-Girl new to weight training in any form

Just want to know where to start learning about weight training. If that is even the right phrase. The BF is pushing for it but I don't have a clue were to start thought I would ask. I did read the pinned post at the top and have read through the new rules for women once but seems overwhelming.
Any suggestions?

sorry I am sure its a re-post and will get snark for it


  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    NROLFW!!!! New Rules of Lifting for Women. You say it seems overwhelming but that will be your best source. So many woman swear by that book and how it changed their lives.

    You can also try a book called Starting Strength.
  • unesemainedecruaute
    unesemainedecruaute Posts: 54 Member
    I read the book "Strength Training Anatomy" of Frederick Delavier some years ago, and I'll find it good for basis on weight training (on the gim).

    Also, a good one is to follow a (or several) YouTube channel on the matter. About strenght, the best one I've found was Elliot Hulse, and about gim training and nutrition, Brandon Campbell. Both have a good knowledge about their subjects.
  • LizLearnstoRun
    LizLearnstoRun Posts: 57 Member
    thank you for the replies. I will check back out the NROLFW book and check out the youtube channels