Has anyone tried DEXYFEN by Image Sports?



  • I was taking oxy elite pro and was recommended to try dexyfen. I tried it for a month. Did not like at all. Was always tired. The breaking into hives and red blotches is scary and did not subside. Felt so exhausted. It's like pure caffeine and nothing else so your amped up and then left to crash .. Hard. I'm better of drinking strong black coffee. If your looking for a boost and steady energy without the weird side effects. Also I found my speech getting weird and my chest hurting at random times. I don't recommend it.
  • mami26
    mami26 Posts: 5
    I eat 20-30 min after mainly because I am generally doing some type of cardio afterwards
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    So you're taking some pill that causes dizziness, nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, sweating, diarrhea, and hives, but, hey, at least you're losing weight, right? And you're taking it on the advice of some sales guy at GNC whose JOB is to get you BUY their products?

    Seriously, ditch the pills. They sound dangerous. A reasonable calorie deficit and some exercise will get you there without all the unpleasant side effects. Really. Just look at the Success Stories section here and you'll see that the most successful people on this site did NOT lose their weight with pills. Ask yourself why. Because they don't work long-term and are potentially dangerous.

    Please reconsider your methods. Good luck!
  • i you taking this pill try to drink at least 24 oz's of water behink it to make sure it circulates through your system or you will break out into hives, chills and eve nausea. it does work if you taking it right but the most important thing is to drink water and even throughout the day keep drink water. exercise wil make the weight drop faster.
  • Hello, I'm an RN and I'd like to answer a few questions, yes this product works. I use it and see results from it but it can make you gittery and give you a gross minty acid reflux, fyi. Second, you use it for eight weeks and then take an eight week break because this product raises your heart rate and blood pressure to increase your metabolism and if you take it for prolonged periods of time it can be harmful. Thirdly, this product isn't for everyone. Everyone's body is different. What works for me doesn't necessarily work for you. Be safe with your weight loss regime. You know your body and you know what it can't handle. If this product gives you headaches or gives you heart palpitations (basically feeling your heart beat through your chest) then it's raising you heart rate and blood pressure too high. I'd advise switching products if this is happening. And always consult your doctor before starting something this powerful. Good luck!
  • alexnicosia12
    alexnicosia12 Posts: 1 Member
    I just tried that stuff today, I took one pill this morning on an empty stomach, it did help curb my appetite except about a half hour after taking it my stomach felt funny and I started to feel very warm, when I looked at my skin.. My whole body from my head to my ears to my toes turned completely red. Some spots itched but overall was warm and slightly burned.. It lasted for a bout 3 hours then it finally went away. Long story short... Not worth it for me!