have naysayers. You will ALWAAYS have people ready to shoot you down, but what matters is loving yourself and surrounding yourself with those who will support you. Keep up the good work, even if it's taking a while, everyday is till a step FORWARD not back and one day you will gain the victory! :wink:
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